TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.3 • Public • Published

Getting Started

The default run times for searching is: Users: 1 minute Subreddits: 2 minutes To change the run time use: .setSearch(<number>, 'users') or .setSearch(<number>, 'subs')

const { Reddit } = require("@elara-services/reddit"),
        reddit = new Reddit();

Adding Subreddit

reddit.subs.add("aww"); // Adds a single subreddit to be searched for. 
// OPTIONAL: reddit.subs.add("...", true); // To skip the validator that makes sure the reddit sub exists

]); // Adds multiple subs to be searched for. 
// OPTIONAL: reddit.users.bulk([ ... ], true); // To skip the validator that makes sure the reddit sub exists

Removing Subreddit

reddit.subs.remove("aww"); // Removes a single sub from the search list. 
// OPTIONAL: reddit.subs.remove("...", true); // To skip the validator that makes sure the reddit sub exists

List Subreddits

reddit.subs.list(); // Returns an array of the subs in the search list. 

Adding Users

reddit.users.add("SUPERCHIEFYT"); // Adds a single user to be searched for. 
// OPTIONAL: reddit.users.add("...", true); // To skip the validator that makes sure the reddit user exists

]); // Adds multiple users to be searched for. 
// OPTIONAL: reddit.users.bulk([ ... ], true); // To skip the validator that makes sure the reddit user exists

Removing User

reddit.users.remove("SUPERCHIEFYT"); // Removes a single user from the search list. 
// OPTIONAL: reddit.users.remove("...", true); // To skip the validator that makes sure the reddit user exists

List Users

reddit.users.list(); // Returns an array of the users in the search list. 

Listen to new posts for users

reddit.listen("user", async (user, post) => {
    // Code to execute when a new post happens for the user.

Listen to new posts for subreddits

reddit.listen("subreddit", async (sub, post) => {
    // Code to execute when a new post happens for the sub.

Listen to 'searching' for subs and users

reddit.listen("searching", (list, type) => {
    // Code to execute when searching for that type. Also returns the list of users/subs that is being searched. 

Toggle users/subs searching

// Users
reddit.setEnabled(true, 'users'); // To enable users to be searched.
reddit.setEnabled(false, 'users'); // To disable users from being searched.

// Subs
reddit.setEnabled(true, 'users'); // To enable subs to be searched.
reddit.setEnabled(false, 'subs'); // To disable subs from being searched.

Toggle the minute(s) until search

// Users
reddit.setSearch(1, 'users'); // This will set it to 1 minute per-user search. 

// Subs
reddit.setSearch(1, 'subs'); // This will set it to 1 minute per-sub search.

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