
6.3.1 • Public • Published

This project has been succeeded by the much better project: Infarep. Use Infarep in conjunction with infarep-aws.

fsp (Fast Serverless Prototyping)

A javascript framework to help small businesses rapidly develop inexpensive, serverless applications through AWS.


  • Quickly spin up Aurora Serverless DBs, API Gateway Endpoints, S3 Buckets, Lambda Functions, and IAM objects.
  • Deploy multiple instances of your application on the same AWS account (for example: dev AND prod environments)
  • Deploy or teardown your entire application with a single command.
  • Easily invoke one lambda in your application from another lambda in your application.
  • Automatically authorize your lambda functions to access the other components in your project.
  • Setup third party services during deployment and tear them down during the teardown phase.

User Guide

Filesystem Structure

Every fsp project uses the same basic structure.

  1. mkdir myServerlessPrototype
    • Create a directory to store all of your app's files. The name of this directory is also used as the name of your app.
  2. cd myServerlessPrototype
  3. touch glue.js
    • This is where you will declare your application's components. For example: Lambda Functions, Aurora Databases, IAM Roles, IAM Policies, Redis Caches, API Gateway Endpoints, etc. We will fill this file out in a later step.
  4. Declare your cloud environments. Here we are making one for development/testing and another for production. We will fill these files out in a later step.
    • touch devCloud.js
    • touch prodCloud.js

Deployment Environments

Cloud Environment Declaration Files (CED Files)

A CED File represents an instance of your application. This is where you declare the AWS account and region you would like to use.

  • The name of CED Files must always be in the format <someName>Cloud.js. (Ex. prodCloud.js, devCloud.js. )
  • The file must be placed in the root directory of the application.
  • A typical CED File looks like this:
    const { SharedIniFileCredentials } = require('aws-sdk');
    module.exports = {
        aws: {
            region: 'us-east-2',
            credentials: new SharedIniFileCredentials({ profile: 'work-account' })
        vpc: {
            securityGroupIds: ['sg-123'], // Lambda Functions will be placed in these security groups.
            subnetIds: ['sn-123'] // Lambdas & Databases will  be placed in these subnets.
  • There is no limit to the number of instances an application can have in one region, account, or vpc. Making a new environment is as easy as creating another CED File. You will learn how to deploy to these environments in a later step.

Glue File

Every fsp project has a glue.js file that declares all the components of the application.

  • A glue file must export only one function. You will fill this function with component declarations. Components are things like databases, Lambda Functions, IAM Roles, etc.
    module.exports = function() {}
  • Every component in an application must have a unique name. The name should be explicitly stated using this.myName = componentType(); syntax.
  • There is no limit on the numer of components you can declare. For example: your app could declare 100s of unique S3 buckets.

Component Types

  • Component Declaration: Database

    this.db0 = autoscalingPostgresqlDb({ dbSubnetGroup: this.projectDbSubnetGroup });
  • Component Declaration: IAM Policy

    this.somePolicy = iamPolicy({
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [{
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [],
            "Resource": ["*"]
    // Or, if you need to reference a declared component use this structure...
    this.somePolicy = iamPolicy(function() {
        return {
            "Version": "2012-10-17",
            "Statement": [{
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [],
                "Resource": [this.someDeclaredComponent.externalIdentity.arn]
  • Component Declaration: Lambda Execute Role

    • Automatically grants access to all components in the project. For more fine-grained permissions control you can use the standard iamRole component.
    • Grants the ability to write to CloudWatch Logs.
    this.lambdaRole = lambdaExecRole({ 
        policies: [this.somePolicy]
  • Component Declaration: Lambda Function

    this.func1 = lambdaFunction({
        src: './func1',
        execRole: this.lambdaRole
    • The following file names are reserved by fsp. Do not include any files with these names in your function source directory.
      • fspLambdaProxyIndex.js
      • fspComponents.js
    • The ability to customize the name of the lambda handler function is not available when using fsp. Your lambda handler should be exported from index.js with the function name lambdaHandler.
  • Component Declaration: HTTP Endpoint

    this.myEndpoint = httpEndpoint({ 
        method: 'POST',
        path: '/1234/5',
        handler: this.func1
  • Component Declaration: S3 Bucket

