
6.26.2 • Public • Published


Library of JavaScript type extensions, types and utilities.


$ npm install -s 'ig-types'

Basic usage

To extend everything:


To have access to additional library types and utilities:

var types = require('ig-types')

types.js is organized so as to be able to import/extend only specific sub-modules mostly independently so...

In case there is a need to only extend a specific constructor just import the module dealing with that constructor (Array in this case):

// require `ig-types/<constructor-name>`...

Note that type patching modules are mostly independent.

And to import specific library modules only:

var containers = require('ig-types/containers')



Note that this module imports from object.js and object-run.js, see those modules for more details.


Get list of keys from all objects in the prototype chain.

    -> <keys>

This is different from Object.keys(..) which only gets own keys from the current object.


var a = { x: 123 }
var b = Object.create(a)
b.y = 321

// get own keys of b...
Object.keys(b) // -> ['y']

// get all keys accessible from b...
Object.deepKeys(b) // -> ['x', 'y']

For more details see: https://github.com/flynx/object.js#deepkeys

Object.copy(..) (EXPERIMENTAL)

Create a copy of <obj>

    -> <obj-copy>

Object.copy(<obj>, <constructor>)
    -> <obj-copy>

This will:

  • create a blank <obj-copy>
  • link <obj-copy> to the same prototype chain
  • assign all own keys from <obj> to <obj-copy>

This is similar to Object.clone(..) but instead of creating a new descendant of the input object with no data this will instead create a new sibling with a copy of the instance data.

<constructor> if given is called to create the instance to be populated, otherwise Object.create(<obj>) is used.

Note that .assign(..) is used to copy data, thus properties will be copied as values, to copy instance properties use object.js's .mixinFlat(..).

Note that this will make no attempt to clone object type, a <constructor> should be passed manually if any instance type other that Object is required.


Copy all attributes from the prototype chain of <obj> into <new-obj>.

    -> <new-obj>

Object.flatCopy(<obj>, <constructor>)
    -> <new-obj>

This is different to .copy(..) in that if no <constructor> is given <new-obj> will not be linked into the prototype chain of <obj>, if this behavior is desired use o => Object.create(o) as the <constructor>.


Attribute/value match two objects (non-recursive).

Object.match(<object>, <other>)
    -> <bool>

Objects A and B match iff:

  • A and B are identical, i.e. A === B


  • typeof A == typeof B and,
  • A and B have the same number of attributes and,
  • attribute names match and,
  • attribute values are identical.

And for a less strict match:

Object.match(<object>, <other>, true)
    -> <bool>

Like the default case but uses equality instead of identity to match values.

For more details see: https://github.com/flynx/object.js#match


Object.matchPartial(<object>, <other>)
    -> <bool>

Object.matchPartial(<object>, <other>, true)
    -> <bool>

Like .match(..) but will check for a partial match, i.e. when <other> is a non-strict subset of <object>.

For more details see: https://github.com/flynx/object.js#matchpartial


    -> <object>
    -> <other>

Run a function in the context of <object> returning either <object> itself (if returning undefined) or the result.

Note that this is accessible from all JavaScript non-primitive objects, i.e. everything that inherits from Object.


var L = [1, 2, 3]
        return e * 2 })
    // see if the first element is 1 and prepend 1 if it is not...
        if(this[0] != 1){
            this.unshift(1) } })

console.log(L) // -> [1, 2, 6, 8]

.run(..) is also available standalone via:

$ npm install -s object-run

For more details see:


Sort <obj> attributes (similar to Array's .sort(..))

    -> <obj>

Sort <obj> attributes via <cmp> function.

Object.sort(<obj>, <cmp>)
    -> <obj>

Sort <obj> attributes to the same order of <order-list>.

Object.sort(<obj>, <order-list>)
    -> <obj>

Note that this rewrites all the keys of <obj> thus for very large sets of keys/attributes this may be quite expensive.

Note that some keys of Object may misbehave in JavaScript, currently keys that are string values of numbers are sorted automatically by number value and are not affected by .sort(..), this affects both Chrome and Firefox.


var o = {x: 0, a: 1, '100':2, '0':3, ' 27 ':4, b:5}

// notice that the order is already different to the order of attributes above...
//    -> ['0', '100', 'x', 'a', ' 27 ', 'b']

// '0' and '100' are not affected by .sort(..) while ' 27 ' is...
Object.keys(Object.sort(o, ['x', 'a', '100'])) 
//    -> [ '0', '100', 'x', 'a', ' 27 ', 'b' ]

This is similar to <map>.sort(..) and <ser>.sort(..).


var func = require('ig-types/Function')


The async function constructor.

This enables us to test if an object is an instance of an async function.

var a = async function(){
    // ...

a instanceof func.AsyncFunction // -> true

This is hidden by JavaScript by default.




var array = require('ig-types/Array')

<array>.first(..) / <array>.last(..)

Get the first/last items of <array>.

    -> <item>

    -> <item>

Set the first/last items of <array>.

  -> <array>

  -> <array>

Note that these do not affect <array> length unless setting items on an empty <array>.


Roll <array> in-place left.

    -> <array>

    -> <array>

To roll right pass a negative n to .rol(..).


    -> <compact-array>

Generate a compact <array> from a sparse <array>, i.e. removing all the empty slots.


Number of non-empty slots/elements in <array>.

This is similar to:

var L = [,,, 1,, 2, 3,,]

// this is the same as L.len...

Note that this is different from .length in that writing to .len has no effect.

<array>.unique() / <array>.tailUnique()

Generate an array with all duplicate elements removed.

    -> <array>

    -> <array>

The difference between the two versions is in that .unique(..) keeps the first occurrence of a value while .tailUnique(..) keeps the last.

<array>.trim() / <array>.trimStart() / <array>.trimEnd()

Copy array removing empty slots from array start, end or both.

    -> <array>

    -> <array>
    -> <array>

This is similar to String's equivalent methods but removing empty slots instead of spaces.


Compare two arrays.

    -> <bool>

This will return true if:

  • <array> === <other>


  • lengths are the same and,
  • values on the same positions are equal.


Compare to arrays ignoring element order and count.

    -> <bool>


Sort array as a different array.

