
2.1.1 • Public • Published
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Hypest for Hyper

A beautiful and minimal macOS theme for Hyper — with vibrancy, light and dark modes, and theming for several popular Hyper plugins.

Hypest Screenshot


If you are switching from another Hyper theme you may need to relaunch the app for Hypest to fully theme the window.

From Hyper

hyper i hyper-hypest


  1. Open ~/.hyper.js in your text editor (cmd + , in Hyper)
  2. Add hyper-hypest to the plugins array


There are a few options that can be passed as optional configuration to modify the theme. To pass the options you can add a hypest object to the config in ~/.hyper.js.

Note: you may need to restart Hyper when setting or switching between the values for the darkmode, vibrancy and hideControls properties.

Dark Mode

Set darkmode to true to use the dark version of the theme.

config: {
    hypest: {
        // Default is false
        darkmode: true
Hypest Screenshot


Set vibrancy to false to disable the window vibrancy effect in either theme.

config: {
    hypest: {
        // Default is true
        vibrancy: false,
        // Default value 0.7 for light mode, 0.3 for dark mode
        vibrancyVolume: 0.7
Hypest Screenshot


Set borders to true if you prefer your tabs with some more contrast.

config: {
    hypest: {
        // Default is false
        borders: true
Hypest Screenshot

Remove window controls

Set hideControls to true to remove the window controls and just show tabs.

config: {
    hypest: {
        // Default is false
        hideControls: true
Hypest Screenshot

Accent color

Pass a supported named color with accentColor to use it for the cursor color, selection color and the search styling (if using the hyper-search plugin). It's also used for activity in hyper-tabs-enhanced and hyper-statusline.

config: {
    hypest: {
        // Default is 'blue'
        // Use one of 'black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan' or 'white'
        accentColor: 'cyan'

Custom theme colors

Hypest has it's own set of colors defined by the theme but you can override them by adding a colors object and setting all or some of the supported color properties. These custom colors will also be inherited by accentColor.

config: {
    hypest: {
        // Supported  colors are 'black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan' and 'white'
        // Custom colors must be specified as 6 character hexadecimals
        colors: {
          blue: '#0067FF'

Plugin support

Hypest includes custom theming to support a few of the most popular Hyper plugins, including:

  • hyper-search
  • hyper-statusline
  • hyper-tab-icons
  • hyper-highlight-active-pane
  • hyper-tabs-enhanced
Hypest Screenshot

Known issues

Issues with selection colors when vibrancy is enabled

There is a known issue in the Xterm.js engine where selection colors appear to render as opaque blocks with invisible text if the background has transparency. There is a known issue on the Hyper repository and an open issue on the Xterm.js repo but unfortunately no fixes for the issue as it stands.

If you're just looking to solve pasted text selection for zsh shells there is a workaround for that at least, left in a comment on the Hyper issue. Run the following command to disable the background color of pasted content to make pasted text visible:

echo 'unset zle_bracketed_paste' >> ~/.zshrc

The only way to entirely work around the issue for now is to use the non-vibrant theme in Hypest by setting vibrancy to false in your Hypest configuration.

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npm i hyper-hypest-fork

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  • curoky