TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.6.2 • Public • Published


Master Build

Smart configuration control



npm i kuconfig

Basic Usage

This package by default reads the config folder in your working directory and merge all json files in it into one object, with each file name(without extension) being key and corresponding content being value:

  • config
    • app.json
    • database.json
    • language.json

Loaded as

    "app": {
        /** content of app.json **/
    "database": {
        /** content of database.json **/
    "language": {
        /** content of language.json **/
const config = require('kuconfig');

If folder config does not exist, file config.json will be checked instead.

  • config.json
    "app": {
        "name": "MY APP"
const config = require('kuconfig');

You can override the config file path with an environment variable CONFIG_FILE(must be set before this module being loaded):

// read a folder
process.env.CONFIG_FILE = 'src/config';
// read a file
process.env.CONFIG_FILE = 'src/config.json';
// with absolute path
process.env.CONFIG_FILE = '/path/to/src/config.json';
const config = require('kuconfig');

It won't be loaded again once done. To reload configs, you need to call:

// delete cached config
// reload
config = require('kuconfig');

Envs Mode


For esmodule style use import config from 'kuconfig/override.js' instead

In this mode, the config/default.json is loaded, followed by config/xxx.json(where xxx is equal to process.env.NODE_ENV). Then a deep merge of those two objects happends.


    "app": {
        "name": "myapp",
        "host": "localhost"


    "app": {
        "port": 8080,
        "host": "myhost"
process.env.NODE_ENV = 'development';
const config = require('kuconfig/override');

This merges config files to

    "app": {
        "name": "myapp",
        "port": 8080,
        "host": "myhost"

Env File(optional)

By default, This package reads a .env file in your working directory and gets extra environment variables from this file.


You may override this behaviour by passing the following environment variable:

process.env.ENV_FILE = 'src/.env';
const config = require('kuconfig');

You may optionally set ENV_INJECT to inject env file variables into process.env.

Existing environment variables won't be overrided.

NODE_ENV=development npm start
# NODE_ENV won't be set because it already exists

Smart Config File

A bunch of keywords can be used in config files. The syntax is similar to mongodb query. Nested syntax is supported(they will be resolved inner to outer)

    "name": {
        "$env": "APP_NAME"
    "database": {
        "port": {
            "$env": ["DB_PORT", 3306]
        "host": {
            "$env": ["DB_HOST", "localhost"]
        "username": {
            "$env": "DB_USER"
        "password": {
            "$env": ["DB_PASS", { "$env": "DB_USER" }]

The $env object reads environment varaibles with an optional fallback value. With the following env set:


The loaded config will be

    "name": "myapp",
    "database": {
        "port": 3306,
        "host": "",
        "username": "admin",
        "password": "admin"

Here is a list of available keywords:


Get value from environment variables(first try env file, then process.env) with an optional fallback value

  • params: string|[string, any]
  • returns any


Get value from env file with an optional fallback value

  • params: string|[string, any]
  • returns any


Resolve the path to absolute from current working directory

  • params: string
  • returns string


Resolve the path and read the file with an optional encoding

  • params: string|[string, string]
  • returns string|Buffer


Parse the given string into object

  • params: string
  • returns any


Parse the given string into a number

  • params: string|number
  • returns number


Concat strings or arrays

  • params: string[]|[][]
  • returns string|any[]


Return the max number in the array

  • params: number[]
  • returns number


Return the min number in the array

  • params: number[]
  • returns number


Sum the numbers in the array

  • params: number[]
  • returns number


Return the average value of the array

  • params: number[]
  • returns number


Return the first element in the array

  • params: any[]
  • returns any


Return the last element in the array

  • params: any[]
  • returns any


Return element in the array at the given index

  • params: [any[], number]
  • returns any


Sort the numbers in ascending order

  • params: number[]
  • returns number[]


Sort the numbers in descending order

  • params: number[]
  • returns number[]


Return an element at random index

  • params: any[]
  • returns any


Return the given amount of elements at random indices

  • params: [any[], number]
  • returns any[]


Reverse an array

  • params: any[]
  • returns any[]


Slice an array from the given index to an optional end index

  • params: [any[], number]|[any[], number, number]
  • returns any[]


Return the length of an array

  • params: any[]
  • returns number


Join an array to string with an optional separator

  • params: [any[]]|[any[], string]
  • returns string


Return the merge of two objects

  • params: [any, any]
  • returns any


Return the keys of an object

  • params: any
  • returns string[]


Return the values of an object

  • params: any
  • returns any[]


Merge a series of key-value pairs into an object

  • params: [any, any][]
  • returns any


Split an object into key-value pairs

  • params: any
  • returns [any, any][]


Return the second or third element based on the boolean value of the first element

  • params: [boolean, any, any]
  • returns any


Return true only if both two elements' boolean values are true

  • params: [boolean, boolean]
  • returns boolean


Return true if any of the two elements' boolean value is true

  • params: [boolean, boolean]
  • returns boolean


Return true only if the given value is false

  • params: boolean
  • returns boolean


Return true if the given value is true or 'true'(case insensitive) or 1 or '1'

