
1.0.0-rc0 • Public • Published


Extract and render GIF frames easily

Status: Hopefully stable lol

Probably the most unstable thing in this package is the README

This package utilizes ffmpeg for extracting and combining frames. Thus, you have to install it for the package to work properly.

Python bindings will probably be available soon

Oh, and the install script also can be unstable. Have you seen that garbage? Please don't.

FF (Fast-Forward)


The most basic usage is described in this section

// The example is not loaded, please clear your caches and check if it's available yet


$ node scripts/install

Alternatively, you may check the Manual Installation section

Manual Installation

  • Make sure you have ffmpeg binaries in your PATH environment variable
    • Otherwise, you may include the binaries in the bin folder for the package to catch up
  • Download the corresponding EasyGIF binaries. Make sure that the version of the package matches with the binary version. Once you got the binary, just put it into the bin folder

Potential Issues

You may face a few difficulties while installing and using the package. Just be prepared for them, so you won't waste your time

  • CWD sensitivity
    • The installation script is sensitive to the CWD, so it may install the binaries somewhere it cannot access itself lol
    • Uh.. well the binary itself is also suffering from the same thing
    • Manual Fix You just execute the install script and your app from the correct directory duh
    • You better fix the package than asking users to use it as you want, you d***ss! I'll look into it if it eventually become a larger problem. If you face any issues, or you really want this to be fixed, consider opening an issue.
  • I cannot come around with any others.


Will you ever release this package to NPM?

Uhmm.. maybe? Fortunately the package itself is fully capable of doing it. All the scripts are compatible and ready for an easy release. However, I don't see any reasons to release it to the registry for everyone. If you think this package should be there, you may open an issue

Btw, the @zargovv/easygif package is reserved by me (I'm shocked myself) on NPM, so no one can steal it at any point. Have you heard of malwares on the registry?

In fact I might get lazy to configure the .npmignore file and not release the package at all though


What's wrong with the source code?

This question is actually irrelevant. Initially, I didn't want to publish the source code on github, leaving only the scripts and the types/JS bindings. The reason for that are the native stuff from the Rust code. It's a nonsense that this kind of an easy library requires that much of FFI garbage. The sources themself only contain 3 (maybe more, I might forget to update the readme) *technically* one-liner functions. But I'm just so frustrated that JavaScript is not capable of easy multi-threading in promise-like way, so here is the package that can handle it for you


If you've caught bug or got a proposal, feel free to open an issue.

I'm too lazy to prepare some sort of a guideline. Please just describe issues as clearly as possible. Much appreciated


This package is quite simple and I don't feel like it may need any major maintenance. Sorry, but most likely the contributions will just be ignored


Check out the Contributing section

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  • zargovv