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7.0.7 • Public • Published

Common angular components for Sunbird consumption!

Contains common UI components powered by angular. These components are designed to be used in sunbird consumption platforms (mobile app, web portal, offline desktop app) to drive reusability, maintainability hence reducing the redundant development effort significantly.

Getting Started

For help getting started with a new Angular app, check out the Angular CLI. For existing apps, follow these steps to begin using .

Step 1: Install the package

npm install @project-sunbird/common-consumption --save
npm install @project-sunbird/sb-styles --save

Step 2: Include the sb-styles and assets in angular.json

"styles": [





Add following under architect.build.assets

    "build": {
    "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser",
    "options": {

	    "assets": [
			    "glob": "**/*.*",
			    "input": "./node_modules/@project-sunbird/common-consumption/assets",
			    "output": "./assets/common-consumption"
    "styles": [


Step 3: Import the modules and components

Import the NgModule for each component you want to use:

import { CommonConsumptionModule} from '@project-sunbird/common-consumption';

    imports: [CommonConsumptionModule],
export class TestAppModule { }

Alternatively, you can create a separate NgModule that imports and then re-exports all of the Angular components that you will use in your application. By exporting them again, other modules can simply include your CustomSunbirdComponentsModule wherever components are needed, and automatically get all of the exported modules. A good place for importing/exporting the application-wide modules is the SharedModule.

import { CardsModule } from '@project-sunbird/common-consumption/card';

import { PopoverModule } from '@project-sunbird/common-consumption/popover';



imports: [CardsModule, PopoverModule],

exports: [CardsModule, PopoverModule],



export class MyOwnCustomSunbirdComponentsModule { }

Available components

Feature Notes Selector
LibraryCard Can be used in the library page for all consumption platforms sb-library-card
CourseCard Can be used in the courses page for all consumption platforms sb-course-card
TocCard Can be used in the My courses section for all consumption platforms sb-my-course-card
LibraryCardHList Can be used in the library page for all consumption platforms sb-library-cards-grid
CourseCardsGrid Can be used in the course page for all consumption platforms sb-course-cards-hlist
LibraryCardsStack Can be used in the courses page for all consumption platforms sb-library-cards-stack
Confirmation Modal Can be used in places where a popup is needed with user prompt sb-confirmation-modal
LibraryFilters Can be used in the library page for all consumption platforms. sb-library-filters
FAQ Component Faq for Consumption Clients with intractable events. sb-faq
Card hover component Can be used with library card to add overlay on card with action items . sb-card-hover
TOCItem component Shows given array of Items with accordion structure. sb-toc-item
TOCChildItem component Shows given array of Items with accordion structure. sb-toc-item


Can be used in the library page for all consumption platforms.

import { LibraryCardComponent } from '@project-sunbird/common-consumption/card/LibraryCardComponent'

Selector: sb-library-card Exported as : LibraryCardComponent


Name Description
@Input() content: IContent Content Object
@Input() type: LibraryCardTypes import the interface LibraryCardTypes, to know different possible values of card types.Example: recently_viewed, mobile_textbook, desktop_textbook, qrcode_result OR Example: LibraryCardTypes.RECENTLY_VIEWED, LibraryCardTypes.MOBILE_TEXTBOOK, LibraryCardTypes.DESKTOP_TEXTBOOK, LibraryCardTypes.QRCODE_RESULT
@Input() cardImg: string Image to be displayed in card in all possible scenarios. Note: Logic behind the image is not part of library in case of online,offline, and save resource
@Input() moreInfoLabel:string Label to be displayed in the meta data. Example: Medium, Section
Optional @Input() isMobile: boolean Flag to distinguish mobile platform
Optional @Input() isOffline: boolean Flag to handle offline scenarios
Optional @Input() section: string In case of QR code results cards, there is a need to show section
Optional @Input('hover-template') gridTemplate: TemplateRef; When card has hover data, the template reference of the hover component needs to be injected


Can be used in the library page for all consumption platforms targeting web platform

import { SbLibraryCardsGrid } form '@project-sunbird/common-consumption/layout/gridcards';

