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pm2-logrotate-s3 is based on pm2-logrotate

PM2 module to automatically rotate logs of processes managed by PM2 and upload to s3 before deleting logs.


pm2 install pm2-logrotate-s3

NOTE: the command is pm2 install NOT npm install


create pm2-logrotate-s3-config.json file in PM2 home folder which by default is ~/.pm2 . set config values as given in example below:

module.exports = {
                    "max_size": "10M",
                    "retain": "2",
                    "compress": true,
                    "dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD_HH-mm-ss",
                    "workerInterval": "30",
                    "rotateInterval": "0 0 * * *",
                    "rotateModule": true,
                    "TZ": null,
                    "aws": {
                      "credentials": {
                        "accessKeyId": "<AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID>",
                        "secretAccessKey": "<AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>"
                    "logBucketSetting": {
                      "bucket": "<S3_BUCKET>",
                      "s3Path": "website-node-react",
                      "s3FilePathFormat": "__year__/__month__/__day__/__ip__/__filename__"
                    "getServerPublicIp": true,
                    "serverIp": null

Config Property Description

S3 upload properties

All of the following properties needs to defined for s3 upload to work.

  • aws.credentials.accessKeyId (Defaults to null): This is access key id of your aws account.
  • aws.credentials.secretAccessKey (Defaults to null): This is secret key of your aws account.
  • logBucketSetting.s3Path (Defaults to null): This is s3 path in bucket where all your logs would be kept.
  • logBucketSetting.s3FilePathFormat (Defaults to __year__/__month__/__day__/__ip__/__filename__): This is key path where your logs would be uploaded. Here __year__, __month__, __day__, __ip__, __filename__, and __epoch__ are place holders for dynamic value to be inserted in key path. One of two properties should be set for this to work.
  • getServerPublicIp (Defaults to false): This extracts the public ip of server.
  • serverIp (Defaults to null): This is the static value of ip of server that needed to be passed.

PM2 log rotate properties

  • max_size (Defaults to 10M): When a file size becomes higher than this value it will rotate it (its possible that the worker check the file after it actually pass the limit) . You can specify the unit at then end: 10G, 10M, 10K
  • retain (Defaults to all): This number is the number of rotated logs that are keep at any one time, it means that if you have retain = 7 you will have at most 7 rotated logs and your current one.
  • compress (Defaults to false): Enable compression via gzip for all rotated logs
  • dateFormat (Defaults to YYYY-MM-DD_HH-mm-ss) : Format of the data used the name the file of log
  • rotateModule (Defaults to true) : Rotate the log of pm2's module like other apps
  • workerInterval (Defaults to 30 in secs) : You can control at which interval the worker is checking the log's size (minimum is 1)
  • rotateInterval (Defaults to 0 0 * * * everyday at midnight): This cron is used to a force rotate when executed. We are using node-schedule to schedule cron, so all valid cron for node-schedule is valid cron for this option. Cron style :
  • TZ (Defaults to system time): This is the standard tz database timezone used to offset the log file saved. For instance, a value of Etc/GMT+1, with an hourly log, will save a file at hour 14 GMT with hour 13 (GMT+1) in the log name.
*    *    *    *    *    *
┬    ┬    ┬    ┬    ┬    ┬
│    │    │    │    │    |
│    │    │    │    │    └ day of week (0 - 7) (0 or 7 is Sun)
│    │    │    │    └───── month (1 - 12)
│    │    │    └────────── day of month (1 - 31)
│    │    └─────────────── hour (0 - 23)
│    └──────────────────── minute (0 - 59)
└───────────────────────── second (0 - 59, OPTIONAL)

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  • tauseefnaqvi