
2.0.1 • Public • Published

TypoScript Webpack Plugin


This is a fork of the deprecated original project by Michael Marcenich. Credits for the idea and the work until deprecation go to him.


A plugin to generate a TypoScript file to include webpack generated assets into your TYPO3 CMS system. It supports both webpack@4 and webpack@5.


This plugin requires webpack as a peerDependency. Make sure it is installed before using it.

npm i -S typoscript-webpack-plugin


yarn add typoscript-webpack-plugin


It is recommended to include the plugin after every other plugin to ensure correct functionality.

const TypoScriptPlugin = require("typoscript-webpack-plugin");

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      // ... (other plugins)
      new TypoScriptPlugin(),

This basic setup will generate a WebpackAssets.typoscript file in your project root (next to the package.json file) with the following content:

page {
includeJSFooter {
webpack_chunkNameOrId = /fileadmin/Resources/Public/path-from-webpack-settings/filename.js
# if you use mini-css-extract-plugin
includeCSS {
webpack_chunkNameOrId = /fileadmin/Resources/Public/path-from-webpack-settings/filename.css

For more information about TypoScript and Typo3 please consult its documentation.


Global options

option type description default
filename string The name of the generated TypoScript file 'WebpackAssets.typoscript'
outputPath string The absolute path to where the typoscript file will be generated takes the folder from module.parent.filename, i.e. the folder where package.json resides
typoScriptPublicPath string This is the path which generated assets will be prefixed with in the typoscript file '/fileadmin/Resources/Public/'
typoScriptRootPath string The main wrapper for generated lines in the typoscript file 'page'
typoScriptIncludeTypeDefaults Object or string The default wrappers for generated lines per chunk and file extension (can be overwritten by chunk configuration, see below) {js: 'includeJSFooter', css: 'includeCSS'}
typoScriptAdditionalDefaults Object, Array or string The default typoscript to be appended to includes (can be overwritten by chunk configuration, see below) null
chunks Array of Objects or strings Configurations for specific chunks, if null all chunks will be included (see below) null
loading Object, string or boolean Generate a loading animation to be displayed until the resources are loaded false
usePosix boolean Format paths in posix format (forward slashes as delimiters). true


The option has three keys:

  • all will be used for all file extensions
  • js will be used for .js file extensions
  • css will be used for .css file extensions

all will be used in ADDITION to the specific wrapper, i.e. if, for example, all and js are specified the generated lines will be included twice. If a string is provided it will be converted to an Object of the form {all: <value>}


As with typoScriptIncludeTypeDefaults, typoScriptAdditionalDefaults has three keys and the same rules apply. The notable difference is that each key is an Array of typoscript lines to be appended to the include statement, which means the include statement will not be repeated for all, it will merely be augmented with more typoscript code.

all will be included before the extension specific typoscript and after the typoscirpt for defered resources provided by the loading option.

If a string is provided it is converted to an Object of the form {all: [<value>]. If an Array is provided it is converted to an Object of the form {all: <value>}. If a string is provided for any key in the Object it is converted to an Array containing only that string, e.g. {js: 'string'} => {js: ['string']}

For an example see the additionalTyposcript specification below.


See Chunk option.


See Loading option.

Chunk option

If the chunks option is defined, only chunks that are specified are considered by the code generation. Chunks can be specified multiple times (with different settings), which will result in a corresponding number of sets of generated lines from the same chunk. The chunks option is an Array containing strings (specifying a chunk name) or Objects with the following properties:

option type description
name string The name of the chunk
id int The id of the chunk (will take precedence over name)
customName string A custom name to be used for the include statement
includeTypes Object or string The wrappers for generated lines per file extension, defaults are set by the global typoScriptIncludeTypeDefaults option
additionalTypoScript Object, Array or string Additional typoscript lines to append to include statements, defaults are set by the global typoScriptAdditionalDefaults option


Same rules apply as in the typoScriptIncludeTypeDefaults global option. includeTypes settings overwrite defaults defined in the global typoScriptIncludeTypeDefaults option.


Same rules apply as in the typoScriptAdditionalDefaults global option. additionalTypoScript settings extend defaults defined in the global typoScriptAdditionalDefaults option.

Example plugin configuration with chunk:

module.exports = {
    plugins: [
        //... other plugins
        new TypoScriptPlugin({
            chunks: [
                    name: 'main',
                    additionalTypoScript: [
                        'if.value = someValue',
                        'if.equals.data = GP:someGETVar'

Resulting Typoscript:

page {
includeJSFooter {
webpack_main = /fileadmin/Resources/Public/Js/main.js
webpack_main.if.value = someValue
webpack_main.if.equals.data = GP:someGETVar
# if mini-css-extract-plugin is used
includeCSS {
webpack_main = /fileadmin/Resources/Public/Css/main.css
webpack_main.if.value = someValue
webpack_main.if.equals.data = GP:someGETVar

Loading option

The loading option can either be a boolean, a string or an Object.

