
1.7.3 • Public • Published



Vanilla JavaScript ES collections inspired by .NET for Node.js and the browser.


Getting Started

Install with NPM

npm i js.system.collections


npm install js.system.collections

Import on the browser

<script src="path-to-dist-folder/js.system.collections.min.js"></script>


<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/joao-neves95/js.system.collections/dist/js.system.collections.min.js"></script>


<script src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/joao-neves95/js.system.collections/master/dist/js.system.collections.min.js"></script>

Use from the browser (using the window object)

const myDict = new Dictionary( true );

Use with CommonJS (For environments that support module.exports, like Node.js)

// Pointing to node_modules/ (Node.js), or dist/
const { Dictionary, List } = require( 'js.system.collections' );

const myList = new List( 'any' );
const myStringList = new List( 'string' );



  1. List
  2. Dict
  3. Dictionary
  4. DictionaryObj


List( type )

  * @param {String} type The Type of the list.
  * ('string' | 'number' | 'int' | 'float' | 'boolean' | 'any')
  * Default: 'any'.
  • length

  • clear()

     * Sets the array storage value to null and creates a new one.
     * ~O(1)
  • clearSafe()

     * Pops every element of the array storage,
     * maintaining the same underling array store.
     * O(n)
  • last

        * Returns the last element of the List or false.
        * @returns { any }
  • getAll()

     * Get all elements from the Collection.
     * For Dictionary is best to use .getAllValues()
     * Returns elements[]
  • get( index )

     * Get an item from the Collection by index.
     * In of beeing a Dictionary it will retun an object containing the key and value ( { key: value } )
     * @param { number | false } index
    .get( index )
  • contains( value )

     * Returns true if the List contains at least one value,
     * or false if it does not.
     * @param {any} value
    .contains( value )
  • add( value )

      * Add a new item to the List<T>.
      * @param { any } value
    .add( value )
  • update( index, value )

      * Update an item by index.
      * @param { any } value
    .update( index, value )
  • remove( index )

     * Remove an new item from the List<T> by index.
     * @param { Number } index
    .remove( index )
  • removeFirst()

  • removeLast()

  • forEach( index )

     * Remove an new item from the List<T> by index.
     * @param { Function } Callback f(item)
    .forEach( Callback )


Dict( initialSize )

 * Optimized dictionary of key-value pairs.
 * @param { number } initialSize
 * Optional.
 * Integer representing the initial size of the dictionary.
 * Minimum and defualt is 32.
  • count

     * The count of actual items.
     * O(1)
  • length

     * The current length of the underlying hashtable.
     * O(1)
  • clear()

     * Sets the array storage value to null and creates a new one.
     * ~O(1)
  • clearSafe()

     * Pops every element of the array storage,
     * maintaining the same underling array store.
     * O(n)
  • getAllValues()

     * Returns an array with all the dictionary's values.
     * O(n)
     * @returns { any[] }
  • getAllKeys()

     * Returns an array with all the dictionary's keys.
     * O(n)
     * @returns { any[] }
  • getHashedKey( key )

     * Returns the current hashed key of an item or false if not found.
     * ~O(1)
     * @param { number | string } key
     * @returns { any | undefined } The value or undefined.
    .getHashedKey( key )
  • getValue( key )

     * Returns the value by key (volatile) or false if not found.
     * ~O(1)
     * @param { number | string } key
     * @returns { any | undefined } The value or undefined.
    .getValue( key )
  • getIndexVal( key )

     * ~O(1)
     * @param { number | string } key
     * @returns { [number, any] | undefined } [index, value]
    .getIndexVal( key )
  • containsKey( key )

     * ~O(1)
     * @param { number | string } key
     * @returns { bool }
    .containsKey( key )
  • add( key, value )

     * O(1), worst case O(n)
     * @param { string | number } key
     * @param { any } value
     * @returns { number | false } The new index or false.
    .add( key, value )
  • remove( key )

     * Removes an item from the Dictionary with the provided key.
     * O(1), worst case O(n)
     * @param { string | number } key
     * @return { number | false } The index or false.
    .remove( key )
  • update( key, newValue )

     * Updates an item in the Dictionary with the provided key.
     * ~O(1)
     * @param { string | number } key
     * @param { any } newValue
     * @return { bool }
    .update( key, newValue )
  • forEachValue( Callback )

     * O(n)
     * @param { Function } Callback (value)
    .forEachValue( Callback )


Dictionary( uniqueKeys = false )

 * Dictionary of key-value pairs.
 * In order to have array-like features, this dictionary implementation
 * is O(n), linear.
 * You are probably looking for Dict or DictionaryObj.
 * @param { Boolean } uniqueKeys
 * Optional.
 * Whether the keys should be unique or not.
 * @default { false }
  • length

  • clear()

     * Sets the array storage value to null and creates a new one.
     * ~O(1)
  • clearSafe()

     * Pops every element of the array storage,
     * maintaining the same underling array store.
     * O(n)
  • getAllValues()

  • getAllKeys()

     * Returns an array with all the dictionary's keys.
     * O(n)
     * @returns { any[] }
  • lastValue

     * Returns the last element of the Dictionary or false.
     * O(1)
     * @returns { any[] }
  • containsKey( key )

     * O(n)
     * @param { any } key
     * @returns { boolean }
    .containsKey( key )
  • getByIndex( index )

     * Get a value with its index. Returns an array with the values.
     * O(1)
     * @param { number } index
     * @returns { any | false }
    .getByIndex( index )
  • getKeyByIndex( index )

     * Get a key by its index.
     * O(1)
     * @param { number } index
     * @returns { any | false }
    .getKeyByIndex( index )
  • getByKey( key )

     * Returns the value by key or false if not found.
     * O(n)
     * @param { any } key
     * @returns { any | false }
    .getByKey( key )
  • findIndexOfKey( key )

     * Returns the index of the provided key, or false if not found.
     * O(n)
     * @param {any} key
     * @returns { number | false }
    .findIndexOfKey( key )
  • add( key, value )

     * O(n)
     * @param { any } key
     * @param { any } value
    .add( key, value )
  • removeFirst()

  • removeLast()

  • removeByIndex( index )

     * Removes an item from the Dictioary by index.
     * O(1)
     * @param { number } index
    .removeByIndex( index )
  • remove( key )

     * Removes an item from the Dictionary with the provided key.
     * O(n)
     * @param { any } key
     * @return { bool }
    .remove( key )
  • updateByKey( key, newValue )

     * Updates an item in the Dictionary with the provided key.
     * O(n)
     * @param { any } key
     * @param { any } newValue
     * @return { bool }
    .updateByKey( key, newValue )
  • updateByIndex( idx, newValue )

     * Updates an item in the Dictionary with the provided index.
     * O(1)
     * @param { any } key
     * @param { any } newValue
     * @returns { bool }
    .updateByIndex( idx, newValue )
  • forEachValue( Callback )

     * O(n)
     * @param { Function } Callback (value)
    .forEachValue( Callback )



 * A lightweight implementation of a dictionary, based on an object.
 * The time complexity is dependent on the vendor's browser engine.
  • count

  • clear()

  • get( key )

    .get( key )
  • getValue( key )

     * Same as .get( key ).
    .get( key )
  • containsKey( key )

    .containsKey( key )
  • getAllKeys()

  • getAllValues()

  • add( key, value )

    .add( key, value )
  • update( key, value )

    .update( key, value )
  • remove( key, value )

    .remove( key, value )
  • forEachValue( Callback )

    .forEachValue( Callback )


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  • shivayl