
1.2.4 • Public • Published


Module works with external storage (database and cache).

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const pragmaStorage = require('pragma-storage');


pragmaStorage.init(options, queries);


To connect to multiple databases and/or caches:

    "keyValue": {
        "driver": "mysql",
        "connection": {
            "host": "",
            "port": 3306,
            "database": "dbName",
            "user": "userName",
            "password": "secret"
        "redis": {
            "host": "",
            "port": 6379,
            "db": 1,
            "prefix": "mysql:"
    "production":  {
        "driver":     "postgres",
        "connection": {
            "host":     "",
            "port":     5432,
            "database": "dbName",
            "user":     "userName",
            "password": "secret"
        "redis":      {
            "host":   "",
            "port":   6379,
            "db":     2,
            "prefix": "postgres"

keyValue - Connection name. The name of this parameter can be any of your choice.

keyValue.driver - string|boolean - What database is used ('mysql' or 'postgres'). It can be false if you do not need a database connection.

keyValue.connection - object|boolean - Connection parameters for database. It can be false if you do not need a database connection. - string - Database host.

keyValue.connection.port - number - Database port.

keyValue.connection.database - string - Database name.

keyValue.connection.user - string - Database user name.

keyValue.connection.password - string - Database user password.

keyValue.redis - object|boolean - Connection parameters for Redis. It can be false if you do not need a Redis connection. - string - Redis host.

keyValue.redis.port - number - Redis port.

keyValue.redis.database - number - Redis database number.

keyValue.redis.prefix - string - Prefix for all keys in Redis.

To connect to a one database and/or cache:

    "driver": "postgres",
    "connection": {
        "host": "",
        "port": 5432,
        "database": "dbName",
        "user": "userName",
        "password": "secret"
    "redis": {
        "host": "",
        "port": 6379,
        "db": 0,
        "prefix": "cache:"

driver - string|boolean - What database is used ('mysql' or 'postgres'). It can be false if you do not need a database connection.

connection - object|boolean - Connection parameters for database. It can be false if you do not need a database connection. - string - Database host.

connection.port - number - Database port.

connection.database - string - Database name.

connection.user - string - Database user name.

connection.password - string - Database user password.

redis - object|boolean - Connection parameters for Redis. It can be false if you do not need a Redis connection. - string - Redis host.

redis.port - number - Redis port.

redis.database - number - Redis database number.

redis.prefix - string - Prefix for all keys in Redis.


    "queryName": {
        "connection": false,
        "sql": "SELECT * FROM table_postgres WHERE id = $(insertId) $>additionParam< LIMIT 5;",
        "caching": false,
        "expire": 0,
        "addition": {
            "additionParam": "AND otherField = $(value)"

If you connect to only one database/cache in connection settings will be created automatically name main. It can be used to query lists instead of specifying false.

queryName - Query name in list. The name of this parameter can be any of your choice.

queryName.connection - string - Connection name from options. It can be false if you used single database connection.

queryName.sql - string - The text of the SQL query to the database.

queryName.caching - boolean - Using or not cache for this query.

queryName.expire - number - Cache lifetime in milliseconds.

queryName.addition - object|boolean - Additional parameters for SQL query. It can be false if you do not need use additional parameters. The name of this parameter can be any of your choice.

queryName.addition.additionParam - string - Part of the SQL query which should be added to the main SQL query (queryName.sql).

Additional request parameters to be used if a parameter with the same name is present in the data transmitted to the query. To optional parameter was added to the main body of the request is necessary to specify the design of adding space $>additionParam<.


init([setting, queries])

Initialize module instance with optionally parameters.

setting - object - Object with module settings. Optional. See options description.

queries - object - Object with module queries. Optional. See queries description.

Return Promise.

pragmaStorage.init({}, {});


options - object - See options description.

Return Promise.

Check and apply settings. The old settings will be replaced by new.

let newOptions = {
     keyValue:     {
         driver:     'mysql',
         connection: {
             host:     '',
             port:     3306,
             database: 'dbName',
             user:     'userName',
             password: 'secret'
         redis:      { //
             host:   '',
             port:   6379,
             db:     1,
             prefix: 'mysql:'
     production:  {
         driver:     'postgres',
         connection: {
             host:     '',
             port:     5432,
             database: 'dbName',
             user:     'userName',
             password: 'secret'
         redis:      {
             host:   '',
             port:   6379,
             db:     2,
             prefix: 'postgres'



queries - object - See queries description.

Return Promise.