If the boolean value of true is given, then loading will be enabled with the default settings:

    type: 'default',
    background: '#2c3e50'

If a string is given, then it will be interpreted as identifier for one of the predefined spinners. The spinners are ported from the Spinkit project. You can use its demo page to preview the spinners.

The corresponding string keys in the order they are displayed on the demo page are:

  1. 'rectangle'
  2. 'circle-pulse'
  3. 'rectangle-line'
  4. 'rectangle-chase'
  5. 'circle'
  6. 'circle-chase'
  7. 'circle-line'
  8. 'circle-spinner'
  9. 'rectangle-pulse'
  10. 'default'
  11. 'rectangle-spinner'

For more fine grained control you can specify an Object with the following properties:

option type description default
type string Specifies the subfolder from which to load spinner files. If customSource is specified this is optional. 'default'
background string Specifies a hex value for the background color of the spinner overlay. '#2c3e50'
customSource string Specifies an absolute path to a custom root folder from which to load spinners. If type is omitted the resources will be loaded directly from the folder. null

To define a custom spinner the selected folder (either customSource or customSource + type) must contain two files:

  • style.css
  • template.html

Hint: Check out the loading folder for an example.

Defered resources

If loading is enabled all resources will be loaded asynchronously.
To achieve this additional typoscript lines are prepended to the generated includes.

CSS Files

allWrap = <noscript class="webpack-plugin-defer">|</noscript>

To avoid asynchronous loading just provide a typoscript line deleting the setting through the appropiate option.

For all CSS files

    typoScriptAdditionalDefaults: {
        css: 'allWrap >'

For CSS generated by a specific chunk

    chunks: {
        specific: {
            css: 'allWrap >'

Hint: You can make use of the asynchronous loading mechanism provided by this plugin even for static CSS files. Just wrap the <link /> tag in <noscript class="webpack-plugin-defer" />

JS Files

defer = 1
async = 1

To avoid asynchronous loading just provide the typoscript lines deleting the settings through the appropiate option:

For all JS files

    typoScriptAdditionalDefaults: {
        js: [
            'defer >',
            'async >'

For JS generated by a specific chunk

    chunks: {
        specific: {
            js: [
                'defer >',
                'async >',

Full Typo3 extension example

DISCLAIMER: The typoscript conditions featured in this example are not actually tested as they serve a purely demonstrative purpose here. The example assumes an extension with the following directory structure:

|-- (other extension folders, e.g. Classes)
|-- Configuration
|   |-- (other config folders, e.g. TCA)
|   \-- TypoScript
|       |-- setup.txt
|       |-- constants.txt
|       \-- Config
|           \-- CustomAssetFilename.t3s (generated by plugin)
|-- Resources
|   |-- Private
|   |   |-- (other private resources, e.g. Templates)
|   |   \-- Assets
|   |       |-- loading
|   |       |   |-- customType1
|   |       |   |   |-- style.css
|   |       |   |   \-- template.html
|   |       |   \-- customType2
|   |       |       |-- style.css
|   |       |       \-- template.html
|   |       \-- src (webpack sources)
|   \-- Public
|       |-- (other public resources, e.g. Js, Icons, ...)
|       \-- Generated (generated by webpack)
|-- (other root files, e.g. ext_emconf.php, ext_localconf.php, ...)
|-- package.json
\-- webpack.config.js


# init page object
customPageType = PAGE
customPageType.pageNum = 100
# include generated assets
<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="FILE:EXT:my_awesome_typo3_extension/Configuration/TypoScript/Config/CustomAssetFilename.t3s">

# ... (more typoscript setup)


plugin.tx_myawesometypo3extension {
    # cat=myAwesomeTypo3Extension/enable/a1; type=boolean; Enable additional Assets:If set additional assets will be loaded
    include_additional = 0
    # cat=myAwesomeTypo3Extension/enable/a2; type=boolean; Force additional JS:If set additional javascript will always be loaded
    force_js = 0
    # cat=myAwesomeTypo3Extension/enable/a3; type=boolean; Enable additional CSS:The implementation of this setting is a little contrived to show off webpack plugin configuration
    include_css = 0


