
7.5.5 • Public • Published


D3 Tree map rendering for reusability purpOse.


  npm install gramex-nested-treemap


  npm install d3


Following options are available:

Name Type Description
data Object {"children":[{ value: 300 }]} Data needs to have children property. And each object in the children need to have some value
sourceFields Object { value: "XX"} The XX value is used as the key in fetching the value from the data
margin Object { top: 10, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 } Specify margin
padding Object { top: 10, inner: 3, outer: 2, all: 2 } Specify padding inside the block
colorRange Object [] Range of colors for the blocks
blockNameSize String Size for block text blocks
valueSize String Size for value text blocks
textColor String Font color of blocks blocks
Name Type Description
blockTextCallback Callback function Returns string that needs to be shown on the block
tooltipConfig Object Configuration for tooltip mentioned below

Tooltip Config options

Name Type Description
opacity number Opacity of tooltip
offsetX number x Offset
offsetY number y Offset
backgroundColor string bg color of tooltip
borderRadius string border radius
padding string padding within tooltip
color string color of text
textAlign string text alignment
fontSize string text font size
zIndex number z-index of tooltip
tooltipCallback Callback function Returns string that needs to be shown on the tooltip



<div id="treeMapChart" class="chart-dimension"></div>


let single_level_data = [
    children: [
        value: 100,
        name: "PBNA",
        value: 89,
        name: "Europe",
        value: 69,
        name: "PFNA",
        value: 60,
        name: "AMESA",
        value: 79,
        name: "APAC",
        value: 80,
        name: "LATAM",
    root: "Global",
    children: [
        value: 79,
        name: "India",
        value: 40,
        name: "China",
        value: 80,
        name: "Japan",
        value: 97,
        name: "USA",
        value: 67,
        name: "Australia",
    root: "AMESA",
//Sample data for level-2 (multilevel data)
let multilevel_data = [
    children: [
        name: "PBNA",
        parent_value: "100",
        children: [
            name: "USA",
            value: 100,
            name: "Canada",
            value: 100,
        name: "Europe",
        parent_value: "85",
        children: [
            name: "UK",
            value: 87,
            name: "Poland",
            value: 41,
            name: "Netherlands",
            value: 65,
            name: "Spain",
            value: 36,
            name: "Norway",
            value: 25,
            name: "Others",
            value: 86,
        name: "PFNA",
        parent_value: "79",
        children: [
            name: "USA",
            value: 70,
            name: "Canada",
            value: 93,
        name: "APAC",
        parent_value: "66",
        children: [
            name: "Thailand",
            value: 26,
            name: "New Zeeland",
            value: 73,
            name: "Australia",
            value: 60,
            name: "Phillipenes",
            value: 53,
            name: "Vietnam",
            value: 50,
            name: "Others",
            value: 73,
        name: "LATAM",
        parent_value: "70",
        children: [
            name: "Guatemala",
            value: 30,
            name: "Columbia",
            value: 73,
            name: "Australia",
            value: 60,
            name: "Brazil",
            value: 53,
            name: "Mexico",
            value: 56,
            name: "Chile",
            value: 73,
            name: "Others",
            value: 73,
        name: "AMESA",
        parent_value: "30",
        children: [
            name: "India",
            value: 40,
            name: "Soudi Arabia",
            value: 73,
            name: "China",
            value: 60,
            name: "Pakistan",
            value: 53,
            name: "Others",
            value: 26,
    root: "Global",

//Treemap config:
let config = {
  data: filterTreemapData()[0],
  sourceFields: {
    value: "value",
  margin: { top: 10, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 },
  padding: { top: 20, inner: 6, outer: 20, all: 20 },
  svgWidthBorder: 34,
  svgHeightBorder: 45,
  transLeftSpace: 32,
  transTopSpace: 55,
  svgBackgroundColor: "#CC4748",
  svgBorderRadius: "4px",
  topHeadingCss: true,
  topHeadingCssClass: "top-heading-css",
  treemapLabelCssClass: "treemap-label-css",
  labelTopSpace: "3px",
  labelLeftSpace: "1px",
  labelRectHeight: 45,
  treemapRectBorder: "treemap-rect-css",
  colorMapping: { strong: "#438E4C", weak: "#C42625", average: "#E5951E" },
  childrenNodecolorMapping: {
    strong: "#4A9D4E",
    weak: "#C42625",
    average: "#E5951E",
  getOuterBoxParam: getOuterBoxParam(),
  outer_rect: true,
  blockTextCallback: blockText,
  tooltipConfig: {
    opacity: 1,
    offsetX: -20,
    offsetY: 25,
    backgroundColor: "black",
    borderRadius: "5px",
    padding: "15px",
    color: "white",
    textAlign: "center",
    fontSize: "14px",
    zIndex: 2,
    tooltipTextColor: "#FFFFFF",
    fontSizeLevel1: "18px",
    fontSizeLevel2: "14px",
//Function call to render treemap charts
renderTreeMap("#treeMapChart", config);
function blockText(d) {
  return `${}`;

//Function to filter single level or multi level data based on selected URL param:
function filterTreemapData() {
  rootname = renderDrilldownChart();
  if (rootname != "country") {
    single_level_data = _.filter(single_level_data, function (d) {
      if (d["root"] == rootname) {
        return d;
    return single_level_data;
  } else {
    return multilevel_data;
//get param value to draw the first level outer rect (if level2 is selected)
function getOuterBoxParam() {
  if (parse_url().searchKey["level2"] != undefined) {
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;

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