
3.10.0 • Public • Published

ESLint plugin for ServiceNow JavaScript scriptlets

Motivation, Goals, and Concepts

ServiceNow supports many different scriptlet types that have drastically different linting requirements. All server and MID scripts are evaluated with ES5, and only these scripts scripts have access to the 'gs' object. Client scripts run on the SN-compliant ES6+ browsers and have access to 'g_form' and other objects. MID scripts have access to MID SIs. Client scripts have isolated and non-isolated variants which determines accessibilty to 'window', jQuery, et. al. Besides that, ServiceNow global scripts can use const statements despite being ES5. ESLint OOTB can't handle these complexities.

This plugin handles the global-object and rule variants by switching ESLint environments and rules based on the ServiceNow table and usually an alt. "alt" is our term for distinguishing between alt-ernate JavaScript environments for the same scriptlet field. For example, linting of field sys_script.script must specify alt of either global or scoped-es5; and linting of field sys_script_client.script must specify alt of either iso or noniso.

From version 3.1.5 if you end logical file names with -condition.js then the specified scope is altered to accommodate the server-side condition scriptlet. This has not been tested comprehensively yet.

The provided config generator uses alts in overrides/files entries, and you can add or customize with overrides/file entries in your own "sneslintrc.json" file. Our design leverages ESLint override/files entries. Normally ESLint override/files entries are matched against input file paths. We instead use this switching to provide the needed ServiceNow capability toggling by internally generating pseudopaths which always contain the targeted ServiceNow table and an alt. You can see the mappings between pseudo paths and ServiceNow script capabilities in file "exports.js". You can override or add your own mappings of pseudo paths with an "sneslintrc.json" file.

You can also add to the available global variable lists by adding local list files. See the customize section below for details.

The snLint snlint-wrapper script decouples eslint from filepaths on your system, passing pseudo paths TO ESLint. This allows you to

  1. Code const statements in server and MID scripts. We transform these ES5 'const' statements to 'var' to satisfy ESLint.
  2. Specify alt with -a switch, such as 'scoped' vs. 'global' for ServiceNow app scope; or 'iso' vs. 'noniso' for Client Script isolation mode. (From scripting perspective app scope doesn't matter for client scripts). Each table has a default alt value, so the switch is optional. (Consequently, for cases where table has only one alt value, the -a switch adds no benefit).
  3. Indicate target ServiceNow table (so we know which rules to apply) with -t switch, OR
  4. If you do not specify -t (which overrides) then target table is determined by the directory name in which each script resides.

Related module @admc.com/sn-developer provides other conveniences for ServiceNow developers, including TinyMCE ESLint configurations and a system to do scriptlet development on your workstation rather than using the web editor (TinyMCE).


To install globally (accessible to all npm projects):

    npm i -g @admc.com/eslint-plugin-sn

UNIX users will need root privileges, so run this as root or under sudo.

To use just with your own project, install locally:

    npm init -y  # If a ``./package.json`` or ``./node_modules/`` is not already present
    npm i @admc.com/eslint-plugin-sn

(Without a ./package.json or ./node_modules/ present, npm may install the package to another cascade directory).


With global installation

    snLint -s
    snLint -g

With local project installation

    npm exec snLint -- -s
    npm exec snLint -- -g

ServiceNow has several very poor sys_script_validator records which will prevent you from using modern JavaScript constructs from web editor, for .condition fields and fields of types 'Script' and 'Script (Plain)'. See directory resources/sys_script_validator for suggested sys_script_validator replacement scriptlets, and I recommend that you deactivate the record for type 'Condition String'.


To get invocation syntax help:

    snLint -h                # with global installation
    npm exec snLint -- -h    # with local project installation

Do read the brief output from this command for essential information about specifying files, target tables, and alts. The switch list in the output provides a concise list of the many features.

Single-line scriptlet fields (most importantly .condition fields) may indeed hold newlines, but the newlines are hidden whenever displayed in web UI, even when using 'Show XML'. They aren't normalized to a single space, they are completely skipped. In ServiceNow, a single-line scriptlet is any string field with max length set to less than 256, as well as fields of type 'Condition String'. Using newlines is useful only here if you edit these scriptlets externally, in which case it can greatly reduce mess of larger scriptlets if you use newlines. Especially useful to use IIFEs and/or try/catch blocks in condition scriptlets.

Color Output Work-around

As a work-around for a mingw or git-for-windows glitch, if Node.js can't determine tty interactivity correctly, then you can export env node variable FORCE_COLOR to true. You can check your system with

    node -p process.stdout.isTTY

Rule Policies

You are encouraged to override the provided policies. I do. Generally the rules are strict but rules that are opinion-driven or which have valid exception cases have the level set to warn. Be aware that you can't selectively override ESLint rule options. If you override a rule then you must specify all options that will apply for that rule.