<array>.sortAs(<other>, 'head')
    -> <array>

<array>.sortAs(<other>, 'tail')
    -> <array>

Elements not present in <other> retain their relative order and are placed after the sorted elements if 'head' (i.e. "sorted at head of array") is passed as second argument (default) and before them if 'tail' ("sorted at tail") is passed.


var L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
var O = [5, 3, 1, 0]

L.sortAs(O) // -> [5, 3, 1, 2, 4, 6]


Sort array as a different array keeping positions of unsorted elements.

    -> <array>


var L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
var O = [5, 3, 1, 0]

L.inplaceSortAs(O) // -> [5, 2, 3, 4, 1, 6]


Create an object with array values as keys and index as value.

    -> <object>

Normalize resulting <object> keys:

    -> <object>

<normalize>(<elem>, <index>)
    -> <key>

If <array> contains the same value multiple times it will be written to <object> only once with the last occurrences' index.

Since object keys can only be strings array items that are not strings will be converted to strings. If this is not desired use .toMap(..) instead.


Create a map with array values as keys and index as value.

    -> <map>

Normalize resulting <map> keys:

    -> <map>

<normalize>(<elem>, <index>)
    -> <key>

Note that if <array> contains the same value multiple times it will be used as key only once and retain the last occurrences' index.

Array.zip(..) / <array>.zip(..)

Zip input array items.

Array.zip(<array>, <array>, ..)
    -> <array>

<array>.zip(<array>, <array>, ..)
    -> <array>


var A = [1, 2, 3]
var B = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

Array.zip(A, B) // -> [[1, 'a'], [2, 'b'], [3, 'c'], [, 'd']]

Array sparseness is retained -- if one of the arrays has an empty slot, or is not long enough, the corresponding spot in the result will be empty.

Resulting array length is strictly equal to the longest input array length.

Array.iter(..) / <array>.iter()

Return an iterator/generator from the current array.

<array>.iter(<func>, <onstop>)
	-> <generator>

<func>(<elem>, <index>)
	-> <value>

<onstop>(STOP, ...<args>)
<onstop>(<value>, ...<args>)

This is mostly useful in combination with the Generator extensions and utilities

Note that all stoppable functions/iterators support <onstop> callback as the last argument.


    -> <array>
    -> <array>

<func>([<pre>, <post>], <index-in>, <index-out>, <array>)
    -> <value>

Abortable Array iteration

A an alternative to Array's .map(..) / .filter(..) / .. methods with ability to stop the iteration process by throwing STOP or STOP(<value>).

var {STOP} = require('ig-types/Array')

This can be used in two ways:

  1. throw as-is to simply stop...

            // simply abort here and now...
            throw STOP })

    Since we aborted the iteration without passing any arguments to STOP, .smap(..) will return undefined.

  2. throw an instance and return the argument...

    // this will print "4" -- the value passed to STOP...
            if(e > 3){
              // NOTE: new is optional here...
              //    ...StopIteratiom is an object.js constructor.
              throw new STOP(e) } }))

Note that no partial result is returned unless passed through STOP(..).

array.STOP / array.STOP(..)

An object/constructor that if raised (as an exception) while iterating via a supporting iterator method will abort further execution and correctly exit.

<array>.smap(..) / <array>.sfilter(..) / <array>.sreduce(..) / <array>.sforEach(..)

Like Array's .map(..), .filter(..), .reduce(..) and .forEach(..) but with added support for aborting iteration by throwing STOP or STOP(<value>).

These can be passed a <onstop> callback as an additional last argument that will be called if STOP/STOP(<value>) is returned or thrown.

Large Array iteration (chunked)

Iterating over very large Array instances in JavaScript can block execution, to avoid this types.js implements .map(..)/.filter(..)/.reduce(..) equivalent methods that iterate the array in chunks and do it asynchronously giving the runtime a chance to run in between.

In the simplest cases these are almost a drop-in replacements for the equivalent methods but return a promise.

var a = [1,2,3,4,5]
        return e*2 })

var b
        return e*2 })
        b = res })

// or with await...
var c = await [1,2,3,4,5]
        return e*2 })

These support setting the chunk size (default: 50) as the first argument:

var c = await [1,2,3,4,5]
    .mapChunks(2, function(e){ 
        return e*2 })

array.STOP / array.STOP(..)

Like for <array>.smap(..) and friends iteration can be stopped by throwing a array.STOP / array.STOP(<value>) and as before there are two ways to go:

  1. throw as-is to simply stop

            // simply abort here and now...
            throw STOP })
            console.log('done.') })
  2. Throw an instance and pass a value to .catch(..)

             if(e > 3){
               // NOTE: new is optional here...
               //    ...StopIteratiom is an object.js constructor.
               throw new STOP(e) } })
             console.log('first value greater than 3:', e) })


The default iteration chunk size.

Note that the smaller this is the more responsive the code is, especially in UI applications but there is a small overhead added per chunk.

Default value: 50

<array>.mapChunks(..) / <array>.filterChunks(..) / <array>.reduceChunks(..)

The .map(..), .filter(..) and .reduce(..) alternatives respectively:

<array>.mapChunks(<chunk-size>, <func>)
  -> <promise>

<func>(<item>, <index>, <array>)
  -> <new-item>
<array>.filterChunks(<chunk-size>, <func>)
  -> <promise>

<func>(<item>, <index>, <array>)
  -> <bool>
<array>.reduceChunks(<func>, <state>)
<array>.mreduceChunks(<chunk-size>, <func>, <state>)
  -> <promise>

<func>(<state>, <item>, <index>, <array>)
  -> <state>

All three support chunk handlers in the same way (illustrated on .mapChunks(..)):

<array>.mapChunks([<func>, <chunk-handler>])
<array>.mapChunks(<chunk-size>, [<func>, <chunk-handler>])
  -> <promise>

<func>(<item>, <index>, <array>)
  -> <new-item>

<chunk-handler>(<chunk>, <result>, <offset>)

The <chunk-handler> gets the completed chunk of data after it is computed but before the timeout.




Replace key in map retaining item order

<map>.replaceKey(<old>, <new>)
<map>.replaceKey(<old>, <new>, true)
    -> <map>

Replace the key without sorting

<map>.replaceKey(<old>, <new>, false)
    -> <map>

Note that when sorting large maps this can get expensive.


