This package has been deprecated

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is now replace by @capacitor-community/sqlite@2.3.0 development will continue from there

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2.2.1-3 • Public • Published

Capacitor SQLite Plugin

Capacitor SQlite Plugin is a custom Native Capacitor plugin to create SQLite databases, tables, indexes and store permanently data to it. The plugin is available for IOS and Android platforms for native Apps and on Electron for Desktop Apps. On IOS and Android platforms, the plugin is based on the SQLCipher module then databases can be or not encrypted. On Electron platform, the plugin is based on sqlite3 then databases cannot be encrypted

available since 2.0.0

  • The run method has been modified to use the transaction(BEGIN & COMMIT) and also to return the lastId
  • Upload of images (as Base64 string)

available since 2.0.1-1

  • exportToJson has been added with two modes "full" or "partial". To use the "partial", it is mandatory to add a "last_modified" field as Integer (Date as a Unix timestamp)
  • createSyncTable has also been added and is required only once, it will create a table to store the synchronization date
  • setSyncDate is allowing the update of the synchronization date

All these new features give you all the bits and pieces to manage in your application the synchronization of SQL databases between a remote server and the mobile device. It can also be used for upgrading the schema of databases by exporting the current database to json, make the schema modifications in the json object and importing it back with the mode "full".


available since 2.1.0-1

Electron Plugin: the location of the databases could nw be selected:

  • the previous one YourApplication/Electron/Databases
  • under User/Databases/APP_NAME/ to not loose them when updating the application. This is manage in the index.html file of the application (see below Running on Electron).

available since 2.1.0-4

  • FOREIGN KEY support

available since 2.1.0

  • Capitalization characters in column names
  • fix importFromJson to import Table Schema & Indexes an Table Data in two processes

available since 2.2.0-2

  • Batch Execution with values (method executeSet )

Error Return values

  • For all methods, a message containing the error message will be returned

  • For execute and run commands, {changes:{changes: -1}} will be returned in changes

  • For query command, an empty array will be returned in values

Methods available

open({database:"fooDB"}) => Promise<{result:boolean,message:string}>

Open a database, the plugin add a suffix "SQLite" and an extension ".db" to the name given ie (fooDBSQLite.db)


Type: Promise<{result:boolean,message:string}>

close({database:"fooDB"}) => Promise<{result:boolean,message:string}>

Close a database


Type: Promise<{result:boolean,message:string}>

execute({statements:"fooStatements"}) => Promise<{changes:{changes:number},message:string}>

Execute a batch of raw SQL statements given in a string


Type: Promise<{changes:{changes:number},message:string}>

executeSet({set:[{statement:"fooStatement",values:[1,"foo1","foo2"]}]}) => Promise<{changes:{changes:number},message:string}>

Execute a set of raw SQL statements given in an Array of {statement: String , values: Array}


Type: Promise<{changes:{changes:number},message:string}>

run({statement:"fooStatement",values:[]}) => Promise<{changes:{changes:number,lastId:number},message:string}>

Run a SQL statement (single statement)


Type: Promise<{changes:{changes:number,lastId:number},message:string}>

run({statement:"fooStatement VALUES (?,?,?)",values:[1,"foo1","foo2"]}) => Promise<{changes:{changes:number,lastId:number},message:string}>

Run a SQL statement with given values (single statement)


Type: Promise<{changes:{changes:number,lastId:number},message:string}>

query({statement:"fooStatement",values:[]}) => Promise<{values:Array<any>,message:string}>

Query a SELECT SQL statement (single statement)


Type: Promise<{values:Array<any>,message:string}>

query({statement:"fooStatement VALUES (?)",values:["foo1"]}) => Promise<{values:Array<any>,message:string}>

Query a SELECT SQL statement with given values (single statement)


Type: Promise<{values:Array<any>,message:string}>

deleteDatabase({database:"fooDB"}) => Promise<{result:boolean,message:string}>

Delete a database, require to have open the database first


Type: Promise<{result:boolean,message:string}>

importFomJson({jsonstring:fooJSONString}) => Promise<{changes:{changes:number},message:string}>

Import Stringify JSON Object describing a database with Schemas, Indexes and Tables Data.


