
0.6.12 • Public • Published


Exploranda is a powerful, flexible, and efficient nodejs library for fetching and combining data from APIs.

Exploranda-core is Exploranda's data-gathering module. It allows you to represent data from APIs (such as compute instances from AWS or Google Cloud, records from Elasticsearch, KV pairs from Vault, or anything else) as a dependency graph. Each individual dependency is represented as:

  • an accessSchema object describing how to interact with the API
  • a set of parameters to use to generate calls to the API
  • optional values controlling the dependency's cache lifetime and postprocessing.

The parameters used to generate the API calls can be:

  • literal values
  • runtime-generated values,
  • values computed from the results of other dependencies

Exploranda comes with builtin accessSchema objects for several popular APIs and allows you to define your own if what you're looking for doesn't exist yet. PRs welcome!

I use exploranda:

  • To "take notes" on deployed infrastructure by building dashboards to represent it
  • To perform one-time or throwaway analysis tasks too complex for curl plus jq
  • To explore new APIs
  • To "test drive" monitoring ideas before investing the effort of integrating them into existing systems.

To get started creating a report, see the Getting Started doc.


APIs come in all shapes and sizes. Some use HTTP, some use HTTPS. Some return JSON, others HTML, XML, or unstructured plain text. Sometimes the information you want isn't exposed on an API at all, and you need to get it in some other way, like by SSH-ing into a machine. Exploranda's goal is to provide in one library a flexible, unopinionated way to bring together data from any number of sources, regardless of differences between them.

To achieve this goal, Exploranda defines a series of object types. From a library user's point of view, the following list reflects a gradient from the simplest user-facing objects to the most complex internally-defined objects. From a library contributor's point of view, it reflects a gradient from the most domain-specific types to the most generic types.

1. Dependency Objects

A dependency object represents a specific piece of information that a user wants, such as "the list of all my compute instances" or "a set of records from elasticsearch." A dependency object references an accessSchema for interacting with a particular data source, and the parameters required by that accessSchema to get the requested data. The dependency object may also include some bookkeeping settings such as how long responses should be cached, etc. All library users will need to write dependency objects.

The parameters specified in a dependency object may be literal values, values generated at runtime, or instructions for creating values based on the results of other dependencies. The basic user-facing data access concept is the graph of dependency objects, specified as "name:dependency object" pairs. The examples directory includes a number of example reports. The Getting Started tutorial describes the process of building a dependency graph.

2. accessSchema Objects

accessSchema objects represent the generic information about how to interact with a particular dataSource. In addition to specifying the dataSource they are designed for, They include details about how an API is paginated, what its responses look like, and specific limits on calling it. In cases where a special library is used to interact with an API, such as the AWS and Google node SDKs, the accessSchema object includes information about how to instantiate the SDK object required to make the request. Some library users may need to write accessSchema objects and are encouraged to consider opening PRs to contribute useful ones back upstream as builtins. For a complete list of builtin accessSchema objects, see accessSchemas.md. For complete documentation of accessSchema fields, see the accessSchema section. For a tutorial on building your own, see Creating Access Schemas.

3. recordCollector Functions

recordCollector functions are responsible for asynchronously getting data from a dataSource. For each dataSource, a single recordCollector function exists. This function's job is to parse an accessSchema and a set of parameters, make calls to its dataSource, and send the results to a callback. None of the previous object types in this hierarchy may make asynchronous calls; the recordCollector and the subsequent objects do. Library users should not need to write their own recordCollector functions. The baseRecordCollector file includes a wrapper function that builds a full-featured recordCollector object when given a getAPI function as an argument; see the awsRecordCollector, gcpRecordCollector and genericApiRecordCollector for examples.

As of version 0.4.0 (October 2020), exploranda-core does not install peer dependencies needed to use the record collectors--instead, you must install these yourself. This helps keep the package size smaller in the common case where a caller doesn't need every type of record collector, and facilitates mixing and matching dependencies in different function layers when using cloud functions.