Sort <map> keys in-place

    -> <map>

    -> <map>

In the general case this is similar to <array>.sort(..) with the addition of the <array>.sortAs(..)'s ability to sort as a list

    -> <map>

This is similar to <set>.sort(..) and Object.sort(..), see the later for more info.




Unite two sets and return the resulting set

    -> <union-set>

This is a shorthand for new Set([...<set>, ...<other>])


Intersect two sets and return the intersection set

    -> <intersection-set>


Subtract <other> from set and return resulting set

    -> <sub-set>


In-place splice a set

<set>.splice(<from>, <count>)
<set>.splice(<from>, <count>, ...<items>)
    -> <removed>

This is the same as <array>.splice(..) but without the ability to add more than one instance of an item.


Replace value in set with other value retaining item order (in-place)

<set>.replace(<old>, <new>)
<set>.replace(<old>, <new>, true)
    -> <set>

Replace the value without sorting

<set>.replace(<old>, <new>, false)
    -> <set>

Note that when sorting large sets this can get expensive.


Replace item at position in set retaining order (in-place)

<set>.replaceAt(<index>, <new>)
<set>.replaceAt(<index>, <new>, true)
    -> <set>

If <index> is less than 0 the <new> item will be prepended to <set>, if the <index> is greater than or equal to <set>.size then <new> is appended.

Replace the value at index without sorting

<set>.replaceAt(<index>, <new>, false)
    -> <set>

Here, if <index> is less than 0 or greater than or equal to <set>.size <new> will always be appended to <set>.

Note that when sorting large sets this can get expensive.


Sort <set> (in-place)

    -> <set>

    -> <set>

In the general case this is similar to <array>.sort(..) with the addition of the <array>.sortAs(..)'s ability to sort as a list

    -> <set>

This is similar to <map>.sort(..) and Object.sort(..), see the later for more info.

<set>.filter(..) / <set>.map(..) / <set>.forEach(..) / <set>.reduce(..) / <set>.reduceRight(..)

For more info see corresponding stoppable methods in Array's section.




Generate a timestamp (format: 'YYYYMMDDHHMMSS')

    -> <timestamp>

Generate a full timestamp, including milliseconds (format: 'YYYYMMDDHHMMSSmmm')

    -> <timestamp>

This is a shorthand to: (new Date()).getTimeStamp(..)

The timestamp is generated from the time of call, for generating timestamps form specific <date> objects see: <date>.getTimeStamp(..)


Create a <date> from a timestamp

    -> <date>

This is a shorthand to: (new Date()).setTimeStamp(<timestamp>)


Convert a string describing a time period into milliseconds.

    -> <number>


// time units (d/h/m/s/ms) and their variants...
var a = Date.str2ms('3 seconds') // -> 3000

var b = Date.str2ms('0.1h') // -> 360000

// time period (DD:HH:MM:SS:mmm)...
var c = Date.str2ms('00:20:001') // -> 20001
var d = Date.str2ms('1:3') // -> 63000

Note that time periods are seconds-based by default unless it contains three digits then it defaults to milliseconds:

// least significant unit is seconds by default...
var e = Date.str2ms(':3') // -> 3000

// when the least significant unit contains 3 digits it is read as ms...
var f = Date.str2ms(':030') // -> 30

Supported formats:

<str> ::=
    | <seconds>
    | <minutes>
    | <hours>
    | <days>
    | <period>

<milliseconds> ::=
    | <number>ms
    | <number>m[illi][-]s[ec[ond[s]]]

<seconds> ::=
    | <number>s[ec[ond[s]]]

<seconds> ::=
    | <number>m[in[ute[s]]]

<seconds> ::=
    | <number>h[our[s]]
<seconds> ::=
    | <number>d[ay[s]]

<period> ::= 
    | [[[[DD:]HH:]MM]:SS]:mmm


Generate a short date string from <date> (format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS')

    -> <short-date>

Generate a short date string including milliseconds from <date> (format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS:mmm')

    -> <short-date>

Note that <short-date> is directly parseable by new Date(..)

var a = (new Date()).toShortDate(true)

// parse the <short-date> and generate a new short date from it...
var b = (new Date(a)).toShortDate(true)

a == b // -> true


Generate a timestamp from <date> (format 'YYYYMMDDHHMMSS')

    -> <timestamp>

Generate a timestamp from <date> including milliseconds (format 'YYYYMMDDHHMMSSmmm')

    -> <timestamp>


Update a <date> from a timestamp

    -> <date>




Capitalize the first character of a string

    -> <string>


Indent each line in <string> by <size> spaces

    -> <string>

Indent/prepend each line in <string> by the <prefix> string

    -> <string>




Quote regexp reserved characters in a string

    -> <str>

This is mainly used to quote strings to be matched as-is within a regular expression.




var promise = require('ig-types/Promise')

Interactive promises

Interactive promises can be sent messages and then handle them.

var printer = Promise.interactive(function(resolve, reject, onmessage){
    var buf = []
    var state = 'pending'
    onmessage(function(type, ...args){
        type == 'flush' ?
            (buf = buf
                .filter(function([type, state, ...args]){
                    console[type](`(${ state }):`, ...args) }))
        : type == 'close' ?
                state = 'resolved')
        : buf.push([type, state, ...args]) }) })

    .send('log', 'some message...')
    .send('warn', 'some warning...')

Note that message handling is independent of promise state, so in the above case we can still populate the buffer and flush it even if the promise is resolved

    .send('log', 'some other message...')

If the user wants to handle messages differently (ignore for example) after the promise is finalized it is their responsibility (see: <onmessage>(..) for more info)


Create and interactive promise

    -> <promise-inter>

The <handler> accepts one additional argument, compared to the Promise(..) handler, <onmessage>, used to register message handlers.

<handler>(<resolve>, <reject>, <onmessage>)


Remove <message-handler>

<onmessage>(<message-handler>, false)

Remove all handlers


<message-handler> is called when a message is sent via <promise-inter>.send().


