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0.5.2 • Public • Published

An example text layer overlay on a scanned document

Annotorious OpenSeadragon Textlayer Extension

A text layer extension for Annotorious OpenSeadragon v3. Includes support for the ALTO/XML format.

Getting Started

Via npm

npm install --save @annotorious/openseadragon-textlayer

Note that this extension works only with Annotorious OSD v3.

npm install --save @annotorious/openseadragon

Code example:

import { createOSDAnnotator } from '@annotorious/openseadragon';
import { mountExtension, transcriptionLabel } from '@annotorious/openseadragon-textlayer';

const viewer = OpenSeadragon({
  // ...init OpenSeadragon viewer

// init Annotorious 
const anno = createOSDAnnotator(viewer);

// init the text layer extension 
const textlayer = mountExtension(anno, {
  label: transcriptionLabel,
  mode: 'fixedPageSize',
  position: 'center',
  offsetY: 60

// load ALTO file

Using via Script Import

Make sure you have OpenSeadragon and the AnnotoriousOSD script and stylesheetin imported in your page.

    <!-- ... -->

    <!-- include script file -->
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@annotorious/openseadragon-textlayer@latest/dist/annotorious-openseadragon-textlayer.js"></script>

    <!-- include CSS styles -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@annotorious/openseadragon-textlayer@latest/dist/annotorious-openseadragon-textlayer.css">

When using script import, Annotorious and the Text Layer extension expose their APIs through global variables AnnotoriousOSD and OSDTextLayer.

window.onload = function() {
  var viewer = OpenSeadragon({
    // ...init OpenSeadragon viewer

  // init Annotorious
  var anno = AnnotoriousOSD.createOSDAnnotator(viewer);

  // init the text layer extension
  var textlayer = OSDTextLayer.mountExtension(anno, {
    label: OSDTextLayer.transcriptionLabel,
    mode: 'fixedPageSize',
    position: 'center',
    offsetY: 50

  // load ALTO file


Init Options

The text layer extension supports the following initialization options:

Option Type Default Description
defaultVisible boolean true Defines whether text layer is visible by default
label Function - A function which takes an ImageAnnotation as argument and must return a string to display as label
mode string fixedScreenSize Label display mode: fixedScreenSize, fixedPageSize or fillBounds
offsetX number 0 X offset from the default position, pixels, original base image resolution
offsetY number 0 Y offset from the default position, pixels, original base image resolution
position string bottomleft label position relative to the annotation bounding box: topleft, bottomleft or center


The textlayer object exposes the following API methods:

  • isLocked() returns true if OpenSeadragon is currently locked, so mouse drag will select text
  • isVisible() returns true if the text layer is currently visible
  • loadOCR(url: string) loads an ALTO/XML file from the given URL
  • setLocked(locked: boolean) changes lock status of the OpenSeadragon layer
  • setVisible(visible: boolean) changes the visibility of the text layer
  • unmount() unmounts the extension and destroys the text layer‚

Customizing Styles

Most aspects of the appearance can be controlled via CSS. Selecting .a9s-osd-text-layer .annotation span allows you to override the default styles.

.a9s-osd-textlayer .annotation span {
  color: #d80bde;
  font-size: 60px;
  text-shadow: 0 0 6px rgb(255 255 255 / 95%);


BSD 3-Clause


This Annotorious extension exists thanks to the support of Brumfield Labs, creators of FromThePage.

Furthermore, thanks and acknowledgements go out to Johannes Baiter whose Mirador Textoverlay plugin served as a guide for this extension.

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npm i @annotorious/openseadragon-textlayer

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