The AWS recordcollector requires 'aws-sdk'

The google recordcollecttor requires 'googleapis'

The sharp recodcollector requires 'sharp'

The generic api recordcollector requires 'needle', 'qs', and 'parse-link-header'

RecordCollectors can be added by assigning the output of exploranda.buildSDKCollector to the Gopher(dependencies).recordcollectors object. The key should be the value you intend to use as the dataSource.

4. The Gopher object

The Gopher object contains the logic for reading a graph of dependency objects, determining the correct order in which to fetch them, using each dependency's specified accessSchema, parameters, and the recordCollector specified by the access schema to collect the value from the dataSource, and using the values collected to construct the parameters of subsequent dependencies that require them. The Gopher object is defined in lib/gopher.js


The dependency graph is represented as a JavaScript Object. Its keys are the names of the "dependencies" to be retrieved. Its values describe the data: where it comes from, what it looks like, and what parameters to use to get it. A very simple dependency object looks like this:

const {kinesisStreams, kinesisStream} = require('exploranda').dataSources.AWS.kinesis;
const {listBucket} = require('exploranda').dataSources.AWS.s3;

const apiConfig = {region: 'us-east-1'};

const dataDependencies = {
  kinesisNames: {
    accessSchema: kinesisStreams,
    params: {apiConfig: {value: apiConfig}},
  kinesisStreams: {
    accessSchema: kinesisStream,
    params: {
      apiConfig: {value: apiConfig},
      StreamName: {
        source: 'kinesisNames'
        formatter: ({kinesisNames}) => kinesisNames
  bucketContents: {
    accessSchema: listBucket,
    params: {
      apiConfig: {value: apiConfig},
      Bucket: {
        input: 'bucketName'
        formatter: ({bucketName}) => bucketName

This object specifies three pieces of data: an array of AWS Kinesis Stream names and an array of Kinesis Stream objects returned from the AWS API, plus the listing of a bucket specified as input.

Each dependency defines some attributes:

accessSchema : Object (required) The AccessSchema object describing how to access the type of data the dependency refers to. The intent is that there should already be an AccessSchema object for whatever type of dependency you want, but if there isn't, see the AccessSchema sections at the end of this document.

params : Object. Parameters to fulfill the requirements of the AccessSchema or override defaults. the params object allows you to specify a static value, a runtime-generated value, a value computed from another dependency, or an input. For the keys to specify on the params object, look at the params and requiredParams fields on the accessSchema object, and any associated documentation. For instance, the accessSchema kinesisStream in the example above specifies the way to use the aws describeStreams method, so the params for that dependency can include any parameter accepted by that method. The StreamName is a required parameter, so it must be specified. Note that the apiConfig parameter is always required. It is an object that will be merged with the default arguments for the aws api constructor (e.g.new AWS.ec2(apiConfig)) so it is the place to pass region, accessKeyId, secretAccessKey, and sessionToken arguments to override the defaults. This allows you to specify region and aws account to use on a per-dependency basis.

formatter: Function. Function to format the result of the dependency. For instance, the describeInstances AWS method always returns an array. If you filter for the ID of a single instance, it would make sense to use the formatter parameter to transform the result from an array of one instance to the instance record itself, for the convenience of referencing it elsewhere.

behaviors : Object (optional), settings for how the results are fetched. Currently implemented are maybeNull, which turns off the error-on-null behavior for the response, allowing no response parallelLimit, which controls how many parallel calls will be made at once for a given dependency in most situations ("tree" calls are the exception). retryParams, an object passed as the first argument to async.retry to configure retry behavior, and detectErrors, a function called with the err, result of the recordcollector and the return value of which is passed as the error to async.retry. This return value can be used with the errorFilter in the retryParams to implement error-specific retries, and cacheLifetime, an Amount of time, in ms, to keep the result of a call to this dependency with a particular set of arguments cached. The arguments and dependencies are resolved before the cacheLifetime is evaluated, so a large cacheLifetime value will not short-circuit fetching any downstream dependencies--only the cacheLifetime values of those dependencies control their cache behavior.

Dependency Params

The values on the params object can be used to specify a static value, a runtime-generated value, an input provided to the Gopher object on creation or when the `report function is called, or a value computed from the data returned in other dependencies.

