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1.1.2 • Public • Published


A phaser pathfinding algorithm using heap data structure

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For a complete documentation on how to change the distance method used in calculating the path or simplification of the path, check the above link, supported distance methods at this moment:

Method Description
Octile (Recommended) Is a variant of Chebyshev distance used when movement is allowed along diagonals in addition to horizontal and vertical directions, but diagonal movement has a cost of √2 times that of horizontal or vertical movement
Chebyshev It is a distance metric defined on a vector space where the distance between two vectors is the greatest of their differences along any coordinate dimension
Manhattan It is a distance metric between two points in an N-dimensional vector space. When set to this method, and if the diagonal is disabled, the path won't include zig zag moves


yarn add @raresail/phaser-pathfinding


// Create a grid from the existing tilemap and specify the layers that are obstacles, in the current case the water layer is not walkable
const grid = Grid.createFromMap(map, [waterLayer]);

// The pathfinding instance is created from the grid and is used to get the path between 2 vectors on the map
const pathfinding = new Pathfinding(grid);

// The tl method is used for tile units and the `findPathBetweenPx` method is used to find the path based on pixels
const path = this.pathfinding.findPathBetweenTl(
  new Phaser.Math.Vector2(0, 0),
  new Phaser.Math.Vector2(10, 10)

// The path variable will be an array of nodes that can be used to move the "enemy" let's say towards the target
// The props worldX and worldY contains the position in pixels for that specific node
console.log(path[0].worldX, path[0].worldY);

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  • raresdesigns