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Oxin: Form state sidekick (React hook)

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const { inputState, inputProps } = useOxin();

const myCoolInputProps = inputProps({ name: 'input1' });

return (
  <Input {...myCoolInputProps} />

Where your form UI is your hero, Oxin is your form state sidekick. It provides you with:

  • The state of your input field values and validity.
  • A props creator for your input components that dynamically creates form state.

Oxin was built because:

  • Forms should not require a complex component tree to cope with the design of state.
  • Form state should not add weight to cognitive load when building apps.
  • Data are not always string values from HTML inputs.
  • Validation can be complex and asynchronous.

Creating inputs

To create initial form state, call useOxin() in your function component. You can make decisions about your form behaviour using the provided inputState, and you can add input fields to that state by calling inputProps(options). The only requirement is a name provided in the options.

For the purpose of these examples, this is our Input component; name, value and onChange are provided by Oxin:

const Input = ({ name, value, onChange }) => {
  return (
      onChange={(e) => onChange(e.target.value)}

Now we can use this input in our Form component to start composing our form:

import React from 'react';
import { useOxin } from 'oxin';

const MyForm = () => {
  const { inputState, inputProps } = useOxin();

  return (
      onSubmit={e => {

        console.log('Submitting', inputState.values);
          name: 'myField',
      <button type="submit">Submit</button>

This creates a field in inputState and the input component is now able to update state via the onChange handler prop.

// inputState after first render
  "touched": {
    "myField": false,
  "valid": true,
  "validating": {
    "myField": false,
  "validation": {
    "myField": {}
  "values": {
    "myField": null,

Don't worry about calling on every render, Oxin uses caching to prevent unnecessary validation and updates to props; although in performance-sensitive scenarios you may want to wrap your inputs with React.memo as updates to form state will cause the form component to re-render.


Let's render some validation state inside our input component:

const Input = ({ name, value, onChange, validation }) => {
  return (
        onChange={(e) => onChange(e.target.value)}
      {!validation.valid && validation.messages[0]}

InputProps.validation is an object containing valid state for the input and an array of any failed validator messages. We’re just displaying the first one here; you can map over and render each one if needed.

When you update the input with the onChange(value) prop, any validators passed to the props creator run over the value and input state is updated accordingly...

    name: 'text1',
    validators: [[required, 'This field is required.']],

...and as long as required is doing its job, the input's validation props will be valid: false and messages: ['This field is required.'] while the input value is an empty string. You may notice the message is supplied alongside the validator function...

BYO Validator functions

Oxin is not a validation library, but provides the engine for running validators over inputs. A validator must have a name and a test property. Validator tests can either be synchronous or asynchronous functions, or a boolean condition from external state.

This is a simple synchronous function validator:

const required = {
  name: 'required',
  test: (value) => value !== '',

When validators are first resolved they are added to input state, with their valid state and error messages.

You can also provide validator creators, which are useful for creating resuable validators; they are functions that take options and return validators based on those options:

const createMinLength = (length) => ({
  name: 'createMinLength',
  test: (value: string) => {
    return value.length < length;


  name: 'text1',
  validators: [createMinLength(8)],

Validation error messages

Oxin doesn't handle error messages inside validator functions. You can supply a failure message alongside the validator as a “validator tuple”:

  name: 'text1',
  validators: [
    [required, 'This field is required'],
    [createMinLength(3), 'Max 3 characters'],

The message does not have to be a string, it can be whatever you want to pass into your input component; this helps things play nicely with internationalisation (i18n.)

Async validation

Validators can be plain functions or async, and you can even set a validation runner debounce timer on your input to control the rate at which validation is fired:

    name: 'text1',
    validators: [{
      name: 'myNetworkValidator',
      test: async (value) => {
        const result = await fetch(
        // ...
        return resultIsWhatYouNeed ? true : false;
    validation: {
      debounce: 200,

This will perform a network validation when the input's onChange(value) prop is called, and a debounce wait time in milliseconds has been added to rate limit the input.

You can include a mix of sync and async functions, and you do not need to worry about slow async validators blocking other validator state updates.

Input types

All the examples above use strings as input types, but your inputs can be any type you need them to be. For instance, you could have an input component that generates image that you run through a specialised image validator that runs asynchronously! An aim of this library is to provide flexibility to input components.


Oxin is designed to be nested, so it may help to think of input state as a collection of inputs rather than a form.

Nesting is useful when you want to validate a whole group of inputs at once, or nest your root input state for whatever reason.

Let's see an example with a checkbox group -- again, note that you only need to implement checkboxes like this if you want to validate the group or want your top level input state to be nested.