For each tables, the schema must have as first column an id described as

schema: [ {column:"id", value: "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL"}, ..., ]


Type: Promise<{changes:{changes:number},message:string}>

exportToJson({jsonexportmode:fooModeString}) => Promise<{export:any,message:string}>

Export a JSON Object describing a database with Schemas, Indexes and Tables Data with two modes "full" or "partial"


Type: Promise<{export:any,message:string}>

createSyncTable() => Promise<{changes:{changes:number},message:string}>

Create a synchronization table in the database


Type: Promise<{changes:{changes:number},message:string}>

setSyncDate({syncdate:fooDateString}) => Promise<{result:boolean,message:string}>

Set a new synchronization date in the database


Type: Promise<{result:boolean,message:string}>

isJsonValid({jsonstring:fooJSONString}) => Promise<{result:boolean,message:string}>

Check the validity of a Json Object


Type: Promise<{result:boolean,message:string}>

isDBExists({database:"fooDB"}) => Promise<{result:boolean,message:string}>

Check if a database exists


Type: Promise<{result:boolean,message:string}>

Methods available for encrypted database in IOS and Android

open({database:"fooDB",encrypted:true,mode:"encryption"}) => Promise<{result:boolean,message:string}>

Encrypt an existing database with a secret key and open the database with given database name.

To define your own "secret" and "newsecret" keys:

  • in IOS, go to the Pod/Development Pods/capacitor-sqlite/GlobalSQLite.swift file
  • in Android, go to capacitor-sqlite/java/ and update the default values before building your app.


Type: Promise<{result:boolean,message:string}>

open({database:"fooDB",encrypted:true,mode:"secret"}) => Promise<{result:boolean,message:string}>

Open an encrypted database with given database and table names and secret key.


Type: Promise<{result:boolean,message:string}>

open({database:"fooDB",encrypted:true,mode:"newsecret"}) => Promise<{result:boolean,message:string}>

Modify the secret key with the newsecret key of an encrypted database and open it with given database and table names and newsecret key.


Type: Promise<{result:boolean,message:string}>

Applications demonstrating the use of the plugin



Using the Plugin in your App

npm install --save capacitor-sqlite@latest
  • In your code
 import { Plugins } from '@capacitor/core';
 import * as CapacitorSQLPlugin from 'capacitor-sqlite';
 const { CapacitorSQLite,Device } = Plugins;
 @Component( ... )
 export class MyPage {
   _sqlite: any;
   async ngAfterViewInit()() {
     const info = await Device.getInfo();
     if (info.platform === "ios" || info.platform === "android") {
       this._sqlite = CapacitorSQLite;
     } else if(info.platform === "electron") {
       this._sqlite = CapacitorSQLPlugin.CapacitorSQLiteElectron;
     } else {
       this._sqlite = CapacitorSQLPlugin.CapacitorSQLite;
   async testSQLitePlugin() {
       let result:any = await{database:"testsqlite"});
       retOpenDB = result.result;
       if(retOpenDB) {
           // Create Tables if not exist
           let sqlcmd: string = `
           CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users (
               email TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL,
               name TEXT,
               FirstName TEXT,
               age INTEGER,
               MobileNumber TEXT
           PRAGMA user_version = 1;
           var retExe: any = await this._sqlite.execute({statements:sqlcmd});
           console.log('retExe ',retExe.changes.changes);
           // Insert some Users
           sqlcmd = `
           DELETE FROM users;
           INSERT INTO users (name,email,age) VALUES ("Whiteley","",30);
           INSERT INTO users (name,email,age) VALUES ("Jones","",44);
           retExe = await this._sqlite.execute({statements:sqlcmd});
           // will print the changes  2 in that case
           console.log('retExe ',retExe.changes.changes);
           // Select all Users
           sqlcmd = "SELECT * FROM users";
           const retSelect: any = await this._sqlite.query({statement:sqlcmd,values:[]});
           console.log('retSelect.values.length ',retSelect.values.length);
           const row1: any = retSelect.values[0];
           console.log("row1 users ",JSON.stringify(row1))
           const row2: any = retSelect.values[1];
           console.log("row2 users ",JSON.stringify(row2))
           // Insert a new User with SQL and Values
           sqlcmd = "INSERT INTO users (name,email,age) VALUES (?,?,?)";
           let values: Array<any>  = ["Simpson","",69];
           var retRun: any = await{statement:sqlcmd,values:values});
           console.log('retRun ',retRun.changes.changes,retRun.changes.lastId);
           // Select Users with age > 35
           sqlcmd = "SELECT name,email,age FROM users WHERE age > ?";
           retSelect = await this._sqlite.query({statement:sqlcmd,values:["35"]});
           console.log('retSelect ',retSelect.values.length);
           // Execute a Set of raw SQL Statements
           let set: Array<any>  = [
             { statement:"INSERT INTO users (name,FirstName,email,age,MobileNumber) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?);",
             { statement:"INSERT INTO users (name,FirstName,email,age,MobileNumber) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?);",
             { statement:"INSERT INTO users (name,FirstName,email,age,MobileNumber) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?);",
             { statement:"INSERT INTO users (name,FirstName,email,age,MobileNumber) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?);",
             { statement:"UPDATE users SET age = ? , MobileNumber = ? WHERE id = ?;",
       result = await this._sqlite.executeSet({set:set});
       console.log("result.changes.changes ",result.changes.changes)
       if(result.changes.changes != 5) resolve(false);

