
1.0.0 • Public • Published


A Grunt task to execute "git push" commands

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt 1.1.0 (it may work with some older versions, though not tested).

If you haven't used Grunt before, please check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin following the instructions below.

Conventional installation

This Grunt plugin should be installed as a development dependency of your project:

npm install --save-dev @khatastroffik/grunt-git-push

In your project's Gruntfile.js, add a section named git_push to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig(). At least one target (e.g. test below) must be defined. This target will be executed by default if no target is explicitly specified when the task is called:



  git_push: {
    options: {
      // define the DEFAULT options for ALL targets here
    release: {
      options: {
        // define the options SPECIFIC to THIS target here
    test: {
      options: {
        // define the options SPECIFIC to THAT target here



note: if multiple targets are defined and the task call doesn't specify any target, then ALL the defined targets will be executed in a row.

To enable i.e. load the plugin, add the following inside your Gruntfile.js file (usually after the configuration above):

// load the plugin

To integrate the task i.e. in order to have it called in some workflow, you may also define further (kind of meta) tasks like the following:

grunt.registerTask('pushtest', ['git_push:test']); // call the git_push task with target 'test'
grunt.registerTask('test', ['clean', 'pushtest', 'nodeunit']); // call the 'pushtest' task above

grunt.registerTask('release', ['SOME-TASK-HERE', 'git_push:release', 'SOME-TASK-THERE']);

To make the grunt (meta) tasks available per npm, you may add some scripts in your package.jsonfile. E.g.:

"scripts": {
  "pushtest": "grunt pushtest",
  "test": "grunt test",
  "release": "grunt release"


Grunt plugin specific option

There's are the specific options:

  • continueIfError (default = false): if set to true, allows Grunt to proceed with the next task even if "git_push" has failed.
  • verbose (defult = false): displays the executed git push command and its result.
  • debug (default = false): displays the configuration of the currently executed "git_push" task.
  • cwd (default = <empty string>): when the current working directory is specified (as string), the "git push" command will be executed in this context.

Git-push specific options

There are 2 different kind of parameters

  1. git push flags: all the flags default to false. Most of them can be set to true to enable the flag. Few of the flags may contain a string value in order to be enabled. Those flags MUST be declared in a ** flag section** (see example below).
  2. git push value parameters: the values of those parameters will be passed as-is directly to the "git push" command. These param/values are defined at the "options" root level

List of options

section value-Param/flag default
<root> remote 'origin'
<root> branch 'master'
<root> cwd ''
<root> verbose false
<root> debug false
<root> continueIfError false
flags all false
flags tags false
flags force false
flags atomic false
flags delete false
flags prune false
flags signed false
flags ipv4 false
flags ipv6 false
flags quiet false
flags "dry-run" false
flags "follow-tags" false
flags "no-verify" false
flags "set-upstream" false
flags "push-option" false
flags "receive-pack" false

IMPORTANT: some flags require to be writen including the double quotes - as displayed in the table above and demonstrated in the example configuration below!

Gruntfile Configuration Example

This is an example of the git_push task configuration using a target named "default".

(note the usage of the "all" flag, which requires the remote and branch parameters to be unset)


  git_push: {
    options: {
      flags: {
        "dry-run": true,
      verbose: true,
      debug: true,
      continueIfError: false
    default: { 
      options: {
        flags: {
          all: true,
          ipv4: true,
          "follow-tags": true,
          "no-verify": true
        remote: '',
        branch: '',
        continueIfError: false


Executing the task git_push as defined above will result in executing the command (debug and verbose modes are "on") in DRYRUN as:

git push --all --ipv4 --follow-tags --no-verify

and the ouput would be:

Running "git_push:default" (git_push) task
>> Task:  git_push
>> Target:  default
>> Options:
>>  {
>>   flags: {
>>     all: true,
>>     tags: false,
>>     force: false,
>>     atomic: false,
>>     delete: false,
>>     prune: false,
>>     signed: false,
>>     ipv4: true,
>>     ipv6: false,
>>     quiet: false,
>>     'dry-run': true,
>>     'follow-tags': true,
>>     'no-verify': true,
>>     'set-upstream': false,
>>     'push-option': false,
>>     'receive-pack': false
>>   },
>>   remote: '',
>>   branch: '',
>>   cwd: '',
>>   verbose: true,
>>   debug: true,
>>   continueIfError: false
>> }
>> Spawn Options:
>>  {}
>> Command: git push --all --ipv4 --dry-run --follow-tags --no-verify
>> Everything up-to-date

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npm i @khatastroffik/grunt-git-push

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  • khatastroffik