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0.2.2 • Public • Published


This package is a middleware for Hono, It provides a response cache mechanism using Cloudflare's KV (Key Value) storage.

One of the key features of this middleware is that it can be used even when a custom domain is not available.


  • Response Cache: The middleware provides a caching mechanism for responses, reducing latency and network load.
  • Cloudflare KV: The caching mechanism leverages Cloudflare's fast and distributed KV storage system.
  • No Custom Domain Required: Unlike some caching solutions, this middleware works even when you don't have a custom domain.

Provided Functionality

Here is an overview of the functions this middleware provides:


The kvCaches function is the primary way to use this middleware. Here's its TypeScript definition:

import type { Context, Env, MiddlewareHandler } from "hono"

type Filter<T extends Record<string, unknown>, V> = {
  [K in keyof T as T[K] extends V ? K : never]: T[K];

type Namespace<E extends Env> = string | ((c: Context<E>) => string)
type KVCacheOption<E extends Env> = {
  key: keyof Filter<Exclude<E["Bindings"], undefined>, KVNamespace>
  namespace: Namespace<E>
  options?: KVNamespacePutOptions

declare const kvCaches = <E extends Env>({ namespace, key: bindingKey, options }: KVCacheOption<E>): MiddlewareHandler<E>


kvResponseCache is a function similar to Cache from @cloudflare/workers-types. It provides an interface for storing responses in KV and is used internally by the kvCaches middleware.

interface KVResponseCache {
  match(key: string): Promise<Response | null>;
  put(key: string, res: Response, options?: KVNamespacePutOptions): Promise<void>;
  delete(key: string): Promise<void>;

declare const kvResponseCache = (kv: KVNamespace) => (cacheName: string): KVResponseCache


Here are the steps to install this project. We'll assume you are using npm for this example:

npm install @napolab/kv-response-cache


To use this middleware in your Hono application, you need to import the kvCaches function and use it as per your caching needs.


Here is a simple example of how to use kvCaches in a Hono application:

import { kvCaches, kvResponseCache } from "@napolab/kv-response-cache";

const cacheOptions = {
  key: "myKVNamespace",
  namespace: "api-cache",

const middleware = kvCaches(cacheOptions);

// Use the middleware in your application
// app.use(middleware);

// delete cache example
app.on(["POST", "PUT", "DELETE"], "*", async (c) => {
  const reqURL = new URL(c.req.url);
  const url = new URL(`${c.env.API_URL}${reqURL.pathname}`);
  url.search = reqURL.search;

  const res = await fetch(url.href, c.req);
  const caches = kvResponseCache(c.env.API_CACHE);

  const cache = caches("api-cache");
  const key = c.req.url;


  return res;

In this example, myKVNamespace is the key for the KV Namespace binding and myNamespace is the namespace for the cache. Adjust these values to match your Cloudflare KV settings.

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  • naporin0624