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Atlasboard Atlassian package#

Atlasboard Atlassian Package

Build status##

Build Status

This is a package ready to be used with Atlasboard. It contains dashboards, widgets and jobs related to Atlassian products.


From the root directory of your recently created wallboard, you just need to type:

git submodule add packages/atlassian

to import the package as git submodule and use any of the widgets and jobs in this package (check the example dashboard to see how).

See also:

Available jobs/widgets


Clock widget

Displays current time and optionally shut the f**k up hours.

Sample configuration:

"clock": {
	"interval": 0,
	"stfuOnly": false,
		{"start":945, "end": 1215},
		{"start":1415, "end": 1615}

stfuOnly if true the bulb will be visible only, clock is not displayed

stfuHours you can list as many intervals as you wish, 945 means 9:45

Uses image courtesy of Ignacio Javier Igjav

Reviews Counter

Displays any reviews associated with team members.

Sample configuration:

"reviews": {
	"title": "Outstanding Reviews",
	"authName": "atlaseye",
	"crucibleUrl": "",
	"teamMembers": [
	"projects": [

title the widget header

authName authorization configuration to use that's defined in globalAuth.json

crucibleUrl Crucible address

teamMemebers list of usernames from Crucible that you want to list reviews for

projects list of Crucible project keys to check for reviews



Displays blocker JIRA issues

Sample configuration:

"confluence-blockers" : {
  "timeout": 30000,
  "authName": "myAuthJIRAkeyInTheGlobalAuthFile",
  "retryOnErrorTimes" : 3,
  "interval" : 120000,
  "jira_server" : "",
  "useComponentAsTeam" : true,
  "projectTeams": {
    "CONFDEV": "Teamless Issue",
    "CONFVN": "Vietnam"
  "jql" : "(project in (\"CONFDEV\",\"CONFVN\") AND resolution = EMPTY AND priority = Blocker) OR (project = \"CONF\" AND resolution = EMPTY AND priority = Blocker AND labels in (\"ondemand\"))"

Build Overview

Build overview

Displays Bamboo build overview

Sample configuration:

"buildoverview-UI" : {
  "bamboo_server" : "",
  "retryOnErrorTimes" : 3,
  "interval" : 120000,
  "widgetTitle" : "QUNIT BUILDS",
  "showResponsibles" : false

Issue Count and Issues remaining

Issues remaining

Displays JIRA issue count matching a certain filter

Sample configuration:

  "issues-warranty" : {
    "jira_server": "",
    "authName": "jac",
    "retryOnErrorTimes" : 3,
    "interval" : 120000,
    "jqlOpen" : "project = CONF AND filter = \"All Editor CONF issues\" AND type = bug AND labels = warranty AND Resolution is EMPTY",
    "jqlReview" : "project = CONF AND filter = \"All Editor CONF issues\" AND type = bug AND labels = warranty AND Resolution = Fixed and updated > -14d",
    "widgetTitle" : "Warranty",
    "openText" : "Unresolved Warranty",
    "reviewText" : "Resolved Warranty"

Days Until

Days Until

Displays days until a certain date

Sample configuration:

"daysuntil5.4": {
  "retryOnErrorTimes" : 3,
  "interval" : 120000,
  "dueDate": "11/15/2013",
  "milestone": "5.4 Freeze"

Pending Pull Requests

Pending Pull Requests

Display pending PRs in a repo, or all repos in a project for a list of users (a team)

Sample configuration:

