TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.1.3 • Public • Published


npm CI

Forked from @clack/prompts@0.6.3


$ pnpm add @bernankez/prompt

Changes in this fork

  • Improved type hints.
  • Add format option.
const options = {
  format(value: Value) {
    return formatValue(value);
  • Call onCancel callback on every prompt if onCancel is registered.
onCancel((value) => {
  if (isCancel(value)) {
    cancel("Operation canceled");
  • Exclude symbol from return type. If onCancel is not registered, you need to handle isCancel in format for every prompt. Or else, program will exit.
const options = {
  format(value: Value) {
    if (isCancel(value)) {
      // ...
    return value;
  • Enhanced log parameter types
log.message(619); // message can be a number


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@clack/prompts is an opinionated, pre-styled wrapper around @clack/core.

  • 🤏 80% smaller than other options
  • 💎 Beautiful, minimal UI
  • ✅ Simple API
  • 🧱 Comes with text, confirm, select, multiselect, and spinner components



The intro and outro functions will print a message to begin or end a prompt session, respectively.

import { intro, outro } from "@clack/prompts";

// Do stuff
outro("You're all set!");


The isCancel function is a guard that detects when a user cancels a question with CTRL + C. You should handle this situation for each prompt, optionally providing a nice cancellation message with the cancel utility.

import { cancel, isCancel, text } from "@clack/prompts";

const value = await text(/* TODO */);

if (isCancel(value)) {
  cancel("Operation cancelled.");



The text component accepts a single line of text.

import { text } from "@clack/prompts";

const meaning = await text({
  message: "What is the meaning of life?",
  placeholder: "Not sure",
  initialValue: "42",
  validate(value) {
    if (value.length === 0) { return "Value is required!"; }


The confirm component accepts a yes or no answer. The result is a boolean value of true or false.

import { confirm } from "@clack/prompts";

const shouldContinue = await confirm({
  message: "Do you want to continue?",


The select component allows a user to choose one value from a list of options. The result is the value prop of a given option.

import { select } from "@clack/prompts";

const projectType = await select({
  message: "Pick a project type.",
  options: [
    { value: "ts", label: "TypeScript" },
    { value: "js", label: "JavaScript" },
    { value: "coffee", label: "CoffeeScript", hint: "oh no" },


The multiselect component allows a user to choose many values from a list of options. The result is an array with all selected value props.

import { multiselect } from "@clack/prompts";

const additionalTools = await multiselect({
  message: "Select additional tools.",
  options: [
    { value: "eslint", label: "ESLint", hint: "recommended" },
    { value: "prettier", label: "Prettier" },
    { value: "gh-action", label: "GitHub Action" },
  required: false,


The spinner component surfaces a pending action, such as a long-running download or dependency installation.

import { spinner } from "@clack/prompts";

const s = spinner();
s.start("Installing via npm");
// Do installation
s.stop("Installed via npm");



Grouping prompts together is a great way to keep your code organized. This accepts a JSON object with a name that can be used to reference the group later. The second argument is an optional but has a onCancel callback that will be called if the user cancels one of the prompts in the group.

import * as p from "@clack/prompts";

const group = await p.group(
    name: () => p.text({ message: "What is your name?" }),
    age: () => p.text({ message: "What is your age?" }),
    color: ({ results }) =>
        message: `What is your favorite color ${results.name}?`,
        options: [
          { value: "red", label: "Red" },
          { value: "green", label: "Green" },
          { value: "blue", label: "Blue" },
    // On Cancel callback that wraps the group
    // So if the user cancels one of the prompts in the group this function will be called
    onCancel: ({ results }) => {
      p.cancel("Operation cancelled.");

console.log(group.name, group.age, group.color);

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  • bernankez