To specify a static value, set the value attribute to the value you want to use:

const {kinesisStream} = require('exploranda').dataSources.AWS.kinesis;
const apiConfig = {region: 'us-east-1'};

const dataDependencies = {
  myKinesisStream: {
    accessSchema: kinesisStream,
    params: {
      apiConfig: {value: apiConfig},
      StreamName: {
        value: 'my-stream-name'

To specify a runtime-generated value, set the generate attribute to a function that will generate the value for the parameter. This example is a bit silly, but the ability to generate values is useful when a metrics API needs to be given a time range:

const {kinesisStream} = require('exploranda').dataSources.AWS.kinesis;
const apiConfig = {region: 'us-east-1'};

const dataDependencies = {
  myKinesisStream: {
    accessSchema: kinesisStream,
    params: {
      apiConfig: {value: apiConfig},
      StreamName: {
        generate: () => `my-stream-name-${Date.now()}`

To specify a parameter based on the result of another dependency, provide the source dependency name as the source attribute, and an optional formatter function to transform the source value into the shape required by the call. In the following example, the kinesisStreams dependency will get the list of stream names received as the result of the kinesisNames dependency, filtered to only include those that include the substring foo. Note that the formatter is passed an object with the source dependencies keyed by their names:

const {kinesisStreams, kinesisStream} = require('exploranda').dataSources.AWS.kinesis;
const apiConfig = {region: 'us-east-1'};

const dataDependencies = {
  kinesisNames: {
    accessSchema: kinesisStreams,
    params: {apiConfig: {value: apiConfig}},
  kinesisStreams: {
    accessSchema: kinesisStream,
    params: {
      apiConfig: {value: apiConfig},
      StreamName: {
        source: 'kinesisNames',
        formatter: ({streamNames}) => streamNames.filter((s) => s.indexOf('foo') !== -1)

Note that formatter functions should be prepared to deal with cases when the data they expect is not available.

To specify an input value, set the input attribute to the name of the input desired. In the dependency object, input schemas behave similarly to source schemas--there is a namespace of inputs (like there is a namespace of dependencies) from which inputs can be selected. A formatter function is generally needed to process the input into the format expected by the accessSchema object. The next paragraphs explain how inputs are supplied and used.

const {listBucket} = require('exploranda').dataSources.AWS.s3;
const Gopher = require('exploranda').Gopher
const apiConfig = {region: 'us-east-1'};

const dataDependencies = {
  bucketContents: {
    accessSchema: listBucket,
    params: {
      apiConfig: {value: apiConfig},
      StreamName: {
        input: 'bucketName',
        formatter: ({bucketName}) => bucketName

const inputDefaults = {
  bucketName: 'my-example-bucket'

const goph = Gopher(dataDependencies, inputDefaults)

// list the contents of the 'my-example-bucket' bucket

inputOverrides = {
  bucketName: 'overridden-bucket-name'

// list the contents of the 'overridden-bucket-name' bucket (note the 'null' first
// argument. The first argument is used to specify a "target" dependency name; if present,
// instead of resolving the entire dependency graph, the reporter will only fetch what is directly
// needed to get the targeted dependency.
goph.report(null, inputOverrides, callback)

// list the contents of the 'overridden-bucket-name' bucket (note the 'bucketContents' first
// argument. This explicitly saya that we want only the results of the bucketContents dependency.
// The reporter will fetch it (as well as any dependencies on which it relies) but no other dependencies.
goph.report('bucketContents', inputOverrides, callback)

In addition, there are parameters that are specific to dependencies that use the GENERIC_API accessSchema objects. The apiConfig parameter specifies metadata abount how to talk to the API. Certain paths on the apiConfig parameter are treated specially by the GENERIC_API recordCollector:

apiConfig.host : The host to which to make the request (cannot include protocol, should include port if neccessary)

apiConfig.path: path part of the URL. See path above.

apiConfig.method: HTTP method. See method above. defaults to GET

apiConfig.protocol: protocol string. See protocol above. defaults to https://

apiConfig.ca : If provided, sets a CA for request to use when validating the server certificate. Not available in the browser.

apiConfig.cert: If provided, a client certificate to use in the request. Not available in the browser.

apiConfig.key: If provided, a client certificate key to use in the request. Not available in the browser.