  • params: boolean|string
  • returns boolean


Return true if the given value is null or undefined

  • params: any
  • returns boolean


Return true only if the given value is undefined

  • params: any
  • returns boolean


Return true only if the given value is of the given type

  • params: [any, string]
  • returns boolean


Return boolean test result(!!) of the given value

  • params: [any, string]
  • returns boolean


Transform input string to upper case

  • params: string
  • returns string


Transform input string to lower case

  • params: string
  • returns string


Split input string into an array with optional delimiter and/or limit

  • params: string|[string, string]|[string, string, number]
  • returns string[]


Expand variables as in shellscript

  • params: string
  • returns string


Transform string to regex with optional flags

  • params: string|[string, string]
  • returns RegExp

Other Keywords


$abs, $add(+), $sub(-), $mul(*), $div(/), $mod(%), $ceil, $floor, $round, $trunc, $sign


$gt(>), $gte(>=), $lt(<), $lte(<=), $eq(===), $eql(==), $ne(!==), $neql(!=), $in, $ni

Skip Parsing

To skip parsing a file or a part of a file, use $skip option:

    "$skip": true,
    "key": {
        "$env": "APP_KEY"

The loaded file will be

    "key": {
        "$env": "APP_KEY"


A utils object is attached to each config instance. You can acces it by the getter __:

// make a deep cloned copy
const copy = config.__.clone(obj);

// merge target object's copy into source object's copy deeply
const merged = config.__.merge(source, target);

// load environment variables, optionally inject them into process.env
const envs = config.__.env('./.env', true);

// parse config by json string
let conf = config.__.resolve(
    JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./config.json', 'utf8')),

// load config by path(absolute or relative to working directory)
conf = config.__.load('./config.json');

// delete config referenced cache(the next time you reference this module, config file will be reloaded)

// parse config with custom expressions
        $encode(params) {
            if (params == null) {
                return params;
            if (typeof params === 'string') {
                return encodeURI(params);
            throw new Error('$encode expects a string');
        url: {
            $encode: 'this is a test'

// Expand variables as in shellscript
config.__.substitute('Today is ${date} and I am ${name}.', {
    date: new Date(),
    name: 'Adam'
// To support dynamic code execution(using v8 vm module)
    'I am ${age} years old and I will be ${age + 1} next year. You can call me ${profile.name}.',
        age: 17,
        profile: {
            name: 'Tom'

You can also use utils without the config instance:

const utils = require('kuconfig/utils');
// NOTE: utils.desolve will be undefined


If this module is used in a front-end project, the loading will happen in bundling step. A parsed config object will be injected to the output bundle. Accessing the config object at runtime is nothing difference to accessing a plain object.


To integrate into webpack, there is a built-in plugin:

const KuconfigPlugin = require('kuconfig/plugins/webpack');


plugins: [new KuconfigPlugin()];

Usage in your modules:

import * as config from 'kuconfig';

Use envs mode

plugins: [new KuconfigPlugin({ mode: 'envs' })];


Same as Webpack integration, the loaded object will be a plain object at run time.

import kuconfig from 'kuconfig/plugins/vite';


    optimizeDeps: {
        exclude: ['kuconfig']
    plugins: [kuconfig()]

Usage in your modules:

import config from 'kuconfig';

Use envs mode

    optimizeDeps: {
        exclude: ['kuconfig']
    plugins: [kuconfig({ mode: 'envs' })]

Metro(React Native)

Same as Webpack integration, the loaded object will be a plain object at run time.

A metro babel transformer is provided:


module.exports = {
    transformer: {
        babelTransformerPath: require.resolve('kuconfig/plugins/metro')

With other transformers


const svgTransformer = require('react-native-svg-transformer');
const configTransformer = require('kuconfig/plugins/metro');

module.exports.getCacheKey = configTransformer.getCacheKey;
module.exports.transform = function ({ src, filename, options }) {
    if (filename.endsWith('.svg')) {
        return svgTransformer.transform({ src, filename, options });
    } else {
        return configTransformer.transform({ src, filename, options });


const { assetExts, sourceExts } = require('metro-config/src/defaults/defaults');

module.exports = {
    transformer: {
        getTransformOptions: () => ({
            transform: {
                experimentalImportSupport: false,
                inlineRequires: false
        babelTransformerPath: require.resolve('./transformer.js')
    resolver: {
        assetExts: assetExts.filter(ext => ext !== 'svg'),
        sourceExts: [...sourceExts, 'svg']


import * as config from 'kuconfig';
import * as config from 'kuconfig/override';

config file cannot be hot-reloaded, you must re-run npm start to make the changes to take effect

Using Typescript

By default the imported config object implements Record<string, any>. You can add a typing file to your project to overwite kuconfig module:


declare module 'kuconfig' {
     * This interface will be merged with default Config interface
    interface Config {
         * Here is the definition of your config
        readonly name: string;
         * nested config
        readonly db: Readonly<Config.DB>;
    namespace Config {
        interface DB {
            readonly host: string;
            readonly port: number;
// don't miss this line
export {};

The corresponding config file structure:

    "name": "myapp",
    "db": {
        "host": "localhost",
        "port": 3306


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