
2.0.2 • Public • Published

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This is my first npm package, small things, big fun xd. I'm working on it. For errors and questions you can join our support server

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$ npm i gamer-discord-utils

If you want to use functions with buttons, you have to install discord-buttons too


gamer-discord-utils NPM is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International ("CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0"). Commercial use is not allowed under this license. This includes any kind of revenue made with or based upon the software, even donations.

The CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 allows you to:


-- copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.


-- remix, transform, and build upon the material.

Under the following terms:

  • Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  • NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
  • ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

More information can be found here.


credits to weky-package and its author for majority of the code. BTW if you want to take the package down you cant cus i copied the older version of weky which license was CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 and i gave credits so yeah.

Define the client

const discord = require('discord.js'); //ignore if you already have defined it
const client = new discord.Client(); //ignore if you already have defined it
const disbut = require('discord-buttons');

enter this in your main file or else functions with discord-buttons wont work



const { Calculator } = require('gamer-discord-utils')
await Calculator(message)

This function requires discord-buttons


const opponent = message.mentions.users.first();
if (!opponent) return`Please mention who you want to challenge at tictactoe.`);
const { TicTacToe } = require('gamer-discord-utils')
const game = new TicTacToe({
    message: message,
    opponent: opponent, // opponent
    xColor: 'red', // x's color
    oColor: 'blurple', //zero's color
    xEmoji: '❌',  //t he x emoji
    oEmoji: '0️⃣' ,// the zero emoji
game.start()// start da game

This function requires discord-buttons


const opponent = message.mentions.users.first();
if (!opponent) return`Please mention who you want to fight`);
const { fight } = require('gamer-discord-utils');
const battle = new fight({
    client: client,
    message: message,
    acceptMessage: 'Click to fight with <@' + + '>', //message sent to see if opponent accepts
    challenger:, // NOT CHANGEABLE
    opponent: opponent,  // NOT CHANGEABLE
    hitButtonText: 'HIT', // Hit button text (Custom)
    hitButtonColor: 'red', // Hit button color (Custom)
    healButtonText: 'HEAL', // Heal button text (Custom)
    healButtonColor:  'green', // Heal button color (Custom)
    cancelButtonText: 'CANCEL', // Cancel button text (Custom)
    cancelButtonColor: 'blurple', // Cancel button color (Custom)
battle.start(); // start da battle

This function requires discord-buttons


const { chatBot } = require("reconlx");

/** @parameters
 * message,
 * input, input to give

// example

chatBot(message, args.join(" "));

Would You Rather

	const { WouldYouRather } = require('gamer-discord-utils')
	await WouldYouRather(message)

This function requires discord-buttons


const { Snake } = require('gamer-discord-utils');
new Snake({
    message: message,
    embed: {
    title: 'Snake', //embed title
    color: "#gt4668", //embed color
    gameOverTitle: "Game Over", //game over embed title
    emojis: {
      empty: '⬛', //zone emoji
      snakeBody: '♿', //snake
      food: '💩', //food emoji
      up: '⬆️', 
      right: '⬅️',
      down: '⬇️',
      left: '➡️',

This function requires discord-buttons


const opponent = message.mentions.users.first();
if(!opponent) return`Please mention who you want to fight`);
const { RPS } = require('gamer-discord-utils')
const game = new RPS({
    message: message,
    opponent: opponent, // NOT CHANGEABLE
    challenger:, // NOT CHANGEABLE
    acceptMessage: "Click to fight with <@" + + '> at RPS!', // message sent to see if opponent accepts
game.start() // start the game

This function requires discord-buttons


const { FastType } = require('gamer-discord-utils');
const game = new FastType({
    message: message,
    winMessage: "GG you won!", // message sent when user types perfectly
    sentence: 'some string', // sentence-to-be-typed
    loseMessage: 'Lost ;(', // message sent when user misspell it
    time: 50000, // time that user has in ms
    startMessage: 'Good Luck!' // message sent when user starts playing
game.start(); // start da game


  const { ChaosWords } = require("gamer-discord-utils")
  var randomWords = require('random-words');
  const words = randomWords(2) // generating 2 words
  await new ChaosWords({
      message: message,
      maxTries: 8, //max number  of user's tries (ends when reach limit)
      charGenerated: 20, //length of sentence (small length might throw error)
      words: words, //words (array) => ['word']
      embedTitle: 'Chaos words!', //understable
      embedFooter: 'Find the words in the sentence!',
      embedColor: 'RANDOM'


var randomWords = require('random-words');
const word = randomWords();

const { ShuffleGuess } = require('gamer-discord-utils');
const game = new ShuffleGuess({
              message: message,
              word: word, // or a simple word
              winMessage: "GG you won!", // message sent when user's message matches with the word
              colorReshuffleButton: 'green', // color of the reshuffle button (regen)
              messageReshuffleButton: 'reshuffle', // text of the reshuffle button (regen)
              colorCancelButton: 'red', // color of the cancel button (exit, quit, stop)
              messageCancelButton: 'cancel', // text of the cancel button
              client: client
game.start(); // start da game

This function requires discord-buttons


const { sudo } = require('gamer-discord-utils');
const user = message.mentions.members.first();
const msg = args.slice(1).join(" ");
const xd = new sudo({
    message: message,
    text: msg,
    member: user,


const utils = require("gamer-discord-utils")

var slot = new utils.Slots({
    message: message,
    winMessage: "Nice, You've won the slots!",
    loseMessage: "Lmao, better next time",
    emojiOne: "some emoji 1",
    emojiTwo: "some emoji 2",
    emojiThree: "some emoji 3"



const utils = require('gamer-discord-utils');
let food = ["🍏","🍐","🍋","🍌","🍉","🍇","🫐"];
let foodButRandom = utils.randomizeString(food);

Some random string from the food array


const utils = require('gamer-discord-utils');
let randomNumber = utils.randomizeNumber(100,1000);

Some random number between 100 and 1000


const utils = require('gamer-discord-utils');
console.log(utils.flip('Hello World'));

plɹoM ollǝH


this is a simple function that can generate passwords using letters and numbers and the password length is custom so you can change it to any length you want!


// Defining the package
const  utils = require('gamer-discord-utils')

// getting the passGen function from the package
const  passGen = utils.passGen

// this will log the randomly generate password in your terminal

console.log(passGen(6)) // passGen(6) that mean it will generate a password from 6 characters.


// you can change it by changing passGen(here will be the length of the password)

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npm i gamer-discord-utils

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  • progamer711