
1.4.0 • Public • Published

IZ Object System - DEPRECATED

Important: This module is deprecated and is only maintained for legacy systems that still use it. New projects should use native JavaScript classes instead of this module.

The IZ Object System, or iz, was created before JavaScript had native class support. It was designed to provide a class-like structure using prototypes and other JavaScript native mechanisms. However, JavaScript now supports classes natively, and this module is no longer recommended for use in new projects.

This module continues to exist only for the few systems that still make use of it and haven't been converted to native JavaScript classes.

Legacy Documentation

The IZ Object System, or iz, provides a mechanism for the creation of robust javascript objects.

IZ is designed to make it easy to create objects and object hierarchies in a way that will be familiar to most developers who have worked with object oriented concepts in other languages. Behind the scenes, the iz object system does this in a very Javascript native way and in the most efficient way practical, using prototypical inheritence and other Javascript native mechanisms. In fact, once the object is created, it is practically indistinguishable from any other Javascript object, as such no special handling is necessary even in code that knows nothing about IZ objects.

The end result is a very usable and approachable way of writing and using objects in javascript, with complete support for features and abilities that are complex to implement in standard javascript.

Some features are:

  • Multilevel class-like inheritance
  • Mixins
  • object intro-spection
  • simple attribute creation
  • private attributes that may only be get and set via method calls
  • attribute type checking (including user-defined checking)
  • deep object localization

What follows is a walkthrough of how to use iz. IZ has a lot of functionality which is documented more thoroughly in the wiki.


Us too sometimes. Scroll to the bottom for the TL;DR section.

Creating 'Classes'

To begin with, Javascript doesn't have classes. So what the hell are we talking about? We use the term 'Class' frequently in this documentation. IZ borrows the name and related nomenclature for familiarity and ease of understanding only. IZ uses prototypical inheritance and uses 'Class names' only as a mechanism for naming and retrieving prototypes. What we call a class you could instead call a 'named prototype base object.' (Yeah, we don't want to say that over and over either, hence 'Class'.)

Ok... so getting on with it. As with any node module you have to load iz in any file you wish to use it in. That looks like this:

var iz = require('iz-objects');

Now creating a Class is easy. Create a new file and place the following in it. Save it as MyClass.js:

var iz = require('iz-objects');

module.exports = iz.Package('MyClass', function(Class, SUPER) {
	// all IZ packages must return Class at the end.
	return Class;

Congratulations. You have just created MyClass. You can use it in your own code like so:

var MyClass = iz.Module('MyClass');
var myobject = new MyClass();

The iz.Use() call is used to ensure that the Class you are about to use has been loaded. The iz.Module() call returns the constructor function for the class you requested. Within node.js, iz.Use() returns the same as iz.Module().

So, we have a class, but it wouldn't be very useful as it doesn't contain anything. We'd like our objects to have names... so let's give our class a name attribute using Class.has():

var iz = require('iz-objects');

module.exports = iz.Package('MyClass', function(Class, SUPER) {
	Class.has('name', { isa: 'string', default: 'Unknown' });
	return Class;

The arguments to Class.has() are a string, and the attribute definition. By default, the name is 'Unknown', though. And we don't want that... so when we create our object we give it a name right away:

var myobject = new MyClass({ name: 'Regina' });	
// print out our object's name
console.log("My Object is called " + myobject.name() );

What if we want to change our object's name?


Now our object is called Reggy.

That's all very interesting, but what we really want is class based behavior. So let's add a method. This is just like adding a method to any other javascript object.

module.exports = iz.Package('MyClass', function(Class, SUPER) {
	Class.has('name', { isa: 'string', default: 'Unknown' });

	Class.greet_on_console = function() {
		console.log('Hi, My name is ' + this.name() );

	return Class;

Astute readers may have noticed that we suddenly have 'this'. Right. Methods in IZ are just like any other method in javascript. Inside a method call, 'this' is the instance of the object you are operating in. So what's with 'Class', then? Class inside the iz.Package() call is the base class. Anything you add to it will be added to the base class, and hence all objects created from the base class will get it.

More detail is available in the Overview and the Wiki.

Too Long; Didn't Read

Reminder: This module is DEPRECATED and is only maintained for legacy systems that still use it. New projects should use native JavaScript classes instead of this module.

To create an IZ based class, make a .js file. Periods in the class name are converted to '/' for the sake of loading files. The following would be the contents of Bird/Duck.js.

var iz = require('iz-objects');

// create Bird.Duck class that inherits from Bird class.
module.exports = iz.Package('Bird.Duck', { 'extends' : 'Bird' }, function(Class, SUPER) {

	// Mix in 'Flight' class.

	// Mix in Logger so we can do this.log();

		type : { isa : 'string' },
		weight : { isa : 'number' },

		// use default for simple values - assigned by value.
		excitable : { isa : 'boolean', default: false },
		awake : { isa: 'boolean'},

		// friends needs a builder and not a default because each instance needs it's own array.
		// builder is run on a per-instance basis the first time the attribute is requested
		// the return value is the default.
		friends : { isa: 'array', builder: function(fieldname) { return new Array(); } }

	Class._on_object_create = function() {
		// call our parent class' _on_object_create

		// wake up when we are first created.

	Class.quack = function() {
		// if we are excitable, then we have a lot to say
		if (this.excitable()) {
			return "Quack Quack Quack Quack!";
		} else {
			return "Quack";

	// Surprise!
	Class.surprise = function() {

		var i;


		// log that a duck of our type flew away
		this.log(this.type() + " duck was surprised and flew away!");

		// use our mixed-in fly_away method

		for (i = 0; i < this.friends().length ; i++ ) {


	Class.add_friend = function(friend) {
		// add a friend to our friends array.  Note the () on friends, 
		// because it's an accessor.
	// return the created class.  (DON'T FORGET TO DO THIS!)
	return Class;

Use our Duck class:

// load the iz module
var iz = require('iz-objects');

// use the Bird.Duck class
var Duck = iz.Use('Bird.Duck');

// Create an object
var duck1 = new Duck({ type: 'mallard', excitable: true });

var duck2 = new Duck({ type: 'wood' });





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