    • Every fsp project is automatically given a projectBucket component. Reference it in your glue file using this.projectBucket
    this.myBucket = bucket();
  • Component Declaration: Secret

    this.mySecret = secret((cloudEnvironment) => {
        return cloudEnvironment.someSecretObjInYourCed;
  • Component Declaration: Redis Cache

    this.cache0 = redisCache({ cacheSubnetGroup: this.projectCacheSubnetGroup });

Referencing Components in Lambda Functions

  • Component Reference: Lambda Function

    const { func1 } = require('./fspComponents.js');
    module.exports.lambdaHandler = (event, context) => {
        // promise resolves after the lambda function has been started.
        await func1.launch({ arg1, arg2, arg3 });
        // promise resolves with the lambda function's return value
        await func1.invoke({ arg1, arg2, arg3 });
        // get a lambda function's maximum run time.
        const { Timeout } = (await func1.getAwsDescription()).Configuration
  • Component Reference: Database

    const { db0 } = require('./fspComponents.js');
    module.exports.lambdaHandler = (event, context) => {
        const pgClient = pg.createClient(db0);
  • Component Reference: Secret

    const { mySecret } = require('./fspComponents.js');
    module.exports.lambdaHandler = (event, context) => {
        // SecretString is already parsed for you
        const secretObj = mySecret;
  • Component Reference: Redis Cache

    const { cache0 } = require('./fspComponents.js');
    const redis = require('redis');
    module.exports.lambdaHandler = (event, context) => {
        const redisClient = redis.createClient(cache0);
  • Undefined Component References

    For all other component types (including custom types), the externalIdentity is exposed by ./fspComponents.js.

     const { myCustomComponent } = require('./fspComponents.js');
    module.exports.lambdaHandler = (event, context) => {
        const { 
            /* ids returned by maker and updater */
        } = myCustomComponent;

Custom Component Types (CCT)

Fsp provides the essential component types that a serverless application needs. In many cases your application will rely on other services for which a component type does not exist.

  • CCTs are declared using the createComponentType function.
  • CCTs must be declared inside of the glue.js file but outside of the glue function.
  • CCTs should provide a maker for initialization of the resource, a updater for pushing configuration changes to the resource, and a destroyer for tearing down the resource. A unqiue typeName must also be given.
  • For an exhaustive list of functions that a CCT can implement, see "/componentTypes/template.js".


    typeName: 'myComponentType',
    maker: (identities, config) => {
        const { 
            externalName // As a conveinence, fsp provides a UUID for you to use.
            projectName, // The name of the fsp project.
            cloudEnvironmentName, // <cloudEnvironmentName>Cloud.js

            // Other identities that are availale in the maker phase:
            componentIdentityDirectoryLocation, // { Bucket, Key }
            internalName // componentName
        } = identities;
        // Create the resource.

        // Return any identifers that you will need to update and delete the resource.
        return { /* id: response.body.id */ };
        // The following identifier keys are reserved by fsp, do not overwrite them: 
        // - componentTypeName

        // If you are using the externalName that fsp provided, there is no need to return it because it is included automatically under the key "name". You can override this if you want.

        return { /* did you change any ids? */ };

    destroyer: (externalIdentity) {
        const { 
            name, // externalName or the name you returned from maker
            projectName, // The name of the fsp project.
            cloudEnvironmentName, // <cloudEnvironmentName>Cloud.js
            /* your ids */
        } = externalIdentity;

        // Destroy the resource.
module.exports = function() {}


  • To deploy your changes to AWS, use the deploy sub-command.

    fsp deploy -ce <cloud environment name>

  • To remove your product from AWS, use the teardown sub-command.

    fsp teardown -ce <cloud environment name>

  • To get your Component's ARNs, use the identify sub-command.

    fsp identify -ce <cloud environment name>

Planned Features

  • Colorful output messages with emojis!
  • More Concurrent IO.
  • Component Types that represents the configuration of a database table.
  • Store project version in project bucket. Ability to check what version of the project is running in a certain environment.




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