
1.0.3 • Public • Published

Bing Managed Component

Find out more about Managed Components here for inspiration and motivation details.

All Contributors

Released under the Apache license. PRs welcome! code style: prettier

🚀 Quickstart local dev environment

  1. Make sure you're running node version >=17.
  2. Install dependencies with npm i
  3. Run unit test watcher with npm run test:dev

⚙️ Tool Settings

Settings are used to configure the tool in a Component Manager config file

UET Tag ID number required

ti is the unique identifier of your UET tag. Learn more

🧱 Fields Description

Event Type string required

evt - Choose between tracking a page load or a custom event

Event Action string

ea represents the type of user interaction you want to track. For example, play or pause. Learn more"

Event Category string

ec represents the category of event you want to track. For example, video.

Event Value string

ev is a numerical value associated with that event. For example, the length of the video played.

Event Label string

el is the name of the element that caused the action. For example, trailer or behindthescenes

Revenue Value string

gv is the revenue value of the event you want to track

Currency string

gvc is the currency of the event you want to track

📝 License

Licensed under the Apache License.

💜 Thanks

Thanks to everyone contributing in any manner for this repo and to everyone working on Open Source in general.


Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Simona Badoiu


Yo'av Moshe




This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

Package Sidebar


npm i @managed-components/bing

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41.8 kB

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  • kubaflare
  • omarmosid
  • yair-dovrat
  • refaerds
  • jonnyparris
  • simonabadoiu
  • bjesus