'use strict';

const path = require('path');
// ... (other imports)
const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require('mini-css-extract-plugin');
const TypoScriptPlugin = require('typoscript-webpack-plugin');

module.exports = {
    entry: {
        main: path.join(__dirname, 'Resources/Private/Assets/src/index.js'),
        backendLayout: path.join(__dirname, 'Resources/Private/Assets/src/backendLayout.js'),
        additional: path.join(__dirname, 'Resources/Private/Assets/src/additional.js')
    output: {
        path: path.join(__dirname, 'Resources/Public/Generated/'),
        filename: 'Js/[name].js'
    plugins: [
        // ... (other plugins)
        new MiniCssExtractPlugin({
            filename: 'Css/[name].css'
        new TypoScriptPlugin({
            filename: 'CustomAssetFilename.t3s',
            outputPath: path.join(__dirname, 'Configuration/TypoScript/Config/'),
            loading: {
                customSource: path.join(__dirname, 'Resources/Private/Assets/loading/'),
                type: 'customType1',
                background: '#3f3f3f'
            typoScriptRootPath: 'customPageType',
            typoScriptPublicPath: 'EXT:my_awesome_typo3_extension/Resources/Public/Generated/',
            typoScriptAdditionalDefaults: {
                js: [
                    'async >',
                    'defer >'
            chunks: [
                    name: 'backendLayout',
                    customName: 'customLayoutPage',
                    includeTypes: {js: 'includeJS'},
                    additionalTypoScript: [
                        'if.value = pagets__custom_layout',
                        'if.equals.data = levelfield:-2,backend_layout_next_level,slide',
                        'if.equals.override.field = backend_layout'
                    name: 'additional',
                    additionalTypoScript: {
                        all: 'if.isTrue.value = {$plugin.tx_myawesometypo3extension.include_additional}',
                        js: 'if.isTrue.override = {$plugin.tx_myawesometypo3extension.force_js}',
                        css: [
                            'if.isFalse.value = {$plugin.tx_myawesometypo3extension.exclude_css}',
                            'if.isFalse.negate = 1',
                            'allWrap >'
    module: {
        rules: [
            // ... (loader configuration)
    // ... (other configs)


Running a webpack build will result in a file named CustomAssetFilename.t3s in the directory my_awesome_typo3_extension/Configuration/TypoScript/Config/ with the following contents:


customPageType {
includeCSS {
webpack_main = EXT:my_awesome_typo3_extension/Resources/Public/Generated/Css/main.css
webpack_main.allWrap = <noscript class="webpack-plugin-defer">|</noscript>
includeJSFooter {
webpack_main = EXT:my_awesome_typo3_extension/Resources/Public/Generated/Js/main.js
webpack_main.defer = 1
webpack_main.async = 1
webpack_main.defer >
webpack_main.async >
includeCSS {
customLayoutPage = EXT:my_awesome_typo3_extension/Resources/Public/Generated/Css/backendLayout.css
customLayoutPage.allWrap = <noscript class="webpack-plugin-defer">|</noscript>
customLayoutPage.if.value = pagets__custom_layout
customLayoutPage.if.equals.data = levelfield:-2,backend_layout_next_level,slide
customLayoutPage.if.equals.override.field = backend_layout
includeJS {
customLayoutPage = EXT:my_awesome_typo3_extension/Resources/Public/Generated/Js/backendLayout.js
customLayoutPage.defer = 1
customLayoutPage.async = 1
customLayoutPage.defer >
customLayoutPage.async >
customLayoutPage.if.value = pagets__custom_layout
customLayoutPage.if.equals.data = levelfield:-2,backend_layout_next_level,slide
customLayoutPage.if.equals.override.field = backend_layout
includeCSS {
webpack_additional = EXT:my_awesome_typo3_extension/Resources/Public/Generated/Css/additional.css
webpack_additional.allWrap = <noscript class="webpack-plugin-defer">|</noscript>
webpack_additional.if.isTrue.value = {$plugin.tx_myawesometypo3extension.include_additional}
webpack_additional.if.isFalse.value = {$plugin.tx_myawesometypo3extension.include_css}
webpack_additional.if.isFalse.negate = 1
webpack_additional.allWrap >
includeJSFooter {
webpack_additional = EXT:my_awesome_typo3_extension/Resources/Public/Generated/Js/additional.js
webpack_additional.async = 1
webpack_additional.defer = 1
webpack_additional.async >
webpack_additional.defer >
webpack_additional.if.isTrue.value = {$plugin.tx_myawesometypo3extension.include_additional}
webpack_additional.if.isTrue.override = {$plugin.tx_myawesometypo3extension.force_js}
includeJSFooterlibs {
webpack_loading = /webpack-loading.min.js
webpack_loading.excludeFromConcatenation = 1
webpack_loading.async = 1
webpack_loading.defer = 1
headerData {
11389465 = TEXT
<style type="text/css">
    # contents from my_awesome_typo3_extension/Resources/Private/Assets/loading/CustomType1/style.css
footerData {
11389465 = TEXT
    # contents from my_awesome_typo3_extension/Resources/Private/Assets/loading/CustomType1/template.html

Package Sidebar


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  • rall3n