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npm install @lusc/fastmail-masked-email
yarn add @lusc/fastmail-masked-email


// JMAP_TOKEN is set

import {MaskedEmail} from '@lusc/fastmail-masked-email';

const me = await MaskedEmail.create({
  description: 'Avoid spam from $retailer',


// ...

// User doesn't need email address anymore
await me.disable();

Setting Up Authentication

To make requests, you need to generate an API token for Fastmail. You can read how to do so in their Help Center. The token must be created with the Masked Email scope.

The token can be passed using the env JMAP_TOKEN or as a string directly to getSession.

You can also set JMAP_HOSTNAME to override the fastmail host. The default is api.fastmail.com


Getting a Session

For authentication, getSession is used. The function returns an object, that then can be used for making requests. This is optional if JMAP_TOKEN is set.

declare function getSession(
  apiToken?: string,
  hostname?: string,
): Promise<Session>;

import {getSession} from '@lusc/fastmail-masked-email';

// Pass token and hostname explicitly
let session = await getSession(token, hostname);

// Uses `JMAP_TOKEN`, and if present, `JMAP_HOSTNAME`
session = await getSession();


declare class MaskedEmail {
  email: string;
  id: string;
  createdAt: Date;
  createdBy: string;
  lastMessageAt: Date | undefined;
  url: string | undefined;
  forDomain: string;
  description: string;
  state: 'enabled' | 'disabled' | 'pending' | 'deleted';

  // static methods and methods are enumerated below


This is used to create a masked email. By default the state is set to enabled.

type CreateOptions = {
  // Describe what the email is for
  description?: string;
  // What domain the email is used on
  forDomain?: string;
  // enabled - Address accepts emails
  // disabled - Emails are sent to trash
  // deleted - Emails are bounced back
  // pending - Will be deleted after 24h, or if email is received, set to enabled
  state?: 'enabled' | 'disabled' | 'pending' | 'deleted';
  // email will be `${emailPrefix}.${random}@domain` if set
  emailPrefix?: string;

declare function create(
  options?: CreateOptions,
  session?: Session,
): Promise<MaskedEmail>;

await MaskedEmail.create({
  description: 'A descriptive description',


Each masked email has an id. This method can be used to get a MaskedEmail instance for the corresponding masked email. It throws, if no email address with the id exists.

declare function findById(id: string, session?: Session): Promise<MaskedEmail>;

await MaskedEmail.findById('masked-1234567');


This is similar to MaskedEmail.findById, but it uses the email address instead. It throws, if the email address does not exist.

declare function findByEmail(
  emailAddress: string,
  session?: Session,
): Promise<MaskedEmail>;

await MaskedEmail.findByEmail('quick.tent2830@fastmail.com');


Get all email addresses, also those in trash. If ids is set, it returns only the corresponding email addresses. It throws if any of the ids don't exist.

declare function getAllEmails(
  ids?: string[],
  session?: Session,
): Promise<MaskedEmail[]>;

const addresses = await MaskedEmail.getAllEmails();
for (const address of addresses) {


Modify the description, forDomain, or the state of a masked email. It returns this and updates the details. So if description is modified, MaskedEmail#description will reflect the new description.

type Options = {
  description?: string;
  forDomain?: string;
  state?: 'enabled' | 'disabled' | 'pending' | 'deleted';

declare function update(options: Options): Promise<MaskedEmail>;

const me = await MaskedEmail.create();
// I forgot to add a description, so lets do that
await me.update({
  description: '$description',


Set state to deleted.

declare function delete(): Promise<MaskedEmail>;

const me = await MaskedEmail.create();
// I don't need it anymore
await me.delete();


Set state to disabled.

declare function disable(): Promise<MaskedEmail>;

const me = await MaskedEmail.create();
// I don't need it right now, but I might need it soon
await me.disable();


Set state to enabled.

declare function enable(): Promise<MaskedEmail>;

const me = await MaskedEmail.findById('masked-9876543');
// I need it again now
await me.enable();


In contrast to MaskedEmail#delete, this is cannot be reversed. The email address will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.

This is only possible for addresses that have never received an email. It will throw, if the address has ever received an email.

declare function permanentlyDelete(): Promise<MaskedEmail>;

const me = await MaskedEmail.create();
// Actually, I don't need the email address
await me.permanentlyDelete();



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