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AdonisJS Lucid MongoDB


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🙏 This repository is base on adonis-lucid. This package only work with mongodb.

Breaking update

Version 2.x was published to npm with new name. Make sure you install correct version:

Adonis version Version Name
3.x.x 1.x.x adonis-lucid-mongodb
4.x.x 2.x.x lucid-mongo

Adonis-lucid-mongodb is a mongo query builder and ODM for Adonis framework. It also has support for database migrations, seeds and factories as Adonis-lucid.

You can learn more about AdonisJS and all of its awesomeness on 🌲

You can see example here adonis-mongodb-boilerplate

Note: If you decided use this package you need replace all setting of adonis-lucid by this package. See install steps for more detail


The usage of LucidMongo is similar to Lucid

Official Documentation of Lucid here


const users =  yield User.all()
const users =  yield User.where('name', 'peter').fetch()
const users =  yield User.where({name: 'peter'}).limit(10).skip(20).fetch()
const users =  yield User.where({or: [{gender: 'female', age: {gte: 20}}, {gender: 'male', age: {gte: 22}}]}).fetch()
const user =  yield User.where('name').eq('peter').where('age').gt(18).lte(60).sort('-age').first()
const users =  yield User.where({age: {gte: 18}}).sort({age: -1}).fetch()
const users =  yield User.where('age', '>=', 18).fetch()
const users =  yield User.where('age').gt(18).paginate(2, 100)
const users =  yield User.where(function() {
  this.where('age', '>=', 18)
// to query geo near you need declare field type as geometry and add 2d or 2dsphere index in migration file
const images = yield Image.where({location: {near: {lat: 1, lng: 1}, maxDistance: 5000}}).fetch()
const images = yield Image.where({location: {nearSphere: {lat: 1, lng: 1}, maxDistance: 500}}).fetch()

More Documentation of mquery


  const count = yield Customer.count()
  const count = yield Customer.where({invited: {$exist: true}}).count('position')
  const max = yield Employee.max('age')
  const total = yield Employee.where(active, true).sum('salary', 'department_id')
  const avg = yield Employee.where(active, true).avg('salary', {department: 'department_id', role: '$role_id'})


This package support relations like adonis-lucid:

  • hasOne
  • belongsTo
  • hasMany
  • hasManyThrough
  • belongsToMany

More Documentation of adonis relationships

mongodb has no join query so this package has no query like: has, whereHas, doesntHave, whereDoesntHave

Addition relations

  1. morphMany: A model can belong to more than one other model, on a single association. For example, you might have a Picture model that belongs to either an Author model or a Reader model
class Author extends Model {
  pictures () {
    return this.morphMany('App/Model/Picture', 'pictureableType', 'pictureableId')
class Reader extends Model {
  pictures () {
    return this.morphMany('App/Model/Picture', 'pictureableType', 'pictureableId')
class Picture extends Model {
  imageable () {
    return this.morphTo('App/Model', 'pictureableType', 'pictureableId')
  1. embedsOne: EmbedsOne is used to represent a model that embeds another model, for example, a Customer embeds one billingAddress.
class Customer extends Model {
  billingAddress () {
    return this.embedsOne('App/Model/Address', '_id', 'billingAddress')
  1. embedsMany: Use an embedsMany relation to indicate that a model can embed many instances of another model. For example, a Customer can have multiple email addresses and each email address is a complex object that contains label and address.
class Customer extends Model {
  emails () {
    return this.embedsMany('App/Model/Email', '_id', 'emails')
  1. referMany: Population is the process of automatically replacing the specified paths in the document with document(s) from other collection(s)
class Bill extends Model {
  items () {
    return this.referMany('App/Model/Item', '_id', 'items')

Query relationships

  const user = yield User.with('emails').find(1)
  const user = yield User.with('emails', 'phone').fetch()
  const user = yield User.with(['emails', 'phone']).fetch()
  const user = yield User.with({
    relation: 'familyMembers', 
    scope: {
        where: { verified: true }, 
        sort: '-age'
  const user = yield User.with({
    relation: 'familyMembers', 
    scope: query => {
      query.where(active, true).where('age').lt(18)

