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epoch.js - Wonderful Date Formatting and Calculations

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Easy to use

npm install epoch.js

var epoch = require('epoch.js');

var e = epoch(); // defaults to current date/time
var date = epoch( '2013-12-08 12:34:56' ); // setting date/time

// epoch now accepts a native Date object as an argument (and should have a long time ago)

// months numbers run from 0 - 11 in native object
var obj = new Date(1995, 11, 17);
epoch(obj).format('MMM D, YYYY'); // Dec 17, 1995

// clone an epoch object
var f = epoch(date);
f.format('YYYY-MM-DD'); // 2013-12-08

// Robust parsing:
var e = epoch('Friday, November 11th 2016');
var f = epoch('Sat, November 12th 2016 12:04:05');
var g = epoch('dec 21 2017');
var h = epoch('november 3 2017 8:15:16');

Familiar formatting tokens

date.format('dddd MMM D, YYYY'); // Sunday Dec 8, 2013
epoch('2015-05-04').format('MMMM [the] Do [be with you]') // May the 4th be with you


date.from('2012-12-08'); // 1 year ago
date.from('2019-12-08'); // in 6 years
date.from('2013-12-08 12:34:48'); // less than a minute ago

Common Format Methods

epoch.leapYear() or epoch.leap() --- true/false if year is leap year

epoch.rfc1123() --- same as Date.toUTCString()

epoch.rfc2822() --- same as Date.toUTCString()

epoch.iso8601() --- YYYY-MM-DD[T]hh:mm:ss[+0000]

epoch.sqldate() --- YYYY-MM-DD

epoch.sqltime() --- hh:mm:ss

epoch.sqlsod() --- start of day, YYYY-MM-DD [00:00:00]

epoch.sqleod() --- end of day, YYYY-MM-DD [23:59:59]

epoch.datetime() --- YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss

epoch.ordinal() --- pass in any number and get back the number + ordinal suffix


For all methods listed here, if the method is called with no argument, the current value of that date fragment is returned. If a value is supplied, the internal Date object is updated and the updated date fragment returned. These methods are wrappers for their native equivalents of a similar name.

Possible values:

  • 5 or "9", integer or stringified integer - sets value
  • "-2" or "+4" - adds or subtracts from existing value









Getters only:




Dates can be formatted using epoch.format() and supplying tokens. Example:

// Sunday Dec 8, 2013
epoch( '2013-12-08 12:34:56' ).format('dddd MMM D, YYYY');


a --- Lowercase am/pm

A --- Uppercase AM/PM

d --- Numeric representation of the day of the week, 0 - 6 : Sun - Sat

dd --- Numeric representation of the day of the week, 1 - 7 : Sun - Sat

ddd --- A textual representation of a day, three letters

dddd --- A full textual representation of the day of the week

D --- Day of the month without leading zeros

DD --- Day of the month with leading zeros

DDD --- The day of the year (starting from 0)

h --- 24-hour format of an hour without leading zeros

H --- 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros

hh --- 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros

HH --- 12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros

LL --- Last day of the month. Example: YYYY-MM-LL

m --- Minutes without leading zeros

mm --- Minutes with leading zeros

M --- Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros

MM --- Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros

MMM --- A short textual representation of a month, three letters

MMMM --- A full textual representation of a month, such as January or March

o --- Ordinal suffix, can be used in conjuction with virtually any token. Example: Do, hho, Mo, etc...

s --- Seconds, without leading zeros

ss --- Seconds, with leading zeros

u --- Milliseconds

U --- Unix timestamp

ww --- ISO-8601 week number of year, weeks starting on Monday

YY --- A two digit representation of a year

YYYY --- A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits

Z --- 4 digit timezone offset with sign, ex: +/-0000

ZZ --- 4 digit timezone offset with sign and colon, ex: +/-00:00

ZZZ --- 3 letter time zone abbrev

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  • rpaskett