Send a message to an interactive promise

    -> <promise-inter>

Sending a message triggers message handlers registered via <onmessage>(..) passing each handler the arguments.


Extended .then(..) implementation.

See <promise-iter>.then(..) for details.

Cooperative promises

A cooperative promise is one that can be finalized externally/cooperatively.

This can be useful for breaking recursive dependencies between promises or when it is simpler to thread the result receiver promise down the stack than building a promise stack and manually threading the result up.


// NOTE: implementing this via Promise.any(..) would also require implementing a 
//      way to stop the "workers" after the result is found...
async function controller(trigger){

        // do things...

            || trigger.set(result) } }

async function controlled(trigger){

    // do things independently of trigger...

            // do things after trigger...
        }) }

var t = Promise.cooperative()

// multiple cooperative controllers competing to create a result...
// ...

// prepare and process result...
// NOTE: calling .then() here is completely optional and done out of role
//      hygene -- isolating cooperative API from the client...
// ...

Note that this functionally can be considered a special-case of an interactive promise, but in reality they are two different implementations, the main differences are:

  • Cooperative promise constructor does not need a resolver function,
  • Cooperative promises do not the implement .send(..) API.

Note that implementing Cooperative promises on top of Interactive promises cleanly, though feeling more "beautiful", would be more complex than the current standalone implementation, as it would require both implementing the .set(..) API/logic and active encapsulation of the message API.


Create a cooperative promise

    -> <promise-coop>


Resolve <promise-coop> with <value>

<promise-coop>.set(<value>, true)
    -> <promise-coop>

If <value> is a promise, then <promise-coop> will be bound to its state, i.e. resolved if <value> is resolved and rejected if it is rejected with the same values.

Reject <promise-coop> with <value>

<promise-coop>.set(<value>, false)
    -> <promise-coop>

Calling .set(..) will set .isSet to true.


Property representing if the cooperative promise was set / .set(..) was called (value is true) or no (false).

This property is read-only.


Extended .then(..) implementation.

See <promise-iter>.then(..) for details.

Promise iteration

An iterable promise is on one hand very similar to Promise.all(..) in that it generally takes a list of values each could be either an explicit value or a promise, and it is similar to a generator in that it allows iteration over the contained values and chaining of operations but unlike Promise.all(..) this iteration occurs depth-first instead of breadth first.

One can think of promise iterators vs. generators as the former being internally controlled and asynchronous while the later being externally controlled and synchronous.

Here is a traditional example using Promise.all(..):

var p = Promise.all([ .. ])
    // this will not execute until ALL the inputs resolve...
        return lst
              // ...
          // this will not run until ALL of lst is filtered...
              // ...
          }) })

And a promise iterator:

var p = Promise.iter([ .. ])
    // each element is processed as soon as it is ready disregarding of its order
    // in the input array...
        // ...
    // items reach here as soon as they are returned by the filter stage handler...
        // ...
    // .then(..) explicitly waits for the whole list of inputs to resolve...
        // ...

This approach has a number of advantages:

  • items are processed as soon as they are available without waiting for the slowest promise on each level to resolve
  • simpler and more intuitive code

And some disadvantages:

  • item indexes are unknowable until all the promises resolve.

Calling each of the <promise-iter> methods will return a new and unresolved promise, even if the original is resolved.

If all values are resolved the <promise-iter> will resolve on the next execution frame.

There are two types of iterator methods here, both are transparent but different in how they process values:

  • Parallel methods
    These handle elements as soon as they are available even if the parent promise is not yet resolved.
  • Proxies These methods simply wait for the main promise to resolve and then call the appropriate method on the result.

Promise iterators directly support for-await-of iteration:

for await (var elem of Promise.iter(/* ... */)){
    // ...

Promise iteration supports three modes of synchronization:

  1. handle on ready
      [value, promise, promise, value], handler)
         +	   .		.		+
         |				R		|
         +	   R		|		+
  	   		   |		+
  			   + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -> resolve

  			   								  R - input resolved

A handler is started as soon as it's value is ready/resolved, i.e. for non-promise values start immediately.

  1. handle sequentially when value is ready and previous handler is started
      [value, promise, promise, value], handler)
         +      .         .       .        |
         |                R              <-+ 
         ++- - >R         .       .        |
          |     |                        <-+ 
          +     ++ - - - >+       .        |
          .      |        |              <-+
                 +        + - - > +        |
          .      .                |      <-+
                                  + - - - - - - - > resolve
          ^      ^
          +------+-- returned promise
  			   								  R - input resolved

A handler is started as soon as all previous handlers are started and the current value is ready/resolved.

  1. handle sequentially when value is ready and previous handler is resolved
      [value, promise, promise, value], handler)
         +      .         .       .        |
         |                R              <-+
         ++- - >R         .       .        |
          |     |                        <-+
          +     ++        .       .        |
          .      |                         |
                 + - - - >+       .        |
          .      .        |              <-+
                          + - - > +        |
          .      .                |      <-+
                                  + - - - - - - - > resolve
          ^      ^
          +------+-- returned promise
  			   								  R - input resolved

A handler is started as soon as all previous handlers are done, their return values are resolved and the current value is ready/resolved.

Promise.iter(..) / promise.IterablePromise(..)

Create an iterable promise

    -> <promise-iter>


Wrap a promise in an promise iterator.

    -> <promise-iter>

If <promise> resolves to a non-array value it will be treated as a single element, otherwise the array will be iterated over.


Return a shallow copy of the current promise iterator.

    -> <promise-iter>

Promise.seqiter(..) / promise.IterableSequentialPromise(..)

<promise>.seqiter() / <promise-iter>.seqiter()

Promise.seqstartiter(..) / promise.IterableSequentialStartPromise(..)

<promise>.seqstartiter() / <promise-iter>.seqstartiter()

<promise-iter>.map(..) / <promise-iter>.filter(..) / <promise-iter>.reduce(..)

Methods similar but not fully equivalent to Array's .map(..), .filter(..), and .reduce(..)

    -> <promise-iter>

    -> <elem>
    -> <promise-iter>

    -> <bool>
<promise-iter>.reduce(<handler>, <state>)
    -> <promise>

<handler>(<state>, <elem>)
    -> <state>

Note that these are different to Array's equivalents in some details:

  • <handler> is not called in the order of element occurrence but rather in the order of elements are resolved/ready.
  • <handler> does not get either the element index or the container.
    this is because in out-of-order and depth-first execution the index is unknowable and the container is a promise/black-box.