apiConfig.passphrase: If provided, a passphrase to unlock the client certificate key to use in the request. Not available in the browser.

apiConfig.user: If provided, a username to use in the request auth. Not available in the browser.

apiConfig.pass: If provided, a password to use in the request auth. Not available in the browser.

apiConfig.token: If provided, a bearer token to use in the request auth. This will override user:pass auth if both are provided. Not available in the browser.

apiConfig.pathParamKeys: If provided, will be concatenated with the sourceSchema's pathParamKeys array described above.

apiConfig.queryParamKeys: If provided, will be concatenated with the sourceSchema's queryParamKeys array described above.

apiConfig.headerParamKeys: If provided, will be concatenated with the sourceSchema's headerParamKeys array described above.

apiConfig.bodyParamKeys: If provided, will be concatenated with the sourceSchema's bodyParamKeys array described above.

Dependency Automagic

The dependency objects originated as an abstraction layer over AWSs APIs, which, while impressive in their depth, completeness and documentation, can also be maddeningly inconsistent and edge-case-y. Specifically, I wanted a simple way to get all of the objects associated with a particular AWS resource type, like all kinesis streams or all the services in an ECS cluster, without always having to account for the quirks and inconsistencies between the APIs for different services. So the dependencies stage can do a couple of things you might not expect if you're familliar with the underlying APIs, such as getting a list of resources even if they have to be fetched individually or in batches.

For example, take the case where you want to get the descriptions of every service in a cluster. Your dataDependencies object could have as few as two entries:

const {serviceArnsByCluster, servicesByClusterAndArnArray} = require('exploranda').dataSources.AWS.ecs;
const apiConfig = {region: 'us-east-1'};

const dataDependencies = {
  serviceArns: {
    accessSchema: serviceArnsByCluster,
    params : {
      apiConfig: {value: apiConfig},
      cluster: {
        value: 'my-cluster-name'
  services: {
    accessSchema: servicesByClusterAndArnArray,
    params: {
      apiConfig: {value: apiConfig},
      cluster : {
        value: 'my-cluster-name'
      services: {
        source: 'serviceArns',
        formatter: ({serviceArns}) => serviceArns

The data returned for these dependencies will include the ARN of every service in the cluster (serviceArns) and the description of every service in the cluster (services).

If you're familliar with the AWS API, you might notice that the listServices method used to get the ARNs of services in a cluster only returns up to 10 services per call. Part of the serviceArnsByCluster accessSchema object specifies this, and the framework automatically recognizes when there are more results and fetches them. It also merges the results of all of the calls into a single array of just the relevant objects--the value gathered for the serviceArns dependency is simply an array of service ARN strings.

The other big feature of the dependency stage is the ability to handle parameters in the way that is most convenient for the report implementer. For instance, the serviceArns array can be arbitrarily long--it could be a list of 53 services in a cluster. But the describeServices AWS API method requires that the services parameter be an array of no more than 10 service ARNs. Here, the servicesByClusterAndArnArray accessSchema object includes this requirement, and the framework internally handles the process of chunking an arbitrary number of services into an appropriate number of calls.

The general pattern of the dataDependencies object is that, for any type of resource, you can pass an arbitrary array of the resource-specific "ID" value for that resource and expect to get back the (full) corresponding array of resources without worrying about the specifics of parameterization or pagination. Likewise, for "list" endpoints, you can expect to get back the full list of relevant resources. This frees you from having to understand the specifics of the AWS API, but does require a little thought about how many results you expect a particular dependency to generate. When the AWS API provides a mechanism for filtering on the server side, it's often a good idea to use it. And some accessSchema objects intentionally do not specify the way to get all of the results, such as the CloudWatchLogs accessSchemas, which would probably need to fetch gigabytes or terabytes if they tried to fetch everything.

As an additional bonus, dependencies are fetched concurrently whenever possible, so load times tend not to be too bad. When given the choice between optimizing performance or optimizing ease-of-development, however, I've consistently picked ease-of-development.

