
0.7.1 • Public • Published


A zero-config module bundler.

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  • Smart automatic bundler
  • Built-in ESM & TS support
  • Allows advanced customization
  • Provides a powerful hooking system
  • Exports fully optimized code
  • Auto-handles node hashbangs
  • Prints useful bundle stats
  • Follows modern practice
  • Super easy to use


Rolli allows you to easily bundle your projects with zero-config setup by extending the latest Rollup features and powerful plugins.

It automatically detects your options and infers build entries, so all you need is a basic npm package setup.

Also, it's possible to fully customize all aspects of the build setup as needed.

Quick Start

  1. Update your package.json to follow modern npm rules:
  "type": "module",
  // Build entries
  "exports": {
    ".": {
      "types": "./dist/types/index.d.ts", // matches the input './src/types/index.ts'
      "import": "./dist/index.mjs", // matches the input './src/index.{js,ts}'
      "require": "./dist/index.cjs", // matches the input './src/index.{js,ts}'
    "./path": {
      "types": "./dist/types/path/index.d.ts", // matches the input './src/types/path/index.ts'
      "import": "./dist/path/index.mjs", // matches the input './src/path/index.{js,ts}'
      "require": "./dist/path/index.cjs", // matches the input './src/path/index.{js,ts}'
    // ...
  // Node hashbangs (optional)
  "bin": {
    "command": "./dist/cli/index.mjs", // matches the input './src/cli/index.{js,ts}'
    // ...

Output paths from the ./dist dir automatically match input paths from the ./src dir.

  1. When you're ready to build, simply run the command:
npx rolli

That's it!


Rolli has integrated auto-build setup modes that already covers most cases, but if needed, it can be fully customized to match specific requirements.


By default, Rolli automatically detects custom configuration via the rolli.config.js file or the rolli object inside package.json.

The rolli.config.js file is located at the project's root and can override or extend the bundler's behavior.

// rolli.config.js

import { defineConfig } from 'rolli'

export default defineConfig({
  // ...

Config path

Also, it is possible to set a custom config path via the cli command:

npx rolli --config my.config.js

Custom Setup

Sometimes it is necessary to manually set the build entries or include extra files that can't be specified via the auto-build exports or bin modes.

Rolli provides an additional custom-build entries mode that allows you to tweak the settings for each object individually.

This is very powerful and flexible mode since it can be used in combination with the auto-build modes, but also as a fully manual setup.

// rolli.config.js

import { defineConfig } from 'rolli'

export default defineConfig({
  entries: [
      input: './src/index.ts',
      output: './dist/index.mjs',
      input: './src/types/index.ts',
      output: './dist/types.d.ts',
      externals: ['id-1', 'id-2', /regexp/],
      input: './src/cli/index.js',
      output: './dist/cli.cjs',
      format: 'cjs',
      replace: {
        preventAssignment: true,
        __name__: 'custom-name',
        __version__: '1.0.0',
      input: './src/utils/index.ts',
      output: './dist/utils/index.mjs',
      json: true,
      resolve: true,
    // ...


All options are optional, so you only have to specify what you’d like to change.

Also, you can see the current Rolli configuration in the terminal by simply running the CLI command:

npx rolli --print-config


  • Type: object | false
  • Default: enabled

Specifies the auto-build exports mode (node subpath exports).

This is enabled by default so any additional customization is optional.

When enabled, it automatically parses and bundles all entries that are defined via the exports object in the package.json file.

All defined output paths automatically match input .js or .ts paths. The input directory is specified by the srcDir option.

// rolli.config.js

export default defineConfig({
  exports: {
    // all options are optional
    srcDir: 'src',
    externals: ['id-1', 'id-2', /regexp/],
    minify: false,
    tsconfig: 'tsconfig.custom.json',
    // ...


  • Path Syntax: ./[srcDir]/[filename].[js,ts]

The matcher basically parses all output paths and replaces filename with the user's custom value.

export default defineConfig({
  exports: {
    matcher: {
      types: 'dts', // renames all 'types' inputs to 'dts.ts'
      import: 'esm', // renames all 'import' inputs to 'esm.{js,ts}'
      require: 'cjs', // renames all 'require' inputs to 'cjs.{js,ts}'

So now all input paths, including recursive ones, will be accordingly matched.

// package.json
  "exports": {
    ".": {
      "types": "./dist/types/index.d.ts", // matches the input './src/types/dts.ts'
      "import": "./dist/index.mjs", // matches the input './src/esm.{js,ts}'
      "require": "./dist/index.cjs", // matches the input './src/cjs.{js,ts}'
    "./path": {
      "types": "./dist/types/path/index.d.ts", // matches the input './src/types/path/dts.ts'
      "import": "./dist/path/index.mjs", // matches the input './src/path/esm.{js,ts}'
      "require": "./dist/path/index.cjs", // matches the input './src/path/cjs.{js,ts}'
    // ...


Default plugin system is quite powerful, but if needed, it can be easily extended via the plugins option.

The plugins option accepts an array of plugins.

export default defineConfig({
  exports: {
    plugins: [
      // ...

