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A tool for harmonious publishing of git and npm packages.

Publishr allows you to consistently publish different files in git and npm using an npm version workflow, which enables efficient installation from both types of repository.


It can be troublesome to enable package installation from both npm and git repositories, especially when a project includes build steps. One inefficient publishing solution entails saving both source and compiled files to git and npm. Another less than ideal solution requires installing heavy build dependencies in production. Depending on the size of your repository, these solutions can be a burden for both development and production. Ideally, the git repository only contains source code and the npm repository contains compiled code. Furthermore, the npm repository should not contain any large build dependencies. Publishr solves these problems by tapping into npm's version/publish lifecycle scripts.


$ npm install publishr


  1. Save all build dependencies to package.json as dependencies.
  2. Save placeholder (ex. .someconfig.publishr) files that should be replaced in the npm repo.
  3. Add a publishr config to package.json.
  4. Use publishr.dependencies to describe which build dependencies to replace in the npm repo.
  5. Use publishr.files to describe files to replace/create in the npm repo.
  6. Use publishr.scripts to describe scripts to add/replace/remove in the npm repo.
  7. Add publishr postversion to npm's postversion script.
  8. Add publishr postpublish to npm's postpublish script.


  1. publishr.dependencies - Describes build dependencies to replace in the npm repo.
  • Takes an array of regular expression strings
    • ["^babel$"] matches only babel
    • ["^babel"] matches babel, babel-core
    • ["babel"] matches babel, babel-core, is-babel
  1. publishr.files - Describes files to replace/create in the npm repo.
  • Takes an object of oldFile keys to newFile values
    • {".npmignore": ".npmignore.publishr"} replaces/creates .npmignore with .npmignore.publishr
  1. publishr.scripts - Describes files to add/replace/remove in the npm repo.
  • Takes an object of script name keys to command values.
    • {"hello": "echo hello"} adds/replaces the test script hello with the command echo hello
    • {"postinstall": ""} removes the postinstall script.


  1. Run publishr dry-run to test your configuration.
  2. If the dry run fails, fix all errors and go back to 1.
  3. Run your version command.
  4. Run your publish command.


An example package.json file will look something like this:

    "name": "some-neat-project",
    "version": "0.0.1",
    "dependencies": {
      "lodash": "^4.0.0",
      "babel-core": "^6.0.0"
    "devDependencies": {
      "eslint": "^1.0.0"
    "scripts": {
      "build": "gulp build",
      "postinstall": "npm run build",
      "postpublish": "publishr postpublish",
      "postversion": "publishr postversion"
    "publishr": {
      "dependencies": ["^babel"],
      "files": {
        ".npmignore": ".npmignore.publishr",
        ".someconfig": ".someconfig.publishr"
      "scripts": {
        "build": "echo 'No Build Needed'",
        "extra": "echo 'Extra Script'",
        "postinstall": ""

The above configuration tells publishr to do a few things:

  1. Move all dependencies matching the regular expression ^babel to devDependencies before publishing to npm.
  2. Replace .npmignore with the contents of .npmignore.publishr before publishing to npm.
  3. Replace .someconfig with the contents of .someconfig.publishr before publishing to npm.
  4. Replace the build script with echo 'No Build Needed' before publishing to npm.
  5. Add the extra script before publishing to npm.
  6. Remove the postinstall script before publishing to npm.

The version command will look something like this:

$ npm version patch



> some-neat-project@0.0.2 postversion /some/path
> publishr postversion

The publish command will look something like this:

$ npm publish


+ some-neat-project@0.0.2

> some-neat-project@0.0.2 postpublish /some/path
> publishr postpublish

When all is said and done, the git and npm repo will have different versions of package.json, .npmignore, and .someconfig. Your npm package will install as quickly as possible and you still support installing from a git repo.


Usage: publishr <command> [options]

  dry-run      Perform a dry run of postversion and postpublish
  postpublish  Clean up any actions taken by postversion
  postversion  Create and overwrite files for publishing

  -h, --help     Show help                                             [boolean]
  -V, --verbose  Log each step during postversion/postpublish          [boolean]
  -v, --version  Show version number                                   [boolean]



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