
0.4.2 • Public • Published

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Get JIRA tickets from the Git commit log.

Supported actions are:

  • listing JIRA tickets from Git commit messages
  • listing JIRA tickets and retrieving summary info from JIRA
  • adding fix versions in JIRA for all found tickets

To install:

$ npm install git-ticket

List tickets from Git commit message

To retrieve all JIRA tickets that are present in commit messages starting from the previous tag (automatically determined) until Git tag version 0.2:

$ get-ticket list 0.2
Listing from 0.1 to 0.2

JIRA ticket numbers are written to standard output.

List tickets and retrieve summary info from JIRA

The JIRA ticket summary can be automatically when a JIRA configuration file is found. Either use the default .jiraconfig or pass a custom file using the --jira-config option:

$ get-ticket ls 0.2.1 --jira-config jira_example_config.json
Listing from 0.2 to 0.2.1
GIT-1 First test story

The JSON file contains the Jira connection details and authentication credentials to use, see jira_example_config.json and for details.

Add fix version in JIRA

To add fix version 0.2.1 for all tickets found from the latest tag 0.2.1:

$ git-ticket add 0.2.1
Adding fix-version 0.2.1, from 0.2 to 0.2.1
GIT-1 0.2, 0.2.1
GIT-2 0.2.1

By default the to tag is used a fix version value, to override use the --fix-version option.

Line colors mean:

  • green: no update needed, already has fix version
  • yellow: added fix version
  • red: failed to update fix version

Automatically determining the previous tag

The previous tag is determined by using git describe, it finds the first matching tag from the given to tag. Only tags that match the following semantic versioning regex [0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]* are used.



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  • joostmeijles