
0.1.8 • Public • Published


Grunt plugin providing dockerode support.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.5 and NodeJS >= 6.12.0.

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-dockerode --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "dockerode" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named dockerode to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

  dockerode: {
    command: '', // Docker command
    options: {
      // Configures connection to Docker
    opts: {
      // Passed in request to Docker

Options & opts

Options are used to specify how to connect to the docker daemon/server, opts are passed to the docker daemon/server when making a request. See dockerode documentation for more information on what options can be passed.

Task and target specific options don't mix well. Generally prefer to use one over the other, else results may not be what you expected.

Opts and their possible combinations can be found for a given command in the Docker API documentation.

Command-specific options

Some commands have options specified outside the opts object. Generally these originate from dockerode itself, and represent arguments not passed to Docker but used to change the behavior of dockerode when interacting with Docker. For this reason they exist at the same level as opts and options in the task's configuration. For more information on the origin properties that exist outside options and opts, you can refer to dockerode source for a specific command you are running.

Command examples below will contain all additional configuration properties that can exist outside the opts and options configuration.

Usage Examples - run

  command: 'run',                                  // Docker command
  image: 'docker/whalesay',                        // Image to run
  cmd: [ 'cowsay', 'grunt-dockerode is awesome!' ] // Passed to Docker

Usage Examples - pull

  command: 'pull',
  repoTag: 'docker/whalesay' // Repo to pull from 

Usage Examples - push

  command: 'push',
  name: 'repo/image:tag' // Where to push
  opts: {
    tag: 'tag',
    // To have dockerode base64 encode your auth information
    authconfig: {
      username: '',
      password: '',
      auth: '',
      email: '',
      serveraddress: ''
    // Or if you already have a base64 encoded auth config
    authconfig: {
      key: '<base64 key>' 

Usage Examples - build

Building requires a context and src be provided. Additional opts can be provided per the Docker API. dockerode looks for a Dockerfile at the root of the directory structure provided by the src option. If this is not the case, a custom dockerfile location can be passed to opts, relative to the root of the src directories.

If you would like to see the normal output from the Docker build process, you can do so by passing the verbose option to opts. This is helpful for debugging, or if your build takes a long time to complete.

  command: 'build',
  context: __dirname,
  src: [ './**' ],
  opts: {
    verbose: true,
    t: 'tagname',
    dockerfile: 'customfile'

Usage Examples - stop

  command: 'stop',
  id: 'container_name_or_id'

Usage Examples - start

  command: 'start',
  id: 'container_name_or_id'

Usage Examples - kill

  command: 'kill',
  id: 'container_name_or_id'

Usage Examples - ps

The ps task allows for more flexibility than the docker cli's ps command. Most importantly, in addition to being able to have more control over details retrieved about containers, it allows for a custom mapping of information. Data is displayed in columns, provided by columnify.

In addition to the normal opts, the ps task will take a cols object, which provides as keys the columns to display. Key values can either be true, to simply display the value, or a function to perform transformations on the information such as formatting it for display. Additionally, a colOpts object can be passed, which will be provided as the second argument to columnify, providing additional control over the output.

  command: 'ps',
  opts: {
    all: true
  cols: {
    Id: true,
    Names: names => => n.substr(1)).join(', ')
  colOpts: {
    Id: { maxWidh: 20 },
    Names: { align: 'right' }

Usage Examples - rm

  command: 'rm',
  id: 'container_name_or_id'

Usage Examples - inspect

  command: 'inspect',
  id: 'container_name_or_id'

Usage Examples - exec

Executes command in given container. Notable here, the command is commonly used as such with the docker cli: docker exec -it <container> <command>. To reproduce this, the opts in the example configuration below should be used.

  command: 'exec',
  id: 'container_name_or_id',
  opts: {
    AttachStdin: true,
    AttachStdout: true,
    AttachStderr: true,
    Tty: true,
    Cmd: ['bash']

Usage Examples - restart

  command: 'restart',
  id: 'container_name_or_id'

Usage Examples - logs

opts must contain either stdout or stderr members set to true, else there will be nothing to log.

  command: 'logs',
  id: 'container_name_or_id',
  opts: {
    follow: true,
    stdout: true,
    stderr: true

Usage Examples - tag

  command: 'tag', 
  name: 'my_image:latest',
  opts: {
    repo: 'private-repo.tld/my_image',
    tag: 'latest'

Usage Examples - tag

Like run, except allows running detached containers.

  command: 'create-container',
  opts: {
    name: 'my-container',
    Image: 'nginx:latest',
    ExposedPorts: {
      '80/tcp': {}
    HostConfig: {
      PortBindings: {
        '80/tcp': [{
          HostPort: 8080

Release History

  • 0.1.2 - Fixes issue with pull not passing authconfig to dockerode method properly.
  • 0.1.1 - Adds create-container support.
  • 0.1.0 - Initial release

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npm i grunt-dockerode

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  • johnhalbert