  "pullrequests" : {
        "title": "PR workload",
        "widget": {
          "showZeroCounts": false,
          "useProportionalAvatars": true
        "servers": {
          // server key matches credentials key in globalAuth (optional)
          "stash": {
            "provider": "STASH",
            "repositories": [
                { "project": "CONF", "repository": "confluence" },
                { "project": "JIRA", "repository": "jira" }
            "options": {
              "baseUrl": ""
          "stashdev": {
            "provider": "STASH",
            "repositories": [
                { "project": "STASH" }
            "options": {
              "baseUrl": ""
          "": {
              "provider": "BITBUCKET",
              "repositories": [
                  { "org": "atlassian", "repository": "atlasboard-atlassian-package" }
        "team": [
          // if email, related gravatar will be used. Otherwise, "display" property as a text
          { "username": "iloire",   "display": "ivan", "email": "" },
          { "username": "dwillis",  "display": "don", "email": "" },
          { "username": "mreis",    "display": "miter", "email": ""},
          { "username": "lmiranda", "display": "luis", "email": "", "aliases": { "": "luuuis" } }


  • md5.js

Supported providers:



  • Ability to filter users by repositories.

Sprint Health

Sprint Health widget

Shows health and progress of all active sprints from your JIRA Agile Scrum board.

Compact Sprint Health widget

Also available with a compact display option for teams with lots of parallel sprints.

Sample configuration:

"sprint-health": {
    "credentials": "jiraAuth", // username/password config key from your globalAuth file
    "jiraServer": "",
    "rapidViewId": 561, // ID of your board in JIRA Agile (have a look in your board URL)
    "widgetTitle": "Sprint Health",
    "compactDisplay": true, // optional, defaults to false. For teams with many parallel sprints
    "includeSprintPattern": 'Blue Team', // optional, RegExp string for matching sprint names to include
    "interval": 300000

The JIRA Agile board estimation statistic is used to draw the progress bars. If your team doesn't estimate stories you can still get the progress bars by switching the board's estimation statistic to 'Issue Count' (Board > Configure > Estimation > Estimation Statistic) or the pretty bars won't show up.



Get in shape with your personal trainer!

"fitness": {
  "media": ["dQw4w9WgXcQ", "z8f2mW1GFSI", "DP3MFBzMH2o", "CH1XGdu-hzQ", "sRYNYb30nxU", "3YOYlgvI1uE", "otCpCn0l4Wo", "vCadcBR95oU", "9EcjWd-O4jI", "5WLdLZnZQbQ", "CDl9ZMfj6aE", "BfOdWSiyWoc", "btPJPFnesV4", "lYlkYkHkZxs", "8NjbGr2nk2c"],
  "widgetTitle": "Daily Fitness",
  "activities": [{
    "name": "pushups",
    "cron": "00 30 10 * * 1-5",
    "title": "Pushup Time!",
    "announcement": "Time for morning push ups! With music presented by {0}",
    "hipchat": {
      "roomId": "00000",
      "from": "Sergeant",
      "message": "Time for some pushups!"
  }, {
    "name": "planks",
    "cron": "00 00 15 * * 1-5",
    "title": "Planks",
    "announcement": "Get down for some serious planking! {0}",
    "hipchat": {
      "roomId": "00000",
      "from": "Sergeant",
      "message": "Time for some planks!"
  }, {
    "name": "debug",
    "cron": "30 * * * * *",
    "title": "lets debug",
    "announcement": "yoyo debug {0}",
    "hipchat": {
      "roomId": "00000",
      "from": "Sergeant",
      "message": "Time for some pushups!"
    "enabled": false

Empty placeholder

Just that:)

Compact Sprint Health widget

  "empty-placeholder": {
    "title": "EMPTY",
    "description": "Placeholder"

Google analytics real-time widgets

Table with results

Google analytics table results widget

Single metric

Google analytics single metric widget

Use the following configuration example to feed both:

  "form-completion-now": {
    "interval": 60000,
    "title": "Signups",
    "subtitle": "Last 30'",
    "viewID": "1009XXXXX",
    "authEmail": "",
    "metrics": ["rt:goal16Completions"],
    "dimensions": ["rt:minutesAgo", "rt:browser", "rt:browserVersion"],
    "captions": ["min. ago", "browser", "version", "Conversions"],
    "realTime": true,
    "gaKeyLocation": 'mykey.p12' // file must be located inside the wallboard directory




Package Sidebar


npm i atlasboard-atlassian-package

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  • iloire