
0.2.4 • Public • Published


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  • Create an insights and insights_test database:
    CREATE DATABASE insights;
    CREATE DATABASE insights_test

This plugin exposes the following functions on the object:

getById(insightId, cb)

function to return the details of a specific insight, where insightId is the ID of the insight to retrieve.

The insight details take the following format:

  id: 1,
  date: 2016-12-23T11:27:41.760Z,
  title: 'Insight Number 1',
  url: 'https://....',
  active: true,
  tags: [
    tag_id: 8,
    tag_name: 'Agriculture'
  }, {
    tag_id: 22,
    tag_name: 'Telecommunications'
  }, {

edit(insightObj, cb)

function to add a new insight, where insightObj takes the form:

  title: 'Insight Title',
  url: '',
  doctype: '.pdf',
  author: 'EMF',
  org_id: null,
  creator_id: 1,
  resource: true

On the successful save, the new insight's ID (generated by postgres) is returned.

add(insightObj, cb)

function to add a new insight, where insightObj takes the form:

  title: 'Insight Title',
  url: '',
  type: 'REPORT',
  author: 'EMF',
  org_id: null,
  creator_id: 1,
  resource: true,
  active: true

On the successful save, the new insight's ID (generated by postgres) is returned.

browse(activeOnly, filterTag, cb)

function to browse all active (and inactive) insights, with the option to filter by a certain tag id. The parameters take the following values respectively:

  • activeOnly = Boolean.
    • true to return active insights only.
    • false to return all active and inactive insights.
  • filterTag:
    • Integer if we want to filter by a tag id
    • false if we do not want to filter

If a tag id is given, returns:

{ filter: { id: 69, name: 'Design for disassembly' },
    id: 1,
    date: 2016-12-23T11:27:41.760Z,
    title: 'Insight Number 1',
    url: 'https://....',
    active: true,
    tags: [
      tag_id: 8,
      tag_name: 'Agriculture'
    }, {
      tag_id: 22,
      tag_name: 'Telecommunications'
    }, {

If false is given, returns the same shape, but with

filter_tag: undefined

toggle(insightId, cb)

function to set an existing insight to be active or inactive. insightId specifies the ID of the insight to toggle.

getResources(activeOnly, cb)

function to return the details of active and inactive resources. The activeOnly parameter is a Boolean. Set it to:

  • true to return active insights only.
  • false to return all active and inactive insights.

The resources take the following format:

  id: 1,
  title: 'Insight Number 1',
  url: 'https://....',
  author: 'Kamala Khan',
  type: 'REPORT',
  active: true
  }, {

Note that the active field is not returned when activeOnly === true, as all resources returned will be active.




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  • danwhy
  • mk4111
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