
1.1.0 • Public • Published

JMAP: Fetch Test Email

Wait for and fetch a sent email over JMAP, e.g. for integration tests of email-sending tools.


The usual way:

npm install jmap-fetch-test-email


If you have an integration test where a user-login event sends an email, and you want to assert that the email arrived and contained some property:

import assert from 'node:assert'
import { fetchEmail } from 'jmap-fetch-test-email'

const email = await fetchEmail({
	username: '',
	token: 'battery-horse-staple',
	hostname: '',
	subject: 'New login alert!'
assert.ok(email, 'the email was found')
// assert other things about the email


You'll probably need a bit more control on searching for the correct email, so there are a few options: subject, body, or find.

Note that at least one of the three search options must be specified.


You can specify a string for exact comparison:

	username: '...',
	token: '...',
	hostname: '...',
	subject: 'New login alert!'

Or a regex for more complex searches:

	username: '...',
	token: '...',
	hostname: '...',
	subject: /^Order \d+ is ready$/

Note: if you modify emailGetProperties you must make sure it includes subject or an error will be thrown.


Similarly, you can search for a string in the HTML and plaintext body.

You can specify a string, which will use the String.includes method:

	username: '...',
	token: '...',
	hostname: '...',
	body: 'Login attempt from'

Or specify a regex for more complex searches:

	username: '...',
	token: '...',
	hostname: '...',
	body: /^Login attempt from \d{1-3}/

Note: if you modify emailGetProperties you must make sure it includes htmlBody and bodyValues and ensure that you do not set emailGetFetchHtmlBodyValues to false (the default is true), or an error will be thrown.


If you need something more complex, you can specify a function which will be called on all retry attempts, and will contain the full list of fetched emails.

Simply return the email, if you find it, and the function will complete.

For example, using cheerio to traverse the HTML:

import cheerio from 'cheerio'

	username: '...',
	token: '...',
	hostname: '...',
	find: emails => {
		const email = emails.find(email => {
			const $ = cheerio.load(email._html)
			const ipAddress = $('.ip-address', '#login').text()
			return ipAddress === ''
		return email

Note: the property _html is not part of the JMAP specs, it is a convenience property added by this library so that you don't have to pull out the bodyValues manually yourself.


The full list of options you can pass in.

username: String required

The JMAP username, typically the email address.

token: String

The JMAP token, used for Bearer authentication.

password: String

The JMAP password, used for Basic authentication (this is uncommon).

hostname: String required

The hostname of the JMAP server.

subject: (String|RegExp)

A string or regular expression used to find an email by matching to the email subject text.

body: (String|RegExp)

A string or regular expression used to find an email by matching to the email plaintext or HTML text--both are checked where available.

find: Function(Array<Object>)

A function used to find an email, it is passed the full list of emails after every retry fetch.

mailboxName: String (default: inbox)

The mailbox name to look in for emails.

emailQueryLimit: Integer (default: 5)

The limit to specify when fetching emails from the JMAP server.

emailGetProperties: Array<String> (default: see below)

The default properties that will be fetched are:

  • id
  • subject
  • receivedAt
  • htmlBody
  • sender
  • bodyValues

If you use the subject property to find your email, make sure this list includes subject or an error will be thrown.

If you use the body property to find your email, make sure this includes htmlBody and bodyValues, and ensure that you do not set emailGetFetchHtmlBodyValues to false (the default is true), or an error will be thrown.

emailGetFetchHtmlBodyValues: String (default: true)

If you don't want to return the HTML body in the JMAP fetch request, you can set this to false to disable it.

maximumRetryCount: Integer (default: 10)

The maximum number of retries before giving up.

retryDelayMillis: Integer (default: 3000)

The number of milliseconds to wait between retries.


Published and released with love under the Very Open License

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  • saibotsivad