And speaking of ease-of-development, I also noticed that a lot of the dataDependency objects turn out to be boilerplate, so most of them have associated builder functions that just take the parts that usually change. The dataDependency above can also be implemented as:

const {clusterServiceArnsBuilder, servicesInClusterBuilder} = require('exploranda').dataSources.AWS.ecs;
const apiConfig = {region: 'us-east-1'};

const dataDependencies = {
  serviceArns: clusterServiceArnsBuilder(apiConfig, {value: 'my-cluster-name'}),
  services: servicesInClusterBuilder(apiConfig,
    {value: 'my-cluster-name'},
    {source: 'serviceArns'}

These builder functions are fairly ad-hoc at the moment and I'm loathe to introduce yet another abstraction layer and data structure, so it may be best to regard those that exist as unstable. However, it is often convenient to implement such builders yourself in the context of a specific report.

AccessSchema Objects

AccessSchema objects live one step closer to the center of this library than the dependency, objects, and so they are also one step more general, re-usable, and, unfortunately, complicated. This tool consists of a very small core of relatively gnarly code (libs/composer, libs/reporter, libs/baseRecordCollector) which is in total about a third of the size of the documentation. Surrounding that is a layer of standard-but-numerous accessSchema objects, which are themselves more complex than I would like a casual user to have to deal with. The design goal is that it should be simple for many people working in parallel to add any accessSchema objects as they are needed, and more casual users should usually find that the accessSchema object they want already exists or can be created and merged quickly.

At the top level, each accessSchema must have a dataSource attribute identifying the reoprter function that knows how to fulfill requests using that schema; other than that, the layout of each type of accessSchema is determined by the requirements of the reporter function.

SDK Access Schemas

The intent of the SDK accessSchema is to describe everything needed to interact with an SDK method. For examples of AWS AccessSchema objects, look in the lib/dataSources/aws directory. For examples of the GCP AccessSchema objects, look in the lib/dataSources/gcp directory.

Simple fields

dataSource (required) : must be exactly 'AWS' for AWS AccessSchemas and exactly 'GOOGLE' for GCP AccessSchemas.

name (required) : A name expressing the data source, used in error messages

apiMethod (required, except in experimental cases, see 'paramDriven') : the API method whose interface this accessSchema describes. This field differs between the AWS and GCP AccessSchemas. For AWS, it is the string name of the method on the relevand SDK object. For GCP, it is an array with the parts of the API namespace after the first. For instance, the apiMethod for the compute.instanceGroups.list API is ['instanceGroups', 'list']. For Kubernetes, the apiMethod is the url path not including the host, with ES6 string interpolations for path parameters. For instance. the apiMethod for the endpoint to get a single pod is /api/v1/namespaces/${namespace}/pods/${name}, and the namespace and name values from the params object will be substituted into the path.

incompleteIndicator (optional) : a way to tell if the results from a call to this API are incomplete and we need to get more. If this is a string or number, it is treated as a path on the result object (e.g. if nextToken exists, this result is incomplete). If specified as a function, it will be passed the result object and can return a truthy value to indicate that this result is incomplete.

nextBatchParamConstructor (optional) : a function to construct the parameters for the next call to the API when the incompleteIndicator shows that this is a partial result. This function is called with two arguments: the parameters used for the most recent call and the result of the most recent call. its return value should be the parameters to use in the next call. This field must be specified if the incompleteIndicator is specified. If this function returns an array, the objects in the array will each be treated as params to a separate call.

mergeOperator (optional) : Function to merge the results of multiple successive calls to get the complete results. This function is called after every call after the first with the running total of the results as the first argument and the current set of results as the second. If this function is not specified, lodash.concat is used. Note that the mergeOperator function is only used to merge responses in the case where the response from a single call is incomplete, and further calls must be made to get the remainder of the results. In cases when more than one call needs to be made based on the params provided (including, for now, if the params need to be chunked into smaller groupings), the results of those calls will be merged with the mergeIndividual function. If the nextBatchParamConstructor function returns an array, the arguments to the mergeOperator function will be the results of the current call and an array containing the results of all downstream calls.

