This package has been deprecated

Author message:

this package has been migrated as part of a monorepo it is now under @knighttower/utility ( and also included in knighttower monorepo (


1.0.6 • Public • Published


Convert object to proxy to protect the object's properties and the object itself.
Allows to declare _private, _protected and _mutable all arrays with prop names.

# Note: **For better maintenance, this library has been placed along with JsUtilities ( to create an easier entry point for many resources that will collaborate together** --> only the docs will remain here for now.


npm i @knighttower/js-utility-functions
yarn add @knighttower/js-utility-functions
import ProxyHelper from '@knighttower/js-utility-functions';

In the browser

It loads as a 'window' object --> window.ProxyHelper

<script src=""></script>

// ---> Also available as ESM, UMD, CJS, JS // ESM
<script src=""></script>
// UMD
<script src=""></script>
// CJS
<script src=""></script>


Basic Usage

Here is how you can use the ProxyHelper function:

const proxy = ProxyHelper({
    objectProps: 'your object properties here',
    _protected: ['prop1', 'prop2'],
    _private: ['prop3'],
    _mutable: ['prop4'],
 * @example ProxyHelper({objectProps..., _protected: array(...)})
 * @param {Object} object
 * @return {Proxy}
 * @usage const proxy = ProxyHelper({objectProps..., _protected: array(...), _private: array(...), _mutable: array(...)})
 * @usage _protected: array(...) -> Cannot be modified
 * @usage _private: array(...) -> Cannot be accessed
 * @usage _mutable: array(...) -> Can be modified

Property Modifiers

  • _protected: Properties that cannot be modified.
  • _private: Properties that cannot be accessed.
  • _mutable: Properties that can be modified.


Creating a Proxy with Protected and Private Properties

const myObject = {
    prop1: 'This is a public property',
    prop2: 'This is a protected property',
    prop3: 'This is a private property',

const proxy = ProxyHelper({
    _protected: ['prop2'],
    _private: ['prop3'],

console.log(proxy.prop1); // Output: "This is a public property"
console.log(proxy.prop2); // Output: Error
console.log(proxy.prop3); // Output: Error

Just proxy the object

const myObject = {
    prop1: 'This is a public property',
    prop2: 'This is a protected property',
    prop3: 'This is a private property',

const proxy = ProxyHelper(myObject);


object: ProxyHelperConfig

An object of type ProxyHelperConfig. This object can have the following optional fields:

  • _private?: string[]: An array of property names that should be made private.
  • _protected?: string[]: An array of property names that should be made protected.
  • _mutable?: string[]: An array of property names that can be modified.
  • [key: string]: any: Any additional properties.

Return Value

Returns a Proxy object that wraps the original object and applies the privacy, protection, and mutability rules.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

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npm i @knighttower/js-object-proxy-helper

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  • knighttower