
1.1.17 • Public • Published


the forked version vue-picture-swipe with the new events, additional control of vue instance and changed props with dynamic control inside the modal (using 'is' attribute - the feature will be realized a bit later). Original link: https://github.com/rap2hpoutre/vue-picture-swipe

Vue Picture Swipe Gallery

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This component is a simple wrapper for the awesome Photoswipe. It's a Vue plugin that displays a gallery of image with swipe function (and more). Includes lazy (smart) loading (mobile friendly) and thumbnails.



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You can use it as you want. Here are some examples if you want to use it inline, or in a .vue file component or even with Laravel.

Inline usage

You can using it inline:

<vue-picture-swipe :items="[
    {src: 'http://example.org/xl.jpg',thumbnail: 'http://example.org/sm1.jpg',w: 600,h: 400, title: 'Will be used for caption'},
    {src: 'http://example.org/xxl.jpg',thumbnail: 'http://example.org/sm2.jpg',w: 1200,h: 900}

Just remember to register the component:

import VuePictureSwipe from '@itadori/vue-picture-swipe-control';
Vue.component('vue-picture-swipe', VuePictureSwipe);

new Vue({
  el: '#app'

Usage in another component

Create a component Example.vue. Then paste this:

  <vue-picture-swipe :items="items"></vue-picture-swipe>
  import VuePictureSwipe from '@itadori/vue-picture-swipe-control';
  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        items: [{
          src: 'http://via.placeholder.com/600x400',
          thumbnail: 'http://via.placeholder.com/64x64',
          w: 600, // now is not required in this version (0 by default)
          h: 400, //  now is not required (0 by default)
          alt: 'some numbers on a grey background' // optional alt attribute for thumbnail image
          src: 'http://via.placeholder.com/1200x900',
          thumbnail: 'http://via.placeholder.com/64x64',
          w: 1200, // now is not required in this version (0 by default)
          h: 900 // now is not required (0 by default)

The attrs 'w' and 'h' are not required now (Hooray!!!) (default w = 0; h = 0)

Usage with Laravel

Edit resources/assets/js/app.js and add this just before the new Vue lines.

import VuePictureSwipe from '@itadori/vue-picture-swipe-control';
Vue.component('vue-picture-swipe', VuePictureSwipe);

Then run your watcher:

npm run watch

Advanced usage

PhotoSwipe options

Use options for Photoswipe options.

<!-- Disable "share" buttons. -->
<vue-picture-swipe :options="{shareEl: false}"></vue-picture-swipe>

PhotoSwipe instance

You can access the PhotoSwipe instance via setting a ref, the instance object is exposed as pswp.

<vue-picture-swipe ref="pictureSwipe"></vue-picture-swipe>
// active only after the slide has opened. 
// This behavior is inherited from the parent library and will be fixed a little later

Events (the list will be upgraded a bit later)

open Attributes Listen to Description
Open none @open Emitted after gallery opens
Close none @close Emitted after gallery closes
beforeChange none @before-change Emitted before the content is changed, but after navigation
afterChange none @after-change Emitted after slides changed
Item removed none @removed Emitted after slides has been removed. The event returns a removed index and full object


The original version did not have enough events and programmable methods for my project, even though the original library supports them. I decided that it would be easier to slightly update the already unsupported library for myself. I will be glad if it comes in handy too :) I will try to supplement it with my own features and features of the original library

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  • itadori_yuji