This is especially critical for .reduce(..) as the iteration in an order different from the order of elements can affect actual result if this is not expected.

.reduce(..) is also a bit different here in that it will return a basic <promise> rather than an iterable promise object as we can't know what will it will reduce to.

Note that since .reduce(..) handler's execution order can not be known, there is no point in implementing .reduceRigth(..).


    -> <promise-iter>
    -> <promise-iter>

<func>([<pre>, <post>], <index-in>, <index-out>, <promise-iter>)
    -> <value>


    -> <promise-iter>

This is similar to <array>.flat(..) see it for more info.


    -> <promise-iter>

This is deferent from <array>.reverse() in that it will not reverse in-place, but rather a reversed copy will be created.

This is similar to <array>.reverse() see it for more info.


    -> <promise-iter>

This is similar to <array>.concat(..) see it for more info.

<promise-iter>.push(..) / <promise-iter>.unshift(..)

    -> <promise-iter>

    -> <promise-iter>

These are similar to <array>.push(..) and <array>.unshift(..) see them for more info.

<promise-iter>.at(..) / <promise-iter>.first() / <promise-iter>.last()

Proxies to the appropriate array methods with a special-case: when getting elements at positions 0 or -1 (i.e. .first() / .last()) these can resolve before the parent <promise-iter>.




<promise-iter>.some(..) / <promise-iter>.find(..)

    -> <promise>

    -> <promise>

The main difference between .some(..) and .find(..) is in that the <promise> returned from the former will resolve to either true or false, and in the later to the found value or undefined.

.find(..) supports an additional argument that controls what returned <promise> is resolved to...

<promise-iter>.find(<func>, 'value')
    -> <promise>

<promise-iter>.find(<func>, 'bool')
    -> <promise>

<promise-iter>.find(<func>, 'result')
    -> <promise>
  • value (default)
    resolve to the stored value if found and undefined otherwise.
  • bool
    resolve to true if the value is found and false otherwise, this is how .some(..) is impelemnted.
  • result
    resolve to the return value of the test <func>.

These are similar to <array>.some(..) and <array>.find(..) see them for more info.

Array proxy methods returning <promise-iter>

  • <promise-iter>.sort(..)
  • <promise-iter>.slice(..)
  • <promise-iter>.entries() / <promise-iter>.keys() / <promise-iter>.values()

These methods are proxies to the appropriate array methods.

    -> <promise-iter>

These methods need the parent <promise-iter> to resolve before resolving themselves.

XXX links...

Array proxy methods returning a <promise>

  • <promise-iter>.indexOf(..)
  • <promise-iter>.includes(..)
  • <promise-iter>.every(..)
  • <promise-iter>.findIndex(..)

These methods are proxies to the appropriate array methods.

    -> <promise>

These methods need the parent <promise-iter> to resolve before resolving themselves.

Since the equivalent array methods do not return iterables these will return a basic (non-iterable) <promise>.

XXX links...

<promise-iter>.then(..) / <promise-iter>.catch(..) / <promise-iter>.finally(..)

An extension to <promise>.then(..) API this adds the ability to pass no arguments

    -> <promise>

This will return a generic promise wrapper passing through the results as-is. This can be useful to hide the extended promise API from further code.

promise.IterablePromise.STOP / promise.IterablePromise.STOP(..)

A special object that when thrown from a function/promise handler will stop further iteration.

This is undefined until the ig-types/Array module is loaded.

For more info see: Stopping the iteration below, and the 'Array' STOP section


Like .then(..) but will return an IterablePromise instance.


Return true if all content is resolved, otherwise return false.


If all content is resolved return the promise value, otherwise return a promise.

For more info see: <promise>.sync(..)

Advanced handler

Promise.iter(<block>, <handler>)
    -> <iterable-promise>

The <handler> will get passed each resolved <value> of the input <block> as soon as it's available/resolved.

The <handler> return value is unwrapped into the resulting array, allowing each call to both remove elements (i.e. returning []) from the resulting <block> as well as insert multiple items (by returning an array of items).

    -> []
    -> [ <elem>, .. ]
    -> <non-array>
<block> ::= 
    | [ <elem>, .. ]

<elem> ::= 
    | <promise>(<value>)


var p = Promise.iter(
        [1, 2, 3, Promise.resolve(4), [5, 6]], 
            // duplicate even numbers...
            return elem % 2 == 0 ?
                    [elem, elem]
                // return arrays as-is...
                : elem instanceof Array ?
                // remove other elements...
                : [] })
        console.log(lst) }) // -> [2, 2, 4, 4, [5, 6]]

Stopping the iteration

Like the Array module, this support throwing STOP to stop iteration. As we uses .smap(..) stopping support is supported if ig-types/Array module is loaded.


This is also different semantically, as promise iteration can happen out of order, stopping affects the order of processing and not order of the input array with one exception: promises already created can not be stopped in JavaScript.

Any handler function passed to a <promise-iter> method can throw a STOP.

For more details see: the 'Array' STOP section

Promise proxies

Promise proxies generate a set of prototype methods returning promises that when the parent promise is resolved will resolve to a specific method call.


var o = {
    method: function(...args){
        console.log('method:', ...args)

var p = Peomise.cooperative().as(o)

p.method(1, 2, 3) // returns a promise...

// ...

// resolving a promise will trigger all the proxy emthod execution, so 
// here 'method: 1, 2, 3' will get printed...


Create a promise proxy

    -> <promise-proxy>

A proxy promise will be populated with proxy methods to all the methods of the <object> or <constructor>.prototype.


When <promise> resolves, call the .<method>(..) on the resolved value.

    -> <method-promise>

<method-promise> will resolve the the return value of the <method> when the main <promise> is resolved.

Sync/async promise

The goal of this is to handle both sync and asynchronous data flows with one promise-like API, if all of the data can be obtained in a sync manner this will be sync otherwise we will revert to a normal promise.

Promise.sync(..) / promise.SyncPromise(..)

