
0.4.3 • Public • Published


A VueJS component that can accept user input to be used to generate a SQL where condition or JPA compliant JPQL where condition. The component provides suggestions for the user to select fields, operators or values from a provided list during configuration.

Table of contents

  1. Get started using NPM
  2. Simple usage in vue application
  3. Supported properties
  4. Field settings object definition
  5. Slots
  6. Demo

Get started using NPM

npm install @webbytes/vue-jpql-autocomplete --save

Simple Usage in vue application

In script:

import VueJpqlAutocomplete from '@webbytes/vue-jpql-autocomplete';

export default {
  components: {

In template:

      placeholder="enter query here..." 
        { name: 'status', values: ['Open','Closed'], type: 'text' },
        { name: 'id', type: 'number' },
        { name: 'description', type: 'text' },
        { name: 'category', type: 'text', values: function(val, field) { 
            //Ajax call or any other method that returns a Promise that will be resolved on ajax response.

Supported properties

Property Description Examples
placeholder string value that is used to provide the placeholder
text when no value is entered in the autocomplete box.
Please enter query here...
operators array of string operators supported.
Should be a subset ['LIKE','IN','<>','<=','>=','=','<','>']
field-settings array of field objects that can be used for providing
a lookup list for the user to pick the fields or its values from.
[{ name: 'status', values: ['Open','Closed'], type: 'text' },
{ name: 'id', type: 'number' },
{ name: 'description', type: 'text' }]
suggest-on-select boolean value used to set preference for auto suggestions to appear on selection of previous value. Defaut false. true or false

Field Settings Object definition

Fied Settings provided as a array in the field settings property is an array of field objects having the following fields:

name type description
name string name of the field.
Used for matching the field with the text typed by the user.
E.g. name, description, status, etc.
type string the type of the field.
Used in the help text shown to user if there are no values to be picked up from.
E.g. text, number, etc.
values Array of strings
Function (string value, string field) : Promise
Array of string values
that are matched with the user text to provide the suggestions.
E.g. ['Open','Closed']
Function that accepts entered value and field name as strings and returns a Promise object that will be resolved


vue-jpql-autocomplete uses another vue package vue-autosuggest for providing the search box and options. Hence many features of this component can be used as is. The most important one being the slots for providing custom content within different sections of the control. The most common ones are:

<template slot="before-input"> content before the <input /> goes here </template>
<template slot="after-input"> content after the <input /> goes here </template>
<template slot="before-suggestions"> content before the <ul> goes here </template>
<template slot="after-section"> Default footer content for all sections </template>
<template slot="after-suggestions"> content after the <ul> goes here </template>
<template slot-scope="{suggestion}">Content for each suggestion as {{suggestion.item}}</template>

For complete details on how to use slots refer here.
Using scoped slots, one can easily change the displayed options of the suggestions.

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Run your tests

npm run test

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Run your unit tests

npm run test:unit

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.

Package Sidebar


npm i @webbytes/vue-jpql-autocomplete

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  • webbytes