
1.2.4 • Public • Published


NPM Version Build Status codecov

Cutie extension for fs module in Node. It's based on the Async Tree Pattern.


You can find examples of using this library in the test directory.


npm install @cuties/fs

Run test

npm test

Run build

npm run build


const {
  // Needed async objects here from the table below
} = require('@cuties/fs');

For more information about parameters in the async objects visit docs of Node for fs module.


Async Object Async/sync call Parameters(default value/description) Representation result
ReadBufferByFD fs.read fd, buffer, offset, length, position buffer
ReadBufferByFDSync fs.readSync fd, buffer, offset, length, position buffer
ReadDataByPath fs.readFile path, options({encoding: null, flag: 'r'}) buffer or string
ReadDataByPathSync fs.readFileSync path, options({encoding: null, flag: 'r'}) buffer or string
ReadDataFromFiles readDataFromFiles files, options({encoding: null, flag: 'r'}) object: {fileName1: data1, fileName2: data2, ... }
ReadLinkByPath fs.readlink path, options('utf8') linkstring
ReadLinkByPathSync fs.readlinkSync path, options('utf8') linkstring
WrittenBufferByFD fs.write fd, buffer[, offset[, length[, position]]] buffer
WrittenDataByFD fs.write fd, string[, position[, encoding]] string
WrittenDataByFD fs.writeSync fd, string[, position[, encoding]] string
WrittenDataToFiles writtenDataToFiles filesWithData({fileName1: data1, fileName2: data2, ... }), options({encoding: null, flag: 'r'}) filesWithData


Async Object Async/sync call Parameters(default value/description) Representation result
AccessibleFile fs.access path, mode (fs.constants.F_OK) file(as path) or error
AccessibleFileSync fs.accessSync path, mode(fs.constants.F_OK) file(as path) or error
AppendedFile fs.appendFile file, data, options({encoding: 'utf8', mode: 0o666, flag: 'a'}) file
AppendedFileSync fs.appendFileSync file, data, options({encoding: 'utf8', mode: 0o666, flag: 'a'}) file
ClosedFile fs.close fd file(as fd)
CopiedFile fs.copyFile src, dest, flags(0) files(as dest)
CopiedFileSync fs.copyFileSync src, dest, flags(0) files(as dest)
CreatedDirectory fs.mkdir path, mode(0o777) file(as path)
CreatedDirectorySync fs.mkdirSync path, mode(0o777) file(as path)
CreatedTemporaryDirectory fs.mkdtemp prefix, options('utf8') file(dir)
CreatedTemporaryDirectorySync fs.mkdtempSync prefix, options('utf8') file(dir)
DeletedDirectory fs.rmdir path file(as path)
DeletedDirectorySync fs.rmdirSync path file(as path)
DoesFileExistSync path fs.existsSync boolean
FileWithChangedOwnerByFD fs.fchown fd, uid, gid file(as fd)
FileWithChangedOwnerByFDSync fs.fchownSync fd, uid, gid file(as fd)
FileWithChangedPermissionsByFD fs.fchmod fd, mode file(as fd)
FileWithChangedPermissionsByFDSync fs.fchmodSync fd, mode file(as fd)
FileWithChangedPermissionsByPath fs.chmod path, mode file(as path)
FileWithChangedPermissionsByPathSync fs.chmodSync path, mode file(as path)
FileWithChangedTimesByFD fs.futimes fd, atime, mtime file(as fd)
FileWithChangedTimesByFDSync fs.futimesSync fd, atime, mtime file(as fd)
FileWithChangedTimesByPath fs.utimes path, atime, mtime file(as path)
FileWithChangedTimesByPathSync fs.utimesSync path, atime, mtime file(as path)
FileWithSyncedData fs.fdatasync fd file(as fd)
FileWithSyncedDataSync fs.fdatasyncSync fd file(as fd)
LinkedFile fs.link existingPath, newPath file(as newPath)
LinkedFileSync fs.linkSync existingPath, newPath file(as newPath)
LinkedFileWithChangedOwnerByPath fs.lchown path, uid, gid file(as path)
LinkedFileWithChangedOwnerByPathSync fs.lchownSync path, uid, gid file(as path)
OpenedFile fs.open path, flags, mode(0o666) file(as fd)
OpenedFileSync fs.openSync path, flags, mode(0o666) file(as fd)
RenamedFile fs.rename oldPath, newPath file(as newPath)
RenamedFileSync fs.renameSync oldPath, newPath file(as newPath)
SymbolicLinkedFile fs.symlink target, path, type('file') file(as path)
SymbolicLinkedFileSync fs.symlinkSync target, path, type('file') file(as path)
SyncedFile fs.fsync fd file(as fd)
SyncedFileSync fs.fsyncSync fd file(as fd)
TruncatedFileByFD fs.ftruncate fd, len(0) file(as fd)
TruncatedFileByFDSync fs.ftruncateSync fd, len(0) file(as fd)
UnlinkedFile fs.unlink path file(as path)
UnlinkedFileSync fs.unlinkSync path file(as path)
UnwatchedFile fs.unwatchFile fileName, listener file(as fileName)
WrittenFile fs.writeFile file, data, options({encoding: 'utf8', mode: 0o666, flag: 'w'}) file
WrittenFileSync fs.writeFileSync file, data, options({encoding: 'utf8', mode: 0o666, flag: 'w'}) file