Or it can be an object that explicitly defines when user plugins will run, before or after the default ones.

export default defineConfig({
  exports: {
    plugins: {
      start: [plugin1()], // runs 'before' the default plugins
      end: [plugin2()], // runs 'after' the default plugins


It is possible to exclude certain paths from the auto-build mode.

The exclude option accepts an array of strings, which are essentially paths, or an array of objects that can individually control path's types, import or require options.

export default defineConfig({
  exports: {
    exclude: [
      '.', // excludes the entire path
      './path', // excludes the entire path
      { path: './path-2', types: true }, // excludes types only
      { path: './path-3', import: true, require: true }, // excludes esm and cjs
      { path: './path-4', require: true }, // excludes cjs only
      // ...

To disable the mode completely, set it to false.

export default defineConfig({
  exports: false,


  • Type: object | false
  • Default: enabled

Specifies the auto-build bin mode (executable files).

This is enabled by default so any additional customization is optional.

When enabled, it automatically parses and bundles all entries that are defined via the bin object in the package.json file.

All defined output paths automatically match input .js or .ts paths. The input directory is specified by the srcDir option.

Each compiled bin file will have a #!/usr/bin/env node inserted at the very beginning.

// rolli.config.js

export default defineConfig({
  bin: {
    // all options are optional
    srcDir: 'src',
    externals: ['id-1', 'id-2', /regexp/],
    minify: false,
    tsconfig: 'tsconfig.custom.json',
    // ...


  • Path Syntax: ./[srcDir]/[filename].[js,ts]

The matcher basically parses all output paths and replaces filename with the user's custom value.

export default defineConfig({
  bin: {
    matcher: 'cli', // renames all inputs to 'cli.{js,ts}'

So now all input paths, including recursive ones, will be accordingly matched.

// package.json
  "bin": {
    "command": "./dist/cli/index.mjs", // matches the input './src/cli/cli.{js,ts}'
    "command2": "./dist/cli/dir/index.cjs", // matches the input './src/cli/dir/cli.{js,ts}'
    // ...


Default plugin system is quite powerful, but if needed, it can be easily extended via the plugins option.

The plugins option accepts an array of plugins.

export default defineConfig({
  bin: {
    plugins: [
      // ...

Or it can be an object that explicitly defines when user plugins will run, before or after the default ones.

export default defineConfig({
  bin: {
    plugins: {
      start: [plugin1()], // runs 'before' the default plugins
      end: [plugin2()], // runs 'after' the default plugins


It is possible to exclude certain paths from the auto-build mode.

The exclude option accepts an array of strings, which are essentially command names.

export default defineConfig({
  bin: {
    exclude: [
      'command', // excludes the path by command name
      // ...

To disable the mode completely, set it to false.

export default defineConfig({
  bin: false,


  • Type: object[]
  • Default: undefined

Specifies the custom-build entries mode.

It allows you to manually set all build entries and adjust options for each object individually.

Defined entries can be used with auto-build modes or separately, depending on preference. In each object, only input and output are required, all other options are optional.

// rolli.config.js

export default defineConfig({
  entries: [
      // only 'input' and 'output' are required
      input: './src/index.ts',
      output: './dist/index.mjs',
      // ...
    // ...

To use fully custom-build mode, disable auto-build modes and specify the entries as needed:

export default defineConfig({
  // auto-build modes will be ignored
  exports: false,
  bin: false,
  // only custom entries will be compiled
  entries: [
    // ...


Default plugin system is quite powerful, but if needed, it can be easily extended via the plugins option.

The plugins option accepts an array of plugins.

export default defineConfig({
  entries: [
      input: './src/index.ts',
      output: './dist/index.mjs',
      plugins: [
        // ...

Or it can be an object that explicitly defines when user plugins will run, before or after the default ones.

export default defineConfig({
  entries: [
      input: './src/index.ts',
      output: './dist/index.mjs',
      plugins: {
        start: [plugin1()], // runs 'before' the default plugins
        end: [plugin2()], // runs 'after' the default plugins


  • Type: object
  • Default: undefined

Provides a powerful hooking system to further expand build modes.

List of available hooks:

  • rolli:start
  • rolli:build:start
  • rolli:build:end
  • rolli:end
// rolli.config.js

export default defineConfig({
  hooks: {
    'rolli:start': () => {
      // ...
    'rolli:end': async () => {
      // ...


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: undefined

Minifies all bundle assets for production.

// rolli.config.js

export default defineConfig({
  minify: true,

It can also be specified via the CLI command:

npx rolli --minify


  • Type: string
  • Default: undefined

Sets a custom TypeScript configuration for the entire bundle.

If not defined, it uses the main tsconfig.json file from the project's root.

// rolli.config.js

export default defineConfig({
  tsconfig: 'tsconfig.custom.json',

It can also be specified via the CLI command:

npx rolli --tsconfig tsconfig.custom.json


Check all available CLI commands:

npx rolli --help


Feel free to use the official discussions for any additional questions.


Developed in 🇭🇷 Croatia

Released under the MIT license.

© Ivo Dolenc

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  • ivodolenc
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