onError (optional) : In extremely rare cases, SDK APIs require you to make a call before you know whether it can succeed. The only example of this so far is the AWS getBucketPolicy S3 method, which can return a NoSuchBucketPolicy error when a bucket policy does not exist, even though there is no other way to check for the policy's existence beforehand. In this kind of situation you can provide an onError field in the accessSchema, which will be passed the error and result of the SDK call. This parameter must return an object with err and res fields, which will be treated as if they were the error and response that had been returned by the API.

mergeIndividual (optional) : Function to merge the results of multiple calls to an API not triggered by the incompleteIndicator. For instance, if you pass an array of IDs as a parameter to a dependency whose accessSchema only takes a single ID, mergeIndividual will be used to merge the results of the individual calls to the API for each ID. But if you pass no params to a dependency whose accessSchema lists a resource, and the result from the API is incomplete and requires subsequent requests to get all of the results, the results of the list calls will be merged with mergeOperator.

The mergeIndividual function will be passed an array of response arrays from successive requests to the resource. The default mergeIndividual behavior is _.flatten. To preserve the array of arrays, use _.identity or (x) => x.

The namespaceDetails field

The namespaceDetails member contains information about the namespace on the SDK where the apiMethod specified is found. It has two fields:

name (String, required) : the exact SDK namespace, e.g. 'EC2' for AWS or compute for GCP.

constructorArgs (Object) : defaults to pass to the namespace constructor. Right now this almost always includes region: 'us-east-1', but this will change as the region will need to be configurable. The API version can also be specified.

paramDriven (boolean, experimental / insufficiently documented) : If this is set, the apiConfig param will be used to fulfill the request. It should only be used for the (currently-experimental) genericFunctionRecordCollector accessSchemas.

The value field

The value field describes the type of value returned by this API. This is required internally for building parameters for API calls and consolidating the results. It is also used to construct clear error messages.

path (required) : (String|Number) or function to get the actual objects off of the results returned from the API, which invariably returns the actual cluster / instances / AMIs / whatever wrapped in some kind of API bookkeeping struct.

sortBy (optional) : a selector or function to use to sort the results.

The params field

This field consists of literal key-value pairs to use as default values in calls to this endpoint. Do not confuse this with the params specified on the dependency objects--those are not literal values, and need to specify more metadata.

The requiredParams and optionaParams fields

The requiredParams object specifies the values that must be filled in at runtime in order for a call to this SDK method to succeed. The keys on this object are the keys that will be passed to the method. The values on this object provide metadata about how to treat the values provided at runtime.

The optionalParams object is structured exactly like the requiredParams object, but exploranda will not throw an error if these params aren't specified at runtime. You can still pass arbitrary parameters even if they are not specified in the optionalParams object--this object simply allows you to specify metatdata about the parameters.

max (Number) : if the length of the array is limited by the SDK, max specifies the maximum number of values allowed per call.

description (String) : Description of the param for the docs.

defaultSource (AccessSchema) : in the fairly rare cases where you have a describe API that takes an ID value and returns an object, and there exists a list API that has no required parameters and returns a list of the IDs, you can attach the accessSchema of the list API as the defaultSource of the ID requiredParam object on the describe API. Then, if no specific parameter is specified for the ID in the dependencies stage, the accessSchema will get the full list of IDs from the list API and then use them to get the full list of resources.

detectArray (Function) : A function that, when passed the parameter vaue, returns true if the value is actually an array of parameters for a series of separate calls rather than a parameter for a single call. For instance, the CloudWatch metrics method requires a set of "Dimensions" for each call. These Dimensions are specified as an array of Dimension objects. This makes it impossible for the code doing the requests to determine from the parameters whether what it sees is "an array of Dimension objects, to be sent as the Dimensions parameter in a single call" or "an array of arrays of Dimension objects, meant to be the arguments to multiple calls".

formatter (Function) : A function that will be applied to the literal value of the param, right before it's sent to the API. For example, the AWS DynamoDB API operates on a fairly nonintuitive typed object schema, for which they provide a converter that converts regular JS objects to and from the special DynamoDB schema. This formatter on the accessSchema param object allows this converter to operate at the last possible moment before calls are sent to the API, so that the calling code doesn't need to worry about operating on the Dynamo schema-version of objects. For times when you want to do the same translation for incoming data, you can use a function as the value.path attribute that performs the transformation.