	-> <sync-promise>
	-> <promise>

<func>(<resolve>, <reject>)



Implements the full Promise protocol but does it in a sync manner, but the execution of <func> is done synchronously. If the value passed to <resolve>(..) is a promise this will return that and continue asynchronously otherwise all the promise API (.then(..)/.catch(..)/...) is run in sync.


Synchronously return the resolved value if <sync-promise> resolved, and if it rejected then re-throw the <error>. Normal promises will return self.

	-> <value>
	-> <promise>

To suppress errors pass false to .sync(..) and to handle them differently pass an error handler function.

	-> <value>

	-> <value>

	-> <value>

<sync-promise>.value / <sync-promise>.error

<sync-promise> attributes that provide access the resolved .value and/or rejection .error.

Promise.sync.all(..) / Promise.sync.allSettled(..) / Promise.sync.any(..) / Promise.sync.race(..)

Equivalents to Promise's respective versions but will run sync if the relevant items in the input are either non-promises or <sync-promise>s.

Promise utilities


Await for inputs if any of them is a promise and then run a function with the results, otherwise run the function in sync.

Promise.awaitOrRun(<value>, <func>[, <onerror>])
Promise.awaitOrRun(<value>, .. , <func>[, <onerror>])
	-> <promise(value)>
	-> <value>

Note that if the last <value> is a function and no <onerror> function is given then .awaitOrRun(..) will confuse the <value> for <func>, to avoid this one needs to explicitly pass null/undefined as <onerror>.

Special-case: this will expand async generators if they define .then(..), this may change in the future.

Generator extensions and utilities

var generator = require('ig-types/generator')

The basics

The generator hierarchy in JavaScript is a bit complicated.

Consider the following:

// generator constructor function...
var Iter = function*(L){
    for(var e of L){
        yield e }}

// generator instance...
var iter = Iter([1, 2, 3])

We can test that iter is an instance of Iter:

iter instanceof Iter // -> true

Note that there is no generator constructor constructor or meta-generator, i.e. Iter is created syntactically and not constructed via a new constructor.

Due to the three level structure of generators we use a slightly different terminology to reference different levels of API's:

  • Generator - the generator meta-constructor.
    This is a constructor that is used to create/prototype <Generator>'s, i.e. generator constructors.
    Generator is mainly used for instanceof checks, but can be used as a prototype for extending generators.
  • <Generator> - the generator constructor.
    This is the product of either a Generator meta-constructor or a function*(..){ .. } statement.
    In the above example Iter is a generator constructor.
  • <generator> - the generator instance.
    Generator instances are created by calling a <Generator> / generator constructor.
    In the above example iter is a generator instance.

Iterators and generators are similar but not the same. Some objects like Array's, Map's and Set's provide a number of generic iterators that are not implemented as generators. These objects are also extended by ig-types/generator to match the <generator> object API defined below.


Exposes the hidden JavaScript generator meta-constructor.

This is similar to the JavaScript's Function constructor

var g = generator.Generator(`
    yield 123
    yield 321 `)

// prints 123 then 321...
for(var e of g()){
    console.log(e.value) }

This can be used to test if a function is a generator constructor

Iter instanceof generator.Generator // -> true

Note that currently in JavaScript there is no built-in way to test if a constructor/function, Iter in this case, is a generator constructor.


Generic generator wrapper

    -> <generator>

    -> <generator>


for(var i of generator.iter([1, 2, 3])){
    console.log(i) }

The following are equivalent:

var a = generator.iter()

var b = new generator.Generator()

But Generator() takes no arguments and thus can not be used as a wrapper while .iter(..) is designed to accept an iterable value like an array object.


Generator instance iteration

This is a set of Array-like iterator methods that enable chaining of generators and Promise-like API to handle the generated results.

Chained generators handle items depth-first, i.e. the items are passed as they are yielded down the generator chain.


Iterate over the generator.

    -> <generator>

XXX move this to generator.iter(..)

Compatible with <array>'s .iter().

.iter(..) also supports a handler function

    -> <generator>

<handler>(<elem>, <index>)
    -> <elem>
    -> [<elem>, ..]
    -> []

Note that the iterables returned by <handler>(..) will be expanded, to prevent this wrap them in an array.

<generator>.map(..) / <generator>.filter(..)

Equivalents to Array's .map(..), .filter(..) and .reduce(..) but return generators that yield the handler return values.

.map(..) here also supports a generator as a handler

var expand = function*(n){ 
    yield* (new Array(n)).fill(n) }

// will create: [1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]
var L = [1,2,3]

Throwing STOP form within the handler will stop generation, throwing STOP(<value>) will yield the <value> then stop.

var stopAt = function(n){
    return function(e){
        if(e == n){
            // stop iteration yielding the value we are stopping at...
            throw generator.STOP(e) } 
        return e } }

var L = [1,2,3,4,5]

These also support passing the <onstop> callback as additional last argument. It will be called when STOP/STOP(<value>) is thrown or returned.

<generator>.reduce(..) / <generator>.greduce(..)

<generator>.forEach(..) (EXPERIMENTAL)

    -> <array>

This is different from the above in that this will unwind the <generator>.

Note that this differs from <array>.forEach(..) in that his will return the resulting array, essentially behaving like .map(..).


    -> <generator>
    -> <generator>

<func>([<pre>, <post>], <index-in>, <index-out>, <generator>)
    -> <value>


<generator>.slice(<from>, <to>)
    -> <generator>

Note that this does not support negative indexes as it not possible to know the generator length until it is fully done.

Otherwise this is similar to Array's .slice(..) but will return a generator instead of an array, for more info see:

<generator>.at(..) / <generator>.gat(..)

    -> <value>
    -> undefined

    -> <generator>


    -> <generator>

Equivalent to Array's .flat(..) but will return a generator instead of an array, for more info see:

<generator>.shift() / <generator>.pop() / <generator>.gshift() / <generator>.gpop()

Return the first/last item in generator.

    -> <value>
    -> undefined

Return a <generator> that will yield the first/last item in the generator.

    -> <generator>

Note that there are no equivalents to .push(..) and .unshift(..) as they would require breaking item processing order.

