
1.1.1 • Public • Published


By Nicolas Boisvert ::

Javascript library for RESTful api form manipulation with your database model


You can easily manage asynchronous record management to your database on a RESTful API. With easy methods like .get(1), .new() and .save(), you'll be able to call your api with the informations you need.


You can customize a lot of the thing, like callbacks, error list or event error status code. You can use the .handleGet() to configure special things after a get is done like, for example, poping a modal. You specify a CSRF token if you need to. All the tests are done with a Laravel API, a lot of stuff are already configured to match it.


  • Jquery v.2+



Just call npm install formodeljs in you terminal to install it.


Download it from the Github repository.


Basic example

Let's have a blog post form, with a title and a body for example. The only required stuff are the form id, the data-model attribute, which is your database model. It'll be used to perform any requests. Don't forget to include your model attributes, such as our input title and our textarea for the body.

<form id="postForm" data-model="posts">
    <input type="text" name="title">
    <textarea name="body"></textarea>
    <button type="submit">Post</button>

Object instanciation

To invoke the Formodel object, execute this in a script tag. You pass in an object for your options. You need at least these two parameters form and attributes.

    var form = new Formodel({
        attributes: {

jQuery instanciation

You can also invoke the Formodel object by a jQuery extend method called formodel like this :

    var form = $('#postForm').formodel({
        attributes: {

You don't have to give the id of the element with jQuery

And it's done.

Create a new post

To create a new post (Doesn't matter if the form is filled or not), call the .new() method. It'll empty up de field so you can fill in a new post. If you configure a .handleNew(context) option (context as the current Formodel instance), it'll be executed once the form has been cleared. When you'll call the .save() method, Formodel will make a call to /posts with a POST method to your server to store it.

Getting a post

To get a post, you use the method .get(1) with the id of the post you want to have. Formodel will make an ajax call to /posts/1 with the GET method. Once te request will end, the form will be filled. You could add the option .handleGet(context, response) to do manipulation once the request is done (The context is the Formodel instance and the response is what the server returned).

Updating a post

If you successfully got a post, you can now modify it as you wish. When you'll call the .save() method, it'll make an ajax call to your server with a PUT method to update at the address /posts/1. If you haven't got an existing record before, it'll call to store the new post instead of updating. If you want to perform some special moves after, just add a .handleUpdate(context, response) callback to your options.


Of course, you can't delete something that don't exist. So, once you got an existing post, simply call the .delete() method to make a call to /posts/1 with a DELETE method. You could specify a .handleDelete(context, response) method to do some special stuff after the record is deleted.


Formodel already includes a lot of callback that you can use to customize how it's going. Every callback receive a context parameter which represents the current Formodel instance. Here's a list of the available callbacks.

Methods callbacks
  • handleUpdate : Executed after a successful update. It also receives the server response.
  • handleStore : Executed after a successful store. It also receives the server response.
  • handleDelete : Executed after a successful delete. It also receives the server response.
  • handleGet : Executed after a successful get. It also receives the server response with the datas.
  • handleNew : Executed after the form has been prepared to be filled.
Ajax callbacks

These are called at each ajax callbacks.

  • handleError : Executed after the server returned an error, it receives the server response. You could use it to display error message.. But for form validation messages, wait, there's more coming to you.
  • handleBeforeSend : Executed before the ajax is called.
  • handleSuccess : Executed after a successful request. It also receive the response of the server.
Target callbacks

When you are calling the .get(), .new() or the .save() methods. You can pass in a parameter target which should represent the target who triggered the method (Like a button for example). Within these callbacks, the first parameter is the target.

  • targetBefore : Executed before the ajax is done.
  • targetAfter : Executed after the request. You'll receive a second parameter which is a boolean if the request succeeded or not. You also receive, as a third parameter, the server response.

Error list

At the instanciation of your Formodel object, you can add the id of a ul element as errorList option where you want errors to append and easily be shown. You could also add the appendError anonymous function if you want to customize the li append function. It receive the error and it by default return a '<li>' + error + '</li>'. Since Laravel gives a 422 when validations fails, it's default configured to that. You can override this by adding option errorListCode with the code you want.

Custome data

Sometime, you will want to pass some special data to your request which are not necessary in your model. To do it, you may use de otherData option to add them. I would recommend you to add them using the following methods.

Set all the other data

Use the method setOtherData to set all of the other datas. Which will overwrite existing data in the object.

    someKey: 'some value',
    anotherStuff: 'awesome stuff'

Emptying the other data

You can use the same method as above (setOtherData) but with no parameter. This will set a whole new empty object.


Add a data

With the method addOtherData, you can add unique data by giving key and value. It will append to the existing value.

formodel.addOtherData('superKey', 'My super value');

Removing a data

If you want to remove only one element from the other data, use the removeOtherData method and give the key of the required element.


Make sure to avoid using data with the same key as your model, they'll be overwriten


Along the callbacks, you can also customize the following options.

  • model : By default, the model is set to the data-model attribute on your form. However, you can override it by providing it as an option when you build the instance
  • Type : String
  • Default : Obtained by $(form).attr('data-model')
  • rootUrl : If your model as a root url (Example /management/posts) you can provide it. It'll be appended at the beggining of each request of that model.
  • Type : String
  • Default : empty string
  • tokenKey : If you're using token validation (Such as CSRF). You can provide the key. Laravel use _token by default so it's configured that way. However, the token won't be sent to the server if null or empty.
  • Type : String
  • Default : '_token'
  • token : The token that will be sent to the server. It won't be sent if he's empty. It if it is, it'll be sent with the key you provided at option tokenKey (By default _token).
  • Type : String
  • Default : empty string
  • idKey : If your server requires the model when doing update and get request you can provide it here. Most of the time it'll be id.
  • Type : String
  • Default : null
  • errorList : The DOM element that should contains your request errors. It you don't fill it, you won't see errors. (See Error list section for more details).
  • Type : String (Must be ID of a DOM ul element)
  • Default : null
  • clearAfterStore : A true of false option to set if you want the form to be cleared after a successful store, enabled by defautlt.
  • Type : Boolean
  • Default : true
  • clearAfterUpdate : A true of false option to set if you want the form to be cleared after a successful update, enabled by defautlt.
  • Type : Boolean
  • Default : true
  • usingTemplates : A true of false option to set if you want to use Templates. The Formodel base object containes an object templates, which you can access by Formodel.templates, that be use to format targets on request. It is by default configured with Font-awsome icons to make a spinner spin when doing requests.
  • Type : Boolean
  • Default : true
  • storable : Prevent requests of type store to be submitted.
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default : true
  • updatable : Prevent requests of type update to be submitted.
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default : true
  • deletable : Prevent requests of type delete to be submitted.
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default : true
  • gettable : Prevent requests of type get to be performed.
  • Type: Boolean
  • Default : true


Thank you for using, testing and improving it and feel free to contact me for any question.

Ending joke :

A : Knock, Knock; B : Who's there?; ... very long pause...; A : Java.

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  • nicklayb