
1.0.2 • Public • Published


npm version

@wrote/read-dir-structure is Node.js package to a read directory structure.

yarn add -E @wrote/read-dir-structure

Table Of Contents


There is a single default export function, import it with the following statement:

import readDirStructure from '@wrote/read-dir-structure'

Structure Type

The return type of the function is a directory Structure. It is an associative array which contains the next properties:

Property Type Description
type string The result of the lstat and one of the following: Directory, File, SymbolicLink.
content Structure If the type is Directory, the object will also have a content which also is a Structure. Therefore, the whole nested structure will be read. See below for an example.

async readDirStructure(
  path: string,
): Structure

Reads the structure of the directory.

/* yarn example/ */
import readDirStructure from '@wrote/read-dir-structure'

(async () => {
  const res = await readDirStructure('example/directory')
  console.log(JSON.stringify(res, null, 2))

Output for the example/directory:

  "content": {
    "fileA-ln.txt": {
      "type": "SymbolicLink"
    "fileA.txt": {
      "type": "File"
    "fileB.txt": {
      "type": "File"
    "test.json": {
      "type": "File"
    "subdirectory": {
      "content": {
        "subdirFileA.txt": {
          "type": "File"
        "subdirFileB.txt": {
          "type": "File"
      "type": "Directory"
  "type": "Directory"

Reasons for Errors

The following errors can happen and have been context tested against:

Happens when... code Message
not passing any path - Please specify a path to the directory
passing a path to a symbolic link ENOTDIR Path is not a directory
passing a path to a file ENOTDIR Path is not a directory
directory does not exist ENOENT ENOENT: no such file or directory, lstat '%DIRECTORY%'


(c) Wrote 2019

Package Sidebar


npm i @wrote/read-dir-structure@1.0.2





Unpacked Size

13.5 kB

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  • zvr