
0.0.3 • Public • Published


Generic inline input event emitter.

Will validate an input field w/ the provided validation callback. It uses input-has-changed to validate as input is entered for inline validating.

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var InlineInput = require('inline-input');
var $email = document.createElement('input');
$email.setAttribute('type', 'email');
var e = InlineInput($email, function (val, callback) {
    // really simple and not real email check
    var hasEmailThings = (
        val.indexOf('@') > -1 &&
        val.indexOf('.') > -1
    if (hasEmailThings) return callback(null);
        error: 'invalid-email',
        msg: 'Your email does NOT look right! o_O'
e.on('data', function (val) {}); // input is valid
e.on('invalid', function (err) {}); // input is invalid
e.on('original', function (val) {}); // input has returned to original state

This will validate the input as it's entered. If the field has data on instantiation it's validated before input. It's designed to be user friendly so it will only start emitting events after the first data even – so on the first occurance of valid data. If the input then becomes invalid the invalid event is emitted. You can change this behavior by calling canValidate and passing true before input is entered.

// This will emit `invalid` even before valid input is entered

var i = InlineInput($input, function (value, callback) {});

Instantiate by providing a (for now) text type input and a validation callback w/ value and callback arguments.

Your validation function should call callback w/ null if the value is valid or an error object { error: 'error-key', msg: 'friendly msg' } if the value is invalid.


Emitted when the input is valid and passed the input value.


Emitted when the input is invalid.


Emitted when the input is returned to the initial state.


To update the original input value.

This is useful for things like saving off the input and resestting validation.

i.on('data', function (val) {
    save(val, function () {
        // reset form state


Force invalid to be emitted even if valid never emitted.


This is meant to be the basic-cover-most-cases implementation of an inline input validation module. There are cases where you don't want to validate on keyup, perhaps on blur makes more sense – what you could do instead:

var events = require('events');
var inherits = require('inherits');
function BlurInput ($input, validate) {
    if (!(this instanceof BlurInput)) return new BlurInput($input, validate);
    var me = this;
    this.original = $input.value;
    $input.addEventListener('blur', function () {
        if ($input.value === me.original) {
            return me.emit('original', $input.value);
        validate($input.value, function (err) {
            if (err) return me.emit('invalid', err);
            me.emit('valid', $input.value);
inherits(BlurInput, events.EventEmitter);
BlurInput.prototype.update = function (val) {
    this.original = val;
module.exports = BlurInput;

Should probably just make that a real module... :p If you're really keen you could create a module that consumes InlineInput and adds additional validation triggers (eg validate syntax w/ InlineInput then validate against a data store on blur).

The main things are:

  • The module should be an EventEmitter
  • Emit the following events:
    • data when input is valid and provide the input value
    • invalid when input is invalid
    • original when input is returned to original value
    • validating if your validation logic is async this should be emitted
  • Have an update method for updating the original value.

A common interface for validation really the ultimate goal allowing other modules to tap in to expected validation events and doing custom UI changes or generic client side form handling.

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  • drk