Check and apply queries list. New queries will be merged with the old.

let newQueries = {
     getSomeData:         {
         connection: 'keyValue',
         sql:        `SELECT * FROM table_mysql LIMIT 5;`,
         caching:    true,
         expire:     360000,
         addition:   false
     queryName:    {
         connection: false,
         sql:        `SELECT * FROM table_postgres WHERE id = $(insertId) $>additionParam< LIMIT 5;`,
         caching:    false,
         expire:     0,
         addition:   {
             additionParam: `AND otherField = $(value)`



driverName - string - Existing values mysql, postgres, redis. Other values return null.

Return driver object or null.

Getting object uninitialized module connection to a database or cache by name. Options mysql, postgres, redis. For manual handling is not provided for the module PragmaStorage.

const postgres = pragmaStorage.getDriver('postgres');


connectionName - string - Connection name specified in the module settings.

Return database connection object or null.

Getting active connections to the database by name specified in the settings. For manual handling is not provided for the module PragmaStorage.

const dbConnection = pragmaStorage.getDBConnection('keyValue');


connectionName - string - Connection name specified in the module settings.

Return cache connection object or null.

Getting active compound with keshom the title specified in the settings. For manual handling is not provided for the module PragmaStorage.

const cacheConnection = pragmaStorage.getCacheConnection('keyValue');

getData(queryName[, param])

queryName - string - The name of the query specified in the request list.

param - object - The object with the parameters for the query.

Return Promise.

Getting data from storage (cache or database). First requesting cache, if the data is not found in the cache, the data will be requested from the database. Automatically cache data from the database, if the query caching setting is set the flag.

let param = {
    insertId: 1,
    additionParam: 1

pragmaStorage.getData('queryName', param)
    .then(result => {
        // Do something
    .catch(error => {

getFromDB(queryName[, param])

queryName - string - The name of the query specified in the request list.

param - object - The object with the parameters for the query.

Return Promise.

Retrieving data from the database directly, bypassing the cache. Query results are not cached.

let param = {
    insertId: 1,
    additionParam: 1

pragmaStorage.getFromDB('queryName', param)
    .then(result => {
        // Do something
    .catch(error => {

getFromCache(connectionName, cacheName)

connectionName - string - Connection name specified in the module settings.

cacheName - string - Name of the cache key.

Return Promise.

Retrieving data from the cache only, without using the database.

pragmaStorage.getFromCache('keyValue', 'CacheKey')
    .then(result => {
        // Do something
    .catch(error => {

setToDB(queryName[, param])

queryName - string - Name of the query specified in the request list.

param - object - Object with the parameters for the query.

Return Promise.

Putting data in a database. The data is not cached.

let param = {
    insertId: 1,
    additionParam: 1

pragmaStorage.setToDB('queryName', param)
    .then(result => {
        // Do something
    .catch(error => {

setToCache(connectionName, cacheName, data[, expire])

connectionName - string - Connection name specified in the module settings.

cacheName - string - Name of the cache key.

data - any - Data to be placed in the cache.

expire - number - Cache lifetime in milliseconds. Default value 0.

Return Promise.

let data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

pragmaStorage.setToCache('keyValue', 'CacheKey', data, 60000)
    .then(result => {
        // Do something
    .catch(error => {

transactionToDB(sqlList[, paramList])

sqlList - string[] - List the names of queries in the request list.

paramList - object[] - Array of object with the parameters for the each query in the sqlList. Parameters may be an empty object.

Return Promise. In resolve will be array of queries results.

let sqlList = [

let parameters = [
        insertId: 1,
        queryParam: 'something'

pragmaStorage.transactionToDB(sqlList, paramList = [])
    .then(result => {
        // Do something
    .catch(error => {

transactionToCache(connectionName, actionsList, namesList[, dataList, expiresList])

connectionName - string - Connection name specified in the module settings.

actionsList - string[] - Action list for requests (get or set).

namesList - string[] - List cache key name for each action in the actionsList.

dataList - any[] - List of data to be placed in the cache for each action in the actionsList.

expiresList - number[] - The list of directives lifetime for each action set in the actionsList. For action get lifetime value must be 0.

Return Promise. In resolve will be array of queries results.

Sending transactional requests to the cache and get the results.

let actions = [

let names = [

let data = [
        something: true

let expires = [

pragmaStorage.transactionToCache('keyValue', actions, names, data, expires)
    .then(result => {
        // Do something
    .catch(error => {

reloadFromDBToCache(queryName[, param])

queryName - string - The name of the query specified in the request list.

param - object - The object with the parameters for the query.

Return Promise.

Retrieving data from the database and placing them in the cache.

let param = {
    insertId: 1,
    additionParam: 1

pragmaStorage.reloadFromDBToCache('queryName', param)
    .then(result => {
        // Do something
    .catch(error => {


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