Query logging

To show query logs run this command:

  • Linux, MacOS DEBUG=mquery npm run dev
  • Windows setx DEBUG mquery && npm run dev


Current only support create, drop, rename collection and index

up () {
  this.create('articles', (collection) => {
    collection.index('title_index', {title: 1})
  this.collection('users', (collection) => {
    collection.index('email_index', {email: 1}, {unique: true})
  this.collection('image', (collection) => {
    collection.index('location_index', {location: '2dsphere'}, {'2dsphereIndexVersion': 2})
  this.rename('articles', 'posts')
  this.create('posts', (collection) => {
  this.drop('articles', 'posts')

Field type

Type of mongodb.ObjectID The objectId fields will be converted to mongodb.ObjectID before save to db.

class Article extends LucidMongo {
  static get objectIdFields() { return ['_id', 'categoryId'] } //default return ['_id']

The where query conditions will be converted to objectId too

const article = yield Article.find('58ccb403f895502b84582c63')
const articles = yield Article.where({department_id: {in: ['58ccb403f895502b84582c63', '58ccb403f895502b84582c63']}}).fetch()

Type of date

class Staff extends LucidMongo {
  static get dateFields() { return ['dob'] }

The field declare as date will be converted to moment js object after get from db

const staff = yield Staff.first()
const yearAgo = staff.dob.fromNow()

You can set attribute of model as moment js object, field will be converted to date before save to db

staff.dob = moment(request.input('dob'))

The where query conditions will be converted to date too

const user = yield User.where({created_at: {gte: '2017-01-01'}}).fetch()

Date type is UTC timezone

Type of geometry

class Image extends LucidMongo {
  static get geoFields() { return ['location'] }

When declare field type as geometry the field will be transformed to geoJSON type

const image = yield Image.create({
  fileName: fileName,
  location: {lat: 1, lng: 1}


{ "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ 1, 1 ] }

After get from db it will be retransformed to

{lat: 1, lng: 1}

Get the mongodb drive

You can get the instance of mongodb drive to execute raw query

  const Database = use('Database')
  const mongo = yield Database.connection('mongodb')
  const users = yield mongo.collection('users').find().toArray()
  const phone = yield mongo.collection('phones').findOne({userId: user._id})

More document about mongo drive here


To setup this package

$ npm i --save adonis-lucid-mongodb

and then register lucid providers inside the your bootstrap/app.js file. you should complete replace all setting of adonis-lucid with adonis-lucid-mongodb

const providers = [
  // ...
  // 'adonis-lucid/providers/DatabaseProvider',
  // 'adonis-lucid/providers/LucidMongoProvider',
  // 'adonis-lucid/providers/FactoryProvider'  
const aceProviders = [
  // ...
  // 'adonis-lucid/providers/CommandsProvider',
  // 'adonis-lucid/providers/MigrationsProvider',
  // 'adonis-lucid/providers/SchemaProvider',
  // 'adonis-lucid/providers/SeederProvider',  

setting up aliases inside bootstrap/app.js file.

const aliases = {
  Database: 'Adonis/Src/Database',
  Lucid: 'Adonis/Src/LucidMongo',
  Schema: 'Adonis/Src/Schema'
  Migrations: 'Adonis/Src/Migrations',
  Factory: 'Adonis/Src/Factory'

add config to config/database.js file

module.exports = {
  | Default Connection
  | Connection defines the default connection settings to be used while
  | interacting with Mongodb databases.
  connection: Env.get('DB_CONNECTION', 'mongodb'),
  mongodb: {
    client: 'mongodb',
    connection: {
      host: Env.get('DB_HOST', 'localhost'),
      port: Env.get('DB_PORT', 27017),
      user: Env.get('DB_USER', 'root'),
      password: Env.get('DB_PASSWORD', ''),
      database: Env.get('DB_DATABASE', 'adonis'),
      auth: {
        source: Env.get('DB_AUTH_SOURCE', ''),
        mechanism: Env.get('DB_AUTH_MECHANISM', '')

Contribution Guidelines

In favor of active development we accept contributions for everyone. You can contribute by submitting a bug, creating pull requests or even improving documentation.




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