
3.0.0 • Public • Published



Design and develop clean, elegant, and performant Rebilly experiences.

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About this repo

Revel is the design system used by designers and developers at Rebilly to build clean, elegant, and performant experiences for its merchants.


Install dependecies and start development

yarn && yarn docs:dev


Command Description
dev Run the dev server for the component documentation. See docs:dev.
docs:dev Run the dev server for the component documentation.
docs:build Build component documentation as a static HTML site.
build Build the library.
build:watch Build the library and rebuild on file changes.
playground:dev Run the playground dev server (see Playground).
lint Run eslint.
lint:fix Run eslint and automatically fix issues.
test:unit Run the unit tests.
test:unit:watch Run the unit tests on changed files, in watch mode.


Sometimes it is easier to test a complex configuration directly in a vue application, rather than through our vuepress documentation.

For this, we provide a playground server which can be run with:

yarn playground:dev

Note: You must copy the playground component file /src/playground/Playground-copyme.vue to Playground.vue.

Contribution guide

This package is following the Semantic Versioning specification with Conventional Commits and automated released with Semantic Release.

Pull-requests are squashed into main, and by default the title of the PR becomes the commit message. For this reason, PR titles in this repository are linted against Conventional Commits.

To create a feature, or fix an issue, create a PR into main with your fix, and ensure that the PR title follows Conventional Commits. Once approved, squash merging the PR into main will trigger Semantic Release, which will determine if a release is required based on the commit and if so automatically package and release the new version.

The following table shows examples of PR titles / main commit messages and the release they would trigger:

Commit/PR Title Version
perf(datepicker): ... Patch release
fix(datepicker): use margin of parent component in picker allocation Patch release
feat(datepicker): add option to specify picker vertical alignment Feature release
feat(datepicker)!: add option to specify picker vertical alignment Breaking Release
feat(datepicker): BREAKING CHANGE migrate from vuejs-datepicker to vue-date-picker Breaking release

Note: Only commit types fix, feat, perf or breaking changes will trigger a release. Types such as docs, chore, refactor will not trigger a release.




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  • adamaltman
  • romanhotsiy
  • mike.classic
  • rebilly-npm-machine-user