Note that .shift()/.gshift() will yield the item the generator is at at time of call, this may not be the first item if the generator is partially depleted.

<generator>.unshift(..) / <generator>.push(..)

Add a value to the generator sequence at start/end.

    -> <generator>

Value added by .unshift(..) will be yielded by <generator> "first", i.e. on next call to .next(), regardless of the current generator state.





<generator>.then(..) / <generator>.catch(..) / <generator>.finally(..)

Return a promise and resolve it with the generator value.

    -> <promise>

Adding handlers to the promise

<generator>.then(<resolve>, <reject>)
    -> <promise>

    -> <promise>

    -> <promise>

Note that this will deplete the generator.

These are the same as equivalent Promise methods, for more info see:


Unwind a generator into an array

    -> <array>

This is equivalent to [...<generator>] but more suited for the concatenative style.

Treating iterators the same as generators

Most iterator methods of Array, Set and Map are extended with the same API supported by the <generator>, so effectively most built-in iterator methods can be transparently treated as generators.

// this will generate: [1, 4, 9]
var L = [ ...[1, 2, 3]
    // Note that this is implemented as an iterator in JS and not a generator...
        return e * e }) ]

Generator constructor iteration

This API is essentially the same as generator iteration with some minor omissions, but will return a reusable generator pipeline instead of a generator.

var sumOdds = generator.iter
        return e % 2 == 1 })
    .reduce(function(r, e){ 
        return r + e }, 0)

// sumOdds(..) is essentially a function that can be reused...
console.log(sumOdds([1, 2, 3])) // -> 4
console.log(sumOdds([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])) // -> 16

The above code is the same in function to:

var sumOdds = function(lst){
    return generator.iter(lst)
            return e % 2 == 1 })
        .reduce(function(r, e){ 
            return r + e }, 0)
        .pop() }

console.log(sumOdds([1, 2, 3])) // -> 4
console.log(sumOdds([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])) // -> 16

<Generator> methods fall into two categories:

  • <constructor>
    create a new chained <Generator> object that when called will return a <generator>
  • <finalizer>
    create a chained function that when called will return a <value>/undefined
    -> <Generator>

    -> <func>

    -> <generator>

    -> <value>
    -> undefined


This is a shorthand to iter(..).

This is here mainly for compatibility with Array's .iter(..).

<Generator>.at(..) / <Generator>.gat(..)

    -> <func>

    -> <Generator>

Equivalents to <generator>'s .at(..)/.gat(..) but returning a reusable <func>/<Generator>.

<Generator>.shift() / <Generator>.pop() / <Generator>.gshift() / <Generator>.gpop()

    -> <func>

    -> <Generator>

Note that .shift()/.gshift() will get the element the generator is at currently which may not be the first element in the sequence.

Equivalents to <generator>'s .shift(..)/.pop(..)/.. but returning a reusable <func>/<Generator>.

<generator>.unshift(..) / <generator>.push(..)

    -> <Generator>

Equivalents to <generator>'s .unshift(..)/.push(..) but returning a reusable <Generator>.


<Generator>.slice(<from>, <to>)
    -> <Generator>

Unlike Array's .slice(..) this does not support negative indexes.

Equivalent to <generator>'s .slice(..) but returning a reusable <Generator>.

<Generator>.map(..) / <Generator>.filter(..) / <Generator>.reduce(..) / <Generator>.flat()

Counterparts to <generator>'s .map(..), .filter(..), .reduce(..)/.greduce(..) and .flat(..) but return a <Generator>.


    -> <Generator>
    -> <Generator>

<func>([<pre>, <post>], <index-in>, <index-out>, <Generator>)
    -> <value>


Return a function that will return a <generator> output as an Array.

    -> <function>




Generator combinators

<Generator>.chain(..) / <generator>.chain(..)

<Generator>.chain(<Generator>, ..)
    -> <Generator>
<generator>.chain(<Generator>, ..)
    -> <generator>
// double each element...
var x2 = generator.iter
    .map(function(e){ return e * 2 })

generator.range(0, 100).chain(x2)

<Generator>.concat(..) / <generator>.concat(..)

Concatenate the results from generators

<Generator>.concat(<Generator>, ..)
    -> <Generator>
<generator>.concat(<generator>, ..)
    -> <generator>

Generator library


Create a generator yielding a range of numbers

range(<from>, <to>)
range(<from>, <to>, <step>)
    -> <generator>


Create a generator repeatedly yielding <value>

repeat(<value>, <stop>)
    -> <generator>

    -> <bool>

If no value is given true is yielded by default.

<stop> if given will be called with each <value> before it is yielded and if it returns false the iteration is stopped.


Create a generator calling a function to produce yielded values

    -> <generator>

    -> <value>

<func>(..) can throw STOP or STOP(<value>) to stop production at any time.

Generator helpers


Wrap function/generator adding support for stopping mid-iteration by throwing STOP.

    -> <generator>

Async generator extensions




<async-generator>.then(..) / <async-generator>.catch(..) / <async-generator>.finally(..)


<async-generator>.map(..) / <async-generator>.filter(..) / <async-generator>.reduce(..)




<async-generator>.push(..) / <async-generator>.unshift(..)


var containers = require('ig-types').containers

or, to only import containers:

var containers = require('ig-types/containers')

Note that this will also import ig-types/Map.

containers.UniqueKeyMap() (Map)

UniqueKeyMap implements a key-value container (i.e. Map) that supports and maintains duplicate keys by appending an index to them.
The original keys are stored internally thus the renaming mechanics are stable.

UniqueKeyMap extends the Map constructor, so all the usual Map methods and properties apply here.