AccessSchema Object Extensions for Generic Request-Based APIs

NOTE: In October 2020, I replaced the venerable and sadly deprecated request library with needle in the handler for GENERIC_API access schemas. Needle looks like a very comparable replacement (and the exploranda API did not change), but there may be some bugs until I have a chance to work through all the edge cases. The 0.3.0 release marks the introduction of needle and removal of request.

For many common APIs it is simpler to just use needle as the base SDK and build accessSchema objects to provide a natural pattern for interacting with the resources and access methods exposed by the API.

To accomodate this use case, there is a GENERIC_API data source function that wraps request. GENERIC_API accessSchema objects may set all the fields allowed on ordinary SDK accessSchema objects (defined above) and may also set the following fields to configure how requests to their API should be made:

path: the path part of the URL. May be specified as a JS template string to be rendered with parameter values, e.g. '/api/v1/users/${userName}

method: the HTTP method to use in the request. Defaults to GET

host: the host and port to which to make the request, e.g. google.com:443 The port need not be specified if it is the default for the protocol.

protocol: the protocol string. Defaults to https://

pathParamKeys: Generic APIs may specify the path part of their url as a JS template string, e.g. '/api/v1/users/${userName}'. The pathParamKeys accessSchema field is an array of the names of parameters to be used as values in that template, e.g. ['userName'].

queryParamKeys: an array of the names of parameters to be used as key / value pairs in the request querystring

bodyParamKeys: an array of the names of parameters to be used as key / value pairs in the request body.

headerParamKeys: an array of the names of parameters to be used as the request headers.

urlBuilder: A function that will construct the URL given the parameters specified in the pathParamKeys array. If not specified, defaults to a function that uses the params to render the params.path || sourceSchema.params.path as if it was a JS template string.

requestQueryBuilder: A function that will construct the URL query object given the parameters specified in the queryParamKeys array. If not specified, defaults to _.identity

requestBodyBuilder: A function that will construct the URL body given the parameters specified in dthe bodyParamKeys array. If not specified, defaults to _.identity

requestHeadersBuilder: A function that will construct the URL headers object given the parameters specified in the headerParamKeys array. If not specified, defaults to _.identity

detectErrors: A function that is given the error, response, and body after a call. Anything it returns is treated as an error object.

Request AccessSchema Objects

This accessSchema type describes a basic way to talk to HTTP / HTTPS APIs. It is much less mature than the SDK schema and should be expected to change. For an example of its use, see lib/dataSources/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.js

Simple fields

dataSource (required) : must be exactly 'REQUEST'

generateRequest (required) : Function to generate the request. Will be passed the params specified on the dependency object as the only argument.

ignoreErrors (boolean) : if truthy, will simply return undefined on errors.

defaultResponse : if ignoreErrors is truthy, a response to use when there is an error; a sensible empty value.

incomplete (Function) : detect if the response is incomplete. Analogous to incompleteIndicator from the SDK access schema.

mergeResponses (Function) : merge the responses of successive calls when the results required more than one call. Analagous to mergeOperator.

nextRequest (Function): generate the parameters for the next request if the current results are incomplete. Analagous to nextBatchParamConstructor.

Synthetic AccessSchema Objects

This accessSchema type provides a way to encapsulate a transformation of another dependency or set of dependencies that should be cached for use in multiple downstream dependencies.


dataSource: (required) : must be exactly 'SYNTHETIC'

transformation: (required) : Function, passed the resolved params as an object {paramName: <value>}`. The return value of this function is used as the value of this dependency.

Sharp AccessSchema Objects

This accessSchema type represents image processing operations using the sharp library.


dataSource: (required) : must be exactly 'SHARP'

returnsPromise: If the method returns a promise

nameArguments: The sharp library includes methods with varying numbers of arguments, with one or more named args, then an "options" arg. The namedArguments should be an ordered array of the keys on the params where the named args will be found. For instance, if the nameArguments is ['width'], then from the params {width: 90, height: 98}, the method would be called like method(90, {height: 98})

transformation: (required) : Function, passed the resolved params as an object {paramName: <value>}`. The return value of this function is used as the value of this dependency.




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