We want to validate a collection of checkboxes to ensure at least one has been selected. Our input group here is called favouriteMovie, our atLeastOne validator runs through a values object and is valid if at least one value evaluates true:

import { useOxin } from 'oxin';
// ...
// Create root input state
const { inputProps } = useOxin();
// ...
// Render
    name: 'favouriteMovie',
    validators: [[atLeastOne, 'Select one']],

Our CheckboxGroup component:

import { useOxin } from 'oxin';

const CheckboxGroup = ({
  // OxinProps from the parent component.
}) => {
  // Create new inputState for these checkboxes.
  const { inputState, inputProps } = useOxin();

  // Leverage `useEffect` to lift values using the parent
  // component's `onChange` handler whenever we update
  // our local `inputState`. You could also provide an
  // `onChange` handler to each checkbox; the idea is
  // that we call the parent `onChange` with our local
  // `inputState.values` whenever our checkbox state
  // changes.
  useEffect(() => {
  }, [inputState.values]);

  // You would probably supply options as props and map
  // over them here, but this is a contrived example.
  return (
          name: 'jurassicPark',
        label="Jurassic Park"
          name: 'haroldAndKumar',
        label={'A Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas'}
      {!validation.valid && <div>{validation.messages[0]}</div>}

And finally our Checkbox component:

export const Checkbox = ({ label, value, onChange, name }) => {
  return (
        onChange={() => onChange(!value)}
      <label htmlFor={name}>{label}</label>



You can supply the following options to the inputProps() props creator:

initialValue: any

Initial value for the input. Setting the initial value will run validators, but will not mark the field as touched. If you need protection from re-validating against an initial value, you can do so in a validator creator with an early return:

const createUniqueValidator = initialValue =>
    name: 'uniqueValidator',
    test: (value) => {
      if (initialValue === value) return true;

      // Or continue with validation...

// ...

  name: 'text1',
  initialValue: someInitialValue
  validators: [createUniqueValidator(someInitialValue)]

name: string

The name of the input field.

validation: ValidationOptions

Options for validation behaviour:

debounce?: number = 0 A number in milliseconds to debounce validation runs by. The longer this number, the longer the pause between last input signal and validation execution. If this is 0 (default), debouncing will not be applied.

onBlur?: boolean If this is set to true, validators will be executed when the onBlur(value) prop is called.

validators: (ValidatorFunction | ValidatorFunctionAsync | ValidatorTuple)[]

An array of validators which can be any of the following:

// A function that returns true or false
type ValidatorFunction = (value: any) => boolean;
// An asynchronous function that returns true or false
type ValidatorFunctionAsync = (value: any) => Promise<boolean>;
// A 'tuple' of either of the above and a related error message
type ValidatorTuple = [
  ValidatorFunction | ValidatorFunctionAsync,

validationMessage: any

A “global” validation message that is applied to all validators on the field. This will override any validator messages supplied in a ValidatorTuple.


The props creator generates the following props for use with input components:

name: string

The name of the input as set in InputOptions.

value: any

The value of the input, use this to keep your inputs in a controlled state.

touched: boolean

Inputs are marked as touched after the first onChange handler fires. Inputs are not marked as touched wen providing initial values for inputs.

validation: ValidationProps

An object containing the input's validation state and any failed validator messages:

  valid: boolean;
  messages: any[];

validating: boolean

Denotes the input validator activity. false when all validators have resolved.

onChange: (value: any) => void

Change handler for the input. Must be called with the input value.

onBlur: (value: any) => void

A proxy function to onChange, fires if validation: { onBlur: true } is supplied in OxinOptions. Validations fired onBlur are not debounced.

onRemove: () => void

A cleanup function that can be called when unmounting a component (useEffect return) -- needed if you are planning to create/remove inputs dynamically.


Because Oxin inputs are asynchronous, your tests must account for this. This library is tested using the wonderful React Testing Library and Jest. This guide covers these tools. For other environments, please refer to asynchronous testing guides for them.

Jest + Testing Library guide

When testing HTML inputs, we recommend using the userEvent functions from Testing Library. You will need to tell Jest to useRealTimers() for Testing Library's async userEvent.type behaviour to work correctly.

When rendering your form with Oxin inputs, use testing-library's async findBy... functions to select your inputs:


test('my form', async () => {
  const { findByTestId } = render(<MyCoolForm />);
  const input1 = await findByTestId('input-1-testid');

When updating HTML inputs within your test, use userEvent.type and wrap in an async act call:


test('my form', async () => {
  const { findByTestId } = render(<MyCoolForm />);
  const input1 = await findByTestId('input-1-testid');

  await act(async () => {
    await userEvent.type(input1, 'Some test text', { delay: 1 });

  expect(input1.getAttribute('value')).toBe('Some test text');

Notice that we are await-ing the result of userEvent.type and supplying { delay: 1 } as an option to the function to implement async behaviour as per the Testing Library docs



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