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Device Agnostic UI

Device agnostic styles, components and hooks for React apps — One design for any viewport (size, orientation, resolution), input method (touch, mouse) or network speed. Simple to build, test and use.

  • 📦 Tiny bundle size. The minified and gzipped bundle size of individual modules are tested.
  • 📱 Mobile first. Intuitive layouts suitable for any screen size, without media queries.
  • ⌨️ Keyboard ok. Interactive components have clearly discernable :focus styles.
  • 🚨 Native UI. Lightweight, pretty and accessible form field validation messages.
  • 🌗 Dark mode. The color scheme adapts to the operating system’s light or dark mode.
  • 🎨 CSS variables. Easily tweak the theme globally or in your components.
  • 🌏 Few global styles. No intrusive normalization or resets; just the :root essentials.
  • 🖌 Style raw HTML. Special <Html> component to style rendered Markdown.
  • 🧠 Semantic markup. Lean use of semantically appropriate HTML elements.
  • ⚛️ Modern React. Elegant use of React hooks, refs and fragments makes for a great DX.
  • Type safety. Modules are typed via TypeScript JSDoc comments.


For Node.js, to install device-agnostic-ui and its react peer dependency with npm, run:

npm install device-agnostic-ui react

For Deno and browsers, an example import map:

  "imports": {
    "class-name-prop": "",
    "device-agnostic-ui/": "",
    "react": ""

These dependencies might not need to be in the import map, depending on what device-agnostic-ui modules the project imports from:

Theme, global, component, and syntax highlighting styles are exported in vanilla CSS files that must be manually loaded in your app, as necessary.


Supported runtime environments:

Non Deno projects must configure TypeScript to use types from the ECMAScript modules that have a // @ts-check comment:


The npm package device-agnostic-ui features optimal JavaScript module design. It doesn’t have a main index module, so use deep imports from the ECMAScript modules that are exported. These ECMAScript modules and CSS files are exported via the package.json field exports:

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npm i device-agnostic-ui

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  • jaydenseric