Async Object Async/sync call Parameters(default value/description) Representation result
CopiedDirectoryRecursively copiedDirectoryRecursively dir, dest, options('utf8') dest
DeletedDirectoryRecursively deletedDirectoryRecursively dir, options('utf8') dir
ReadFilesOfDirectory fs.readdir path, options('utf8') file[]
ReadFilesOfDirectorySync fs.readdirSync path, options('utf8') file[]
ReadFilesOfDirectoryRecursively readFilesOfDirectoryRecursively path, options('utf8') file[]


Async Object Async/sync call Parameters(default value/description) Representation result
BytesReadFromReadStream readStream.bytesRead readStream the number of bytes read so far
CreatedReadStream fs.createReadStream path, options({flags: 'r', encoding: null, fd: null, mode: 0o666, autoClose: true, highWaterMark: 64 * 1024}) ReadStream
PathOfReadStream readStream.path readStream the path to the file the stream is reading
ReadStreamWithCloseEvent readStream.on('close', event) readStream, event(Event with definedBody()) readStream
ReadStreamWithOpenEvent readStream.on('open', event) readStream, event(Event with definedBody(fd)) readStream


Async Object Async/sync call Parameters(default value/description) Representation result
BirthTime stats.birthtime stats time
BirthTimeInMs stats.birthtimeMs stats number
BlkSize stats.blksize stats number
Blocks stats.blocks stats number
Dev stats.dev stats number
Gid stats.gid stats number
Ino stats.ino stats number
IsBlockDevice stats.isBlockDevice stats boolean
IsCharacterDevice stats.isCharacterDevice stats boolean
IsDirectory stats.isDirectory stats boolean
IsFIFO stats.isFIFO stats boolean
IsFile stats.isFile stats boolean
IsSocket stats.isSocket stats boolean
IsSymbolicLink stats.isSymbolicLink stats boolean
LastAccessedTime stats.atime stats time
LastAccessedTimeInMs stats.atimeMs stats number
LastChangedTime stats.ctime stats time
LastChangedTimeInMs stats.ctimeMs stats number
LastModifiedTime stats.mtime stats time
LinkedStats fs.lstat path stats
LinkedStatsSync fs.lstatSync path stats
Mode stats.mode stats number
Nlink stats.nlink stats number
RDev stats.rdev stats rdev
RealPath stats.realpath path, options('utf8') path
RealPathSync stats.realpathSync path, options('utf8') path
Size stats.size stats number
StatsByFD fs.fstat fd stats
StatsByFDSync fs.fstatSync fd stats
StatsByPath fs.stat path stats
StatsByPathSync fs.statSync path stats


Async Object Async/sync call Parameters(default value/description) Representation result
ClosedWatcher watcher.close watcher FSWatcher
WatcherWithCurrentAndPreviousStatsListener fs.watchFile filename, options({persistent: true, interval: 5007}), listener(Event with definedBody(current, previous)) FSWatcher
WatcherWithErrorEvent watcher.on('error', event) watcher, event(Event with definedBody(error)) FSWatcher
WatcherWithEventTypeAndFilenameListener fs.watch filename, options({persistent: true, recursive: false, encoding: 'utf8'}), listener(Event with definedBody(eventType, filename)) FSWatcher


Async Object Async/sync call Parameters(default value/description) Representation result
BytesWrittenToWriteStream writeStream.bytesWritten writeStream the number of bytes written so far
CreatedWriteStream fs.createWriteStream path, options ({flags: 'w', encoding: 'utf8', fd: null, mode: 0o666, autoClose: true}) WriteStream
PathOfWriteStream writeStream.path writeStream the path to the file the stream is writing
WriteStreamWithCloseEvent writeStream.on('close', event) writeStream, event(Event with definedBody()) WriteStream
WriteStreamWithOpenEvent writeStream.on('open', event) writeStream, event(Event with definedBody(fd)) WriteStream



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