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Get Started


⚠️ Please execute these steps in the order described below.

Generate a GitHub access token

Why do we need a GitHub access token? We have a lot of internal packages which are setup in github package registry. This token allows access for all those packages.

  • Get a personal access token with a read:packages permission to access @patch-engineering packages.
  • Export it to .bashrc/ .bash_profile/ .zshrc/ .zsh_profile etc as GITHUB_SECRET_TOKEN
      export GITHUB_SECRET_TOKEN="<your token here>"
  • Run source <your file name>. Replace <your file name> with .bashrc/ .bash_profile/ .zshrc/ .zsh_profile etc
  • Important note about nvm : If you use nvm to manage Node.js installations (as you should), add this access token before the .nvm shell is loaded in your bashrc/bash_profile. Look at this SO answer for more information.

nvm, Node & npm

  • Install nvm.
  • Run nvm use at the root of the repo — it should install the right version of Node.js.
  • Install the correct version of npm
npm install npm@8.1.2 -g
  • Finally, run npm install to install all the dependencies.

https setup & caddy

Why do we need caddy? Some features in need https — this service reverse proxies the Next.js server through a local domain that has a valid cert.

  • Install caddy using homebrew.
  • Update your hosts file.
printf "\n127.0.0.1 patch.local\n" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
  • Once done, run npm run proxy from the root of the repo and follow instructions. This is only for the first time.
  • For Firefox 🦊 users — you may have to go to the about:config page and switch security.enterprise_roots.enabled to true -

Run local dev server

  • Run npm run dev. This command starts up the application and the caddy reverse proxy. There is no need to run npm run proxy separately!
  • Visit https://patch.local.

Environment Variables

  • By default environment variables are setup to point to the QA environment in the .env.development file.
  • To override any of these variables, create an .env.local file in the root of this project and add the overrides there.
    • You can adjust any values in your .env.local file such as pointing your PATCH_FE_API_URL to your local rather than the qa environment

Creating new environment variables

  • If you're adding any new env variable make sure to add it to .env-development and .env.test. If the key is not sensitive you can please include a default value pointing to QA.
    • Once you've added the environment variable, make sure to add it under the appropriate section of the publicRuntimeConfig object in next.config.js.
      • We also need to update our next/config mock in test/config.ts for the config to be found when running tests.
      • We use publicRuntimeConfig config and not plain process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_MY_VAR because environment variables are added to the code at build time, and we don't build when going from staging to prod, to get around this we use publicRuntimeConfig as they run at runtime.
    • Make sure to type whatever environment variable you add to the appropriate section in _context/ConfigContext.ts
    • Add the variables to the heroku config located in the settings tab for patch-com-qa (qa), patch-com-staging (test), and patch-com prod (prod). prepod env vars are autotomatically copied from prod.


Before pushing up code it's a good idea to check for any lint errors. You can run:

npm run lint


Compile and Minify Project

To make sure project will compile correctly you can run:

npm run build

Run Production Build

You can test out your app as if it was in production by running:

npm run prod

Analyze Project Dependencies

For analyzing browser and or server code bundles you can run:

npm run analyze
# Browser only
npm run analyze:browser
# Server only
npm run analyze:server



When a merge is done to the qa branch of this repository, a build is triggered to release this app to our heroku instance, patch-com-qa. Thus we use as our QA environment.


When a merge is done to the master branch of this repository, a build is triggered to release this app to our heroku instance, patch-com-staging. Thus we use as our staging environment.

⚠️ This also triggers a separate build to the patch-com-preprod pipeline of the patch-com instance. This is a production pipeline that copies over the production environment variables before building the bundle. This is so that we can have static pages use production env variables.


To release code to production, we must use the heroku pipeline to promote the changes in patch-com-preprod to patch-com-prod in patch-com.

Important note about environment variables

⚠️⚠️⚠️ By default next.js adds environment variables during the build process. We do not build the application when releasing to production. Because of this we need to use runtime configuration in addition with either getServeSideProps or getIntialProps to ensure SSR.

For static pages to use production config, you must set the config in the patch-com-prod instance before the build in patch-com-preprod happens, so the environment is copied over and is available when promoting preprod to prod.

Project Structure

Current structural issues

It’s hard to find my way around the codebase due to related and dependent functionality being spread throughout the codebase. Working on a specific feature could result in us adding a new file in 2-4 different directories.

It’s also confusing to see which team owns what given that everything is mixed together. There are also several directories that seem duplicative and creates confusion when adding writing code, what’s lib? should _hooks be utils? can utils go inside _hooks?.

How we're structuring

Going forward, we are reorganizing the repo by having features and their components, hooks, types, helper methods, tests, etc in the same directory.

Say we have feature called myFeature, we can find a myFeature directory inside a src with the following structure:

  • 📂myFeature
    • 📂 components- Holds any component for the feature
      • 📄 Button.tsx - This file component means we don’t have any styles
      • 📂 Title - if component has styles we can make Title a folder
        • 📄 index.tsx
        • 📄 styles.module.scss
    • 📂 lib - holds business logic! Any apis, codecs, constants, helper methods, hooks, types, would go here. These are always good contenders to port over to patch-common
      • 📄 api.ts - any api methods go here
      • 📄 types.ts - any types go here
    • 📂 pages - Holds pages for the feature, they get imported in the root feature pages file
      • 📄 MyFeaturePage.tsx
      • 📂 OtherFeaturePage
        • 📂 __snapshots__
          • 📄 index.test.tsx.snap
        • 📄 index.tsx
        • 📄 index.test.tsx
        • 📄 styles.module.scss

All features should exist under a new src directory. There will also be a common feature directory with similar structure for common things that are reused throughout the repo like the <Link /> or <Image /> component.

The pages directory will remain in the root for now, but we should be adding the actual page component (and the getServerProps if needed) in the src/feature/pages directory.

The root directories: _contants, _hooks, _types, features, libs, services, styles, and utils will be considered deprecated and we shouldn’t be adding more files to any of them. Our goal will be to port them to this new model when we next have to interact with that code. This will be a long process but we’ll get there.

Ideal Project Structure

Our repo should end up looking like this (plus any root config file like next.config or eslint etc..):

  • 📂.circleci
  • 📂pages
  • 📂public
  • 📂server
  • 📂src
    • 📂_common
      • 📂tests
      • 📂components
        • 📄Link.tsx
        • 📄Image.tsx
      • 📂lib
        • 📄api.ts
        • 📄types.ts
    • 📂article
      • 📂components
        • 📄ArticleCard.tsx
        • 📄ArticleCardDetail.tsx
      • 📂lib
        • 📄api.ts
        • 📄types.ts
      • 📂pages
        • 📄ArticleTopicPage.tsx
        • 📂ArticleDetailPage
          • 📂 __snapshots__
            • 📄 index.test.tsx.snap
          • 📄 index.tsx
          • 📄 index.test.tsx
          • 📄 styles.module.scss



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  • parulpandey