Selector: sb-library-cards-grid Exported as: SbLibraryCardsGrid


Name Description
@Input() title: boolean Name that represents the section
@Input() type: LibraryCardGridTypes import the interface LibraryCardGridTypes, to know different possible values of card types.Example: infinite_card_grid OR Example: LibraryCardGridTypes.infinite_card_grid,
@Input() contentList: collection Collection of contents, where each content is a object from server API. Note: Add cardImg property for each item in list before passing contentList
Optional @Input() maxCardCount: Number Number of cards to display the viewing area Default value is 3
Optional @Input() viewMoreButtonText: string custom text to show in place of view all button, if there are more number of cards than "maxCardCount" then a button needs to be displayed. Default value is "View All"
Optional @Input('hover-template') gridTemplate: TemplateRef; When card has hover data, the template reference of the hover component needs to be injected


Name Description
@Output() viewMoreClick Emits this event when view all button is clicked
@Output() cardClick Emits this event when card is clicked


Can be used in the library page for mobile consumption

import { LibraryCardsStackComponent } form '@project-sunbird/common-consumption/layout/stackcards';

Selector: sb-library-cards-stack Exported as: LibraryCardsStackComponent


Name Description
@Input() title: boolean Name that represents the section
@Input() contentList: collection Collection of contents, where each content is a object from server API. Note: Add cardImg property for each item in list before passing contentList
Optional @Input() maxCardCount: Number Number of cards to display the viewing area Default value is 3
Optional @Input() viewMoreButtonText: string custom text to show in place of view all button, if there are more number of cards than "maxCardCount" then a button needs to be displayed. Default value is "View All"
Optional @Input() isOffline: boolean Flag to handle offline scenarios Default value is "False"


Name Description
@Output() viewMoreClick Emits this event when view all button is clicked
@Output() cardClick Emits this event when card is clicked


Can be used in the library page for all consumption platforms.

import { LibraryFiltersComponent } from '@project-sunbird/common-consumption/library-filters';

Selector: sb-library-filters Exported as : LibraryFiltersComponent


Name Description
@Input() list: Array<string> Array of strings
@Input() layout: LibraryFiltersLayout import the interface LibraryFiltersLayout, to know different possible values of filter types.Example: round, square OR Example: LibraryFiltersLayout.ROUND, LibraryFiltersLayout.SQUARE
@Input() selectedItems: Array<number> Array of indexes to select


Name Description
@Output() selectedFilter Emits this event when user clicks on the filter item. Example: event.data = {text: "english", selected: true, index: 0}
@Output() selectedMimeType Emits this event when user clicks on the mimeType filter item. Example: event.data = {value: ["video/mp4", "video/x-youtube", "video/webm], text: "video", selected: true, type: "video", index: 1}

FAQ Component

Consumption Clients intend to use this component for FAQ in their apps.

import { FaqComponent } from '@Sunbird/components/faq' Selector: sb-faq Exported as : FaqComponent


Name Description
@Input() data: json Please refer to faq Spec File for More details in the library
@Input() appName: string Name of your app


Name Description
@Output() toggleGroupEvent Emits this event when user clicks on the faq accordion
@Output() yesClickedEvent Emits this event when user clicks on the option yes inside faq
@Output() noClickedEvent Emits this event when user clicks on the option yes inside faq
@Output() submitClickedEvent Emits this event when user clicks on the option submit inside faq

Card hover Component

Card hover component is intended to be used with Library card component. On hover of the card, this component adds an overlay with actions to be shows passed as input to it.

import { CardHoverComponent } from '@Sunbird/components/card-hover'

Selector: sb-card-hover Exported as : CardHoverComponent


Name Description
@Input() hoverData: json Please refer example for More details in the library


Name Description
@Output() hoverActionClick Emits this event when user clicks on the any action item, this will also have the card information on which the action is clicked

Sample hover data :

"hoverData": {
        "note": "Go to “My Downloads” to find this textbook",
        "actions": [
            "type": "save",
            "label": "Save to pen-drive",
            "disabled": true
            "type": "open",
            "label": "Open"

Example :

<sb-library-card [content]="content" [type]="recentlyViewedCard"
                    (click)="cardClick($event)" [cardImg]="content?.appIcon"

                    <ng-template #hoverTemplate let-hoverData="hoverData" 
                        <sb-card-hover class="card-hover" [hoverData]="hoverData"
						[content]="content" (hoverActionClick)="hoverActionClicked($event)">

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  • rajnish_d
  • nikunj.beladiya
  • vivek-kasture
  • shruti.samagra
  • ankit-thoughtworks
  • palla.kartheekreddy
  • venkateshwaran
  • ekstep-engg
  • harishgilimi
  • vinukumar_vs