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0.0.1-beta.4 • Public • Published


A simplify list of antd.

NPM version Build Status


Live Demo


  • ng-zorro-antd ^0.5.0

Usage & Installation

Install ng-list-antd from npm

npm install ng-list-antd --save

Import the NzListModule in to your root AppModule.

import { NzListModule } from 'ng-list-antd';
import { NgZorroAntdModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd';

    imports: [BrowserModule, NzListModule, NgZorroAntdModule.forRoot()],
    declarations: [AppComponent],
    bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }


import { Component, OnInit, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';
  selector: 'demo-basic',
  template: `
        <ng-template #title>Basic list</ng-template>
        <ng-template #body>
            <nz-list [nzDataSource]="data" [nzItemLayout]="'horizontal'">
                <ng-template #nzTemplate let-item>
                            nzDescription="Ant Design, a design language for background applications, is refined by Ant UED Team">
                            <ng-template #nzTitle>
                                <a href="">{{item.title}}</a>
export class DemoBasicComponent {
  data = [
      title: 'Ant Design Title 1'
      title: 'Ant Design Title 2'
      title: 'Ant Design Title 3'
      title: 'Ant Design Title 4'



Name Type Default Summary
nzDataSource any[] Data record array to be displayed
nzBordered boolean false Toggles rendering of the border around the list
nzGrid NzListGrid The grid type of list. You can set grid to something like { gutter: 16, span: 6 }
nzItem TemplateRef<any> List item renderer
nzHeader string, TemplateRef<any> List header renderer
nzFooter string, TemplateRef<any> List footer renderer
nzSize default,small,large default Size of list
nzItemLayout horizontal,vertical horizontal The layout of list, default is horizontal, If a vertical list is desired, set the itemLayout property to vertical
nzLoading boolean Shows a loading indicator while the contents of the list are being fetched
nzLoadMore TemplateRef<any> Shows a load more content
nzPagination TemplateRef<any> Shows a pagination content
nzSplit boolean Toggles rendering of the split under the list item


Name Type Default Summary
span number raster number of cells to occupy, 0 corresponds to display: none
gutter number spacing between grids
xs number <768px and also default setting, could be a span value or an object containing above props
sm number ≥768px, could be a span value or an object containing above props
md number ≥992px, could be a span value or an object containing above props
lg number ≥1200px, could be a span value or an object containing above props
xl number ≥1600px, could be a span value or an object containing above props
xxl number only supported antd 3.x


Name Type Default Summary
nzContent string, TemplateRef<any> Content renderer
nzExtra string, TemplateRef<any> The extra content of list item. If itemLayout is vertical, shows the content on right, otherwise shows content on the far right.


The actions content of list item. If itemLayout is vertical, shows the content on bottom, otherwise shows content on the far right.


Name Type Default Summary
nzAvatar string, TemplateRef<any> The avatar of list item
nzDescription string, TemplateRef<any> The description of list item
nzTitle string, TemplateRef<any> The title of list item


Please follow this guidelines when reporting bugs and feature requests:

  1. Use GitHub Issues board to report bugs and feature requests (not our email address)
  2. Please always write steps to reproduce the error. That way we can focus on fixing the bug, not scratching our heads trying to reproduce it.

Thanks for understanding!


The MIT License (see the LICENSE file for the full text)

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  • cipchk