
1.0.0-beta.4 • Public • Published


coverage: 97% Unit tests

A file-watching utility to track changes to a developers "playground". Specifically, creates a manifest of projects and watches for the introduction, removal, or changes in project directories and package.json files and updates the project manifest accordingly. Built on top of chokidar.


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import * as path from 'node:path'

import { PlaygroundMonitor } from '@liquid-labs/playground-monitor' // ESM
// const { PlaygroundMonitor } = require('@liquid-labs/playground-monitor') // CJS

const playgroundPath = fsPath.join(process.env.HOME, 'playground')
const playground = new PlaygroundMonitor({ root: playgroundPath})
try {
  await playground.refreshProjects() // must be called to initalize the PlaygroundMonitor

  const { pkgJSON, projectPath } = playground.getProjectData('@liquid-labs/playground-monitor')
finally {
  playground.close() // must call to stop watchers and end process


  • PlaygroundMonitor.constructor({ depth = 2, root })
    Creates a new PlaygroundMonitor watching the playground at root which will look for projects (directories with package.json files) depth levels down.
    • depth: (opt, int, default: 2) how many levels of directories under root to watch
    • root: (req, string) the path to the playground root
  • PlaygroundMonitor.close():
    Stops the underlying watchers and frees resources. The node process will hang unlesss the Playground instance is closed.
  • PlaygroundMonitor.getProjectData(projectName)
    Retrieves the { pkgJSON, /*and*/ projectPath } for the project where pkgJSON is the contents of the projects package.json file as a JSON data object and projectPath is the absolute path to the project root (the directory where package.json lives).
    • projectName: (req, string) the name (from package.json) of the project/package.
  • getWatched()
    Returns an object representing all the paths on the file system being watched. The object's keys are all the directories (using absolute paths unless the cwd option was used), and the values are arrays of the names of the items contained in each directory.
  • PlaygroundMonitor.listProjects()
    Lists the known project names alphabetically as an array of strings.
  • async PlaygroundMonitor.refreshProjects()
    Asynchronously initializes the playground. This method must be called for the PlaygroundMonitor to function.

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