To construct an instance:

var x = new UniqueKeyMap()


// new is optional...
var y = UniqueKeyMap()

UniqueKeyMap supports the same initialization signature as Map but treats repeating keys differently.

var z = UniqueKeyMap([['a', 1], ['a', 2], ['b', 1]])

The second "a" item will automatically get re-keyed as "a (1)":

console.log([...z.keys()]) // -> ['a', 'a (1)', 'b']

Note that .set(..) will never rewrite an element:

z.set('a', 3)

console.log([...z.keys()]) // -> ['a', 'a (1)', 'b', 'a (2)']

z.get('a') // -> 1
z.get('a (1)') // -> 2

To get the generated key:

var k = z.set('a', 4, true)

console.log(k) // -> 'a (3)'

To explicitly rewrite an item:

z.reset('a (1)', 4)

z.get('a (1)') // -> 4

And we can rename items, i.e. change their key:

z.rename('a (2)', 'c')

console.log([...z.keys()]) // -> ['a', 'a (1)', 'b', 'a (3)', 'c']

For more info on Map see:


<unique-key-map>.reset(<key>, <item>)
    -> <unique-key-map>

<unique-key-map>.reset(<key>, <item>, true)
    -> <new-key>

Add an <item> to <unique-key-map>.

If <key> already exists then add an index to it to make it unique.

Key updating is done via <unique-key-map>.__key_pattern__.


<unique-key-map>.reset(<key>, <item>)
    -> <unique-key-map>

Explicitly write an <item> under <key> as-is, this is like Map's .set(..).


<unique-key-map>.rename(<from-key>, <to-key>)
    -> <unique-key-map>

<unique-key-map>.rename(<from-key>, <to-key>, true)
    -> <new-key>

Rename item key from <from-key> to <to-key>.

Same mechanics apply as for .set(..) for key uniqueness.

Note, if .__unordered_rename__ is false (default) this calls .orderedRename(..) otherwise .unorderedRename(..) is called.









This module defines a set of pure-JavaScript event-like method constructors and utilities.

var event = require('ig-types/event')


Create and eventful method.

event.Eventfull(<name>[, <options>])
event.Eventfull(<name>, <func>[, <options>])
	-> <method>

An eventful method is a method that can be called either directly or via .trigger(<method-name>, ..).

Calling an eventful method will call <func>(..) if defined and will trigger the eventful method's handlers trigger, either after <func>(..) returns or when <hander>(..) is called within <func>(..).

	-> <value>

Note that if <func>(..) returns undefined then <method>(..) will return either this or undefined depending on <options>.defaultReturn being set to 'context' (default) or undefined resp.

Handlers can be bound to an eventful method via .on(<method-name>, ...), unbound via .off(<method-name>), see: event.EventHandlerMixin for more info.

<handler>(<event-name>, ...)

The event <func>(..) gets the <handle-func>(..) as first argument followed by the arguments passed to <method>(..) when called.

<func>(<handle-func>, ...)
	-> <value>

<handle-func>(..) controls when the event handlers are called.

	-> true
	-> false

<handle-func>(true, ...)
	-> true
	-> false

Calling <handle-func>(..) is optional, if not called the handlers will get triggered after <func>(..) returns.

Passing false to <handle-func>(..) will prevent the event handlers from being called.

	-> undefined

Note that for async event <func>(..) it might be useful to trigger the handlers after the promise resolves, this can be done by first calling <handle-func>(false) to prevent the handlers from being triggered as soon as the promise is returned and after an appropriate awaiting calling <handle-func>() to actually trigger the handlers.


var evt = event.Event('evt', async function(handler, ...args){
	var value = await something()
	return value })

Special case: <event-commands>

<event-command>s are instances of EventCommand that are handled by event methods in a special way.

<method>(<event-command>, ...)
	-> <value>

<func>(<handle-func>, <event-command>, ...)
	-> <value>

EventCommand instance can be passed as the first argument of <method>(..), in this case the event function will get it but the event handlers will not.

This is done to be able to externally pass commands to event methods that get handled in a special way by the function but not passed to the event handlers.

For an example of a built-in <event-command> see: event.TRIGGER


Extends Eventful(..) adding ability to bind events via the resulting method directly by passing it a function.

	-> <this>


Like Event(..) but produces an event method that can only be triggered via .trigger(name, ...), calling this is a no-op.


Special value (<event-command>) that when passed to an event method as first argument will force it to trigger event if the first argument was a function.


A mixin defining the basic event API.

For more info on mixins see: https://github.com/flynx/object.js#mixin


Bind a handler to an event or an eventful method.

<obj>.on(<event-name>, <handler>)
	-> <obj>


Like <obj>.on(..) but the <handler> will be called only once.

<obj>.one(<event-name>, <handler>)
	-> <obj>


Unbind <handler> from event.

<obj>.off(<event-name>, <handler>)
	-> <obj>


Trigger an event.

<obj>.trigger(<event-name>, ...)
	-> <obj>


A mixin defining the basic event introspection API.

For more info on mixins see: https://github.com/flynx/object.js#mixin


Property listing the eventful method names in the current context.


Property listing the event method names in the current context, this also will include eventful method names.


Combines event.EventHandlerMixin and event.EventDocMixin.

For more info on mixins see: https://github.com/flynx/object.js#mixin


var runner = require('ig-types/runner')

Micro task queue

This includes event.EventMixin.



Queue(..) / Queue.runTasks(..)


Create a handler queue object.

Queue.handle(<func>, ...<data>)
Queue.handle(<options>, <func>, ...<data>)
    -> <queue>

A handler queue is a queue that has a single handler function (.handle(..)) that handles the queue data.

This is a shorthand for:

var handler_queue = Queue({
        handler: function(item){ .. }, 
    .. )





<queue>.tasksAdded(..) (event)

<queue>.taskStarting(..) (event)

<queue>.taskFailed(..) (event)

<queue>.taskCompleted(..) (event)

Event, triggered when a task is completed passing in its result.

<queue>.queueEmpty(..) (event)





FinalizableQueue(..) / FinalizableQueue.runTasks(..) (Queue)

This is similar to Queue(..) but adds two terminal states ("done" and "aborted") and a promise-mapping.

FinalizableQueue.handle(<func>, ...<data>)
FinalizableQueue.handle(<options>, <func>, ...<data>)
    -> <finalizable-queue>

When a <finalizable-queue> reaches a terminal state it is frozen.

<finalizable-queue>.done(..) (event/method)

<finalizable-queue>.abort(..) (event/method)




Large task management


This includes event.EventMixin.







<task-manager>.done(..) (event)

<task-manager>.error(..) (event)

<task-manager>.tasksDone(..) (event)




BSD 3-Clause License

Copyright (c) 2020, Alex A. Naanou,
All rights reserved.



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