
2.0.7 • Public • Published

ActionCable Provider for React. Version 2.0


npm install --save react-actioncable-provider


In outer container:


You can also use following code to specify actioncable url:

<ActionCableProvider url='ws://localhost:3000/cable'>

Or custom cable:

import { ActionCableProvider } from 'react-actioncable-provider'
const cable = ActionCable.createConsumer('ws://localhost:3000/cable')
export default function Container (props) {
    return (
        <ActionCableProvider cable={cable}>
            <MyApp />

In some UI screen


You must wrap the component you wish to connect to ActionCable with the cable HOC.

import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react'
import {cable} from 'react-actioncable-provider'
class ChatRoom extends Component {
    state = {
      messages: []
    onChannelReceived(message) {
            messages: [
    sendMessage() {
        const message = this.refs.newMessage.value
        // Call perform or send
        this.props.channelPerform('sendMessage', {message})
    render() {
        return (
                <ActionCable ref='roomChannel' channel={{channel: 'RoomChannel', room: '3'}} onReceived={this.onReceived} />
                    { =>
                        <li key={}>{message.body}</li>
                // please don't fetch input value by ref, for example ONLY
                <input ref='newMessage' type='text' />
                <button onClick={this.sendMessage}>Send</button>
export default cable(ChatRoom, {
    onChannelReceived: 'onChannelReceived'

You must then pass the ChatRoom component the props channel and optionally; room

<ChatRoom channel="ChatRoomChannel" room="testing_room" />

Not recommended


You also can use this.context.cable to subscript channel, then you can receive or send data.

import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react'
import ActionCable from 'actioncable'
export default class ChatRoom extends Component {
    static contextTypes = {
        cable: PropTypes.object.isRequired
    componentDidMount () {
        this.subscription = this.context.cable.subscriptions.create(
                received (data) {
    componentWillUnmount () {
        this.subscription &&
    // ... Other code


The Following can be imported from react-actioncable-provider.

Component: ActionCableProvider

A provider component to pass context down to any children for easier access. This component must be included at the top level of your application, please see usage for details.


Prop Name Description Type Required
url URL of the Actioncable Endpoint String Yes
cable. Custom cable object Object No

Higher Order Component: cable

A HOC to provide ActionCable event bindings to a component, as well as ActionCable perform and send functions. This HOC will automatically use event handler functions defined in your component class, if these are not present the event handlers will not be executed. Please refer to the options table for the event handlers default names.


import {cable} from 'react-actioncable-provider';
class ChatRoom extends React.Component {
  ... // Component definition
export default cable(ChatRoom, {
  ... options

Event Handlers

These event handlers are executed on the wrapped component class/function. If these event handlers are not defined, it will not throw an error, but no handler will be called. These must be defined on component class itself.

Function Name Description Type Arguments
onChannelReceived Event handler called when new data is received from the subscribed channel String data: Type object
onChannelInit Event handler called when the connection object is initialized String None
onChannelConnected Event handler called when the channel was successfully connected to String None
onChannelDisconnected Event handler called when the channel was successfully disconnected from String None
onChannelRejected Event handler called when the channel connection was rejected String None
import {cable} from 'react-actioncable-provider';
class ChatRoom extends React.Component {
  onChannelReceived(data) {
  onChannelConnected() {
    console.log('successfully connected to cable! woohoo!');
export default cable(ChatRoom);


You can pass in some options to the HOC function to bind the event handlers, it will expect these names to be valid functions on your component class. All values are optional.

Option Name Description Type Default
onChannelReceived Event handler called when new data is received from the subscribed channel String onChannelReceived
onChannelInit Event handler called when the connection object is initialized String onChannelInit
onChannelConnected Event handler called when the channel was successfully connected to String onChannelConnected
onChannelDisconnected Event handler called when the channel was successfully disconnected from String onChannelDisconnected
onChannelRejected Event handler called when the channel connection was rejected String onChannelRejected
import {cable} from 'react-actioncable-provider';
class ChatRoom extends React.Component {
  fooBar(data) {
    console.log('A custom event handler function!');
export default cable(ChatRoom, {
  onChannelReceived: 'fooBar'


These props can be passed into the wrapped component

Prop Name Description Type Required
channel Name of channel to connect to String Yes
room Name of room to connect to String No

Provided Props

These props are provided to your wrapped component automatically.

Prop Name Description Type Arguments
cable An ActionCable object instance Object N/A
cableSend A function to send data to the cable connection Function data: type Object
cablePerform A function to call a perform action on the cable connection Function action: type String data: type Object

Use in React Native


Server Side Rendering





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  • jediofthecode