TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

3.5.66 • Public • Published


After the Vnmf applet is built, it supports CI (continuous integration) plug-ins. It supports to automatically open the applet to develop this tool after the build is completed, upload it as a trial version, and generate a preview QR code. Currently, only WeChat, Byte, Alipay, Baidu applet



npm i @vnxjs/plugin-mini-ci -D

Using plugins


// For example, if you use `vs code` as a development tool, you can also use the comment syntax to import the declaration file included in the plugin to get friendly prompts similar to typescript
 * @typedef { import("@vnxjs/plugin-mini-ci").CIOptions } CIOptions
 * @type {CIOptions}
const CIPluginOpt = {
    weapp: {
        appid: "WeChat applet appid",
        privateKeyPath: "The relative path of the key file relative to the project root directory, such as key/private.appid.key"
    tt: {
        email: "Byte applet mailbox",
        password: "Byte applet password"
    alipay: {
      appId: "Alipay applet appId",
      toolId: "tool id",
      privateKeyPath: "The relative path of the key file relative to the project root directory, such as key/pkcs8-private-pem"
    swan: {
      token: "The token token required for authentication"
    // version number
    version: "1.0.0",
    // release description
    desc: "version description"
const config = {
  plugins: [
    [ "@vnxjs/plugin-mini-ci", CIPluginOpt ]

Configuration Commands

The scripts field of package.json uses command parameters

    "scripts": {
            // Automatically "open developer tools" after build
           "build:weapp": "vnmf build --type weapp --open",
            // Automatically "upload code as trial version" after building
           "build:weapp:upload": "vnmf build --type weapp --upload",
            // Automatically "upload code as development version and generate preview QR code" after building
           "build:weapp:preview": "vnmf build --type weapp --preview"
    "vnmfConfig": {
        "version": "1.0.0",
        "desc": "Upload description"

As can be seen from the above example, the plugin extends the vnmf cli command with 3 options:

  • --open Open developer tools, similar to automatically opening Google Chrome in web development
  • --upload Upload the code as a trial version
  • --preview Upload the code as a development version and generate a preview QR code

These three options cannot be used at the same time in one command


Plugin configuration

Parameters Type Description
weapp Object WeChat Mini Program CI Configuration
tt Object Toutiao applet configuration
alipay Object Alipay applet configuration
swan Object Baidu applet configuration
version string Upload version number, if not, read the version field under vnmfConfig under package.json by default
desc string The description information when uploading, when not uploading, the desc field under vnmfConfig under package.json is read by default

WeChat Mini Program CI Configuration

Parameters Type Description
appid string appid of the applet/minigame item
privateKeyPath string The relative path of the private key file in the project, which is used for authentication when obtaining project properties and uploading
devToolsInstallPath string WeChat developer tools installation path, if you choose the default path when installing WeChat developer tools, you do not need to pass this parameter
projectPath string The path of the uploaded applet (default outputPath )
ignores string[] Upload directories to be excluded (optional)

Official CI documentation click here

Toutiao applet CI configuration

Parameters Type Description
email string Byte applet mailbox
password string Byte applet password

Official CI documentation click here

Alipay applet CI configuration

Parameters Type Description
appId string Mini Program appId
toolId string tool id, generation method [check here](https://opendocs.alipay.com/mini/miniu/api#%E5%88%9D%E5%A7%8B%E5%8C%96% E9%85%8D%E7%BD%AE%EF%BC%88%E4%B9%8B%E5%89%8D%E7%9A%84%E6%96%B9%E5%BC%8F%EF% BC%8C%E6%8E%A8%E8%8D%90%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8%20miniu%20login%EF%BC%89)
privateKeyPath string The relative path of the key file relative to the project root directory, the private key file name produced by Alipay is generally pkcs8-private-pem
clientType string Upload terminal, the terminal type is shown in the following table (default value alipay)
Terminal type values ​​and their meanings:

alipay: Alipay

ampe: AMPE

amap: Gaode

genie: Tmall Genie

alios: ALIOS

uc: UC

quark: quark

taobao: Taobao

koubei: word of mouth

alipayiot: IoT

cainiao: rookie

alihealth: Ali Health

Official CI documentation click here

Baidu Mini Program CI Configuration

Parameters Type Description
token string The login key that has the permission to publish the applet
minSwanVersion string Minimum base library version, default is 3.350.6

Official CI documentation click here

ts interface description

export interface IOptions {
  version?: string;
  desc?: string;
  weapp?: WeappConfig;
  tt?: TTConfig;
  alipay?: AlipayConfig;
  swan?: SwanConfig;

/** WeChat applet configuration */
export interface WeappConfig {
  /** The appid of the applet/minigame item */
  appid: string;
  /** Private key, used for authentication when obtaining project properties and uploading (required) */
  privateKeyPath: string;
  /** WeChat developer tools installation path */
  devToolsInstallPath?: string;
  /** The path of the uploaded applet (default outputPath ) */
  projectPath?: string;
  /** Type, default miniProgram applet */
  type?: ProjectType;
  /** Upload directories to be excluded */
  ignores?: Array<string>;

/** Toutiao applet configuration */
export interface TTConfig {
  email: string;
  password: string;

/** terminal type */
export type ClientType =
/** Alipay */'alipay' |
/** AMPE */'ampe' |
/** Gaode */'amap' |
/** Tmall Genie */'genie'|
/** ALIOS */ 'alios'|
/** UC */'uc'|
/** quark */ 'quark'|
/** Taobao */ 'taobao'|
/** Word of mouth */'koubei' |
/** loT */'alipayiot'|
/** Rookie */'cainiao' |
/** Ali Health */ 'alihealth'

/** Alipay series applet configuration */
export interface AlipayConfig {
  /** applet appId */
  appId: string;
  /** tool id */
  toolId: string;
  /** Tool private key */
  privateKey: string;
  /** Service proxy address (optional) */
  proxy?: string;
  /** Upload terminal, default alipay */
  clientType?: ClientType;

/** Baidu applet configuration */
export interface SwanConfig {
  /** The login key that has the permission to publish the applet */
  token: string;
  /** Minimum base library version, default is 3.350.6 if not passed */
  minSwanVersion?: string;



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