Running on Android

npx cap update
npm run build
npx cap copy
npx cap open android

Android Studio will be opened with your project and will sync the files. In Android Studio go to the file MainActivity

 public class MainActivity extends BridgeActivity {
   public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
     // Initializes the Bridge 
     this.init(savedInstanceState, new ArrayList<Class<? extends Plugin>>() {{
       // Additional plugins you've installed go here 
       // Ex: add(TotallyAwesomePlugin.class); 

Running on IOS

Modify the Podfile under the ios folder as follows

platform :ios, '11.0'

# workaround to avoid Xcode 10 caching of Pods that requires
# Product -> Clean Build Folder after new Cordova plugins installed
# Requires CocoaPods 1.6 or newer
install! 'cocoapods', :disable_input_output_paths => true

def capacitor_pods
 # Automatic Capacitor Pod dependencies, do not delete
 pod 'Capacitor', :path => '../../node_modules/@capacitor/ios'
 pod 'CapacitorCordova', :path => '../../node_modules/@capacitor/ios'
 # Do not delete

target 'App' do
 # Add your Pods here
npx cap update
npm run build
npx cap copy
npx cap open ios

Running on Electron

In your application folder add the Electron platform

npx cap add electron

In the Electron folder of your application

npm install --save sqlite3
npm install --save-dev @types/sqlite3
npm install --save-dev electron-rebuild

Modify the Electron package.json file by adding a script "postinstall"

    "electron:start": "electron ./",
    "postinstall": "electron-rebuild -f -w sqlite3"

Execute the postinstall script

npm run postinstall

Go back in the main folder of your application Add a script in the index.html file of your application in the body tag

  • case databases under YourApplication/Electron/
  try {
    if (process && typeof (process.versions.electron) === 'string' && process.versions.hasOwnProperty('electron')) {
      const sqlite3 = require('sqlite3');
      const fs = require('fs');
      const path = require('path');
      window.sqlite3 = sqlite3;
      window.fs = fs;
      window.path = path;
  catch {
    console.log("process doesn't exists");
  • case databases under User/Databases/APP_NAME/
    try {
      if (process && typeof (process.versions.electron) === 'string' && process.versions.hasOwnProperty('electron')) {
        const sqlite3 = require('sqlite3');
        const fs = require('fs');
        const path = require('path');
        const homeDir = require('os').homedir();
        window.sqlite3 = sqlite3;
        window.fs = fs;
        window.path = path;
        window.appName = "YOUR_APP_NAME";
        window.homeDir = homeDir;
    catch {
      console.log("process doesn't exists");

and then build the application

 npx cap update
 npm run build
 npx cap copy
 npx cap open electron


The IOS and Android codes are using SQLCipher allowing for database encryption The Electron code use sqlite3

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  • jeepq