Of special note:

  1. Function placeholder param checking for no-unused-vars is strict with level error and args=all, but we have an exception for names matching pattern ^_dummy. Use this exception pattern when you need to skip unused sequential parameters.


See file "snglobals/README.txt" for instructions on how to customize the global JavaScript object lists, to prevent ESLint from generating 'no-undef' violations, without having to code eslint-disable directives.

The provided globals were generated from a fresh San Diego instance with default plugins plus the Discovery plugin.

To support a new target table and/or alt, add new override elements to your 'sneslitrc.json' file, with your files values including the table and (optional) alt.

You need to also add a customTables element to "sneslintrc.json". The value is a mapping from new table name to the list of supported alt names, with the default alt name first. If you are modifying an out-of-the-box table (adding or removing alts), just specify the new alt list and it will override.

Our globals list for intra-scoped-SI accesses is purposefully over-liberal. There is no difficulty restricting intra-scope access (including to or from global) because the references must always start with a scope name, and we already have all SI scopes in our list. We handle global-to-global SI accesses by providing a complete list of global SIs. But for non-global intra-scope accesses we only check that any scope has the SI name defined. To restrict accurately we would have to maintain a separate list for every non-global scope, and that's just not practical. If you want to narrow down intra-scope SI accesses for specific scopes, you're welcome to define new alts for this purpose, defining "sneslintrc.json" environments, override elements. If you only edit scripts in one or a few scopes, then a much easier customizaton procedure is documented in the "snglobals/README.txt" file, to replace the list of all scopedSIs with just those that you should be accessing.

Supported ServiceNow scriptlet types

Supported Now


Table Alts (default bolded)
catalog_script_client iso, noniso
catalog_ui_policy.script_true iso, noniso
catalog_ui_policy.script_false iso, noniso
ecc_agent_script all
ecc_agent_script_include all
expert_script_client iso, noniso
sa_pattern all
sa_pattern_prepost_script global, scoped-es51, scoped-es122
sc_cat_item_producer global, scoped-es51, scoped-es122
sp_widget.client_script all
sp_widget.link all3
sp_widget.script global, scoped-es51, scoped-es122
sysauto_script global, scoped-es51, scoped-es122
sysauto_script.condition4 global, scoped-es5, scoped-es12
sysevent_script_action global, scoped-es51, scoped-es122
sys_processor global, scoped-es51, scoped-es122
sys_script global, scoped-es51, scoped-es122
sys_script.condition4 global, scoped-es5, scoped-es12
sys_script_client.script iso, noniso
sys_script_email global, scoped-es51, scoped-es122
sys_script_fix global, scoped-es51, scoped-es122
sys_script_include global, scoped-es51, scoped-es122
sys_script_validator all
sys_security_acl global, scoped-es51, scoped-es122
sys_security_acl.condition4 global, scoped-es5, scoped-es12
sys_transform_entry global, scoped-es51, scoped-es122
sys_transform_map global, scoped-es51, scoped-es122
sys_transform_script global, scoped-es51, scoped-es122
sys_ui_action.script 1 global, scoped-es5, iso, noniso, iso_global, noniso_global, iso_scoped-es5, noniso_scoped-es5, iso_scoped-es122, noniso_scoped-es122
sys_ui_action.client_script_v25 all
sys_ui_action.condition4 global, scoped-es5, scoped-es12
sys_ui_context_menu6 all (this is the action_script)
sys_ui_page.client_script all
sys_ui_page.processing_script global, scoped-es51
sys_ui_policy.script_true iso, noniso
sys_ui_policy.script_false iso, noniso
sys_ui_script all
sys_ux_client_script.script7 all
sys_ux_client_script_include.script8 all
sys_ux_data_broker_transform9 global, scoped-es5, scoped-es12
sys_ux_data_broker_scriptlet9 all
sys_web_service global, scoped-es51, scoped-es122
sys_ws_operation global, scoped-es51, scoped-es122

The 8 alt variants for the sys_ui_action script are necessary to support the different JavaScript requirements depending on combination of settings: Action name, Isolate script, Client.


In very rough order of priority

Table Alts
user_criteria.script TBD
sys_ui_context_menu.condition TBD
sys_ui_context_menu.dynamic_actions_script TBD
sys_ui_context_menu.on_show_script TBD
custom fields TBD
sys_cb_topic TBD
mid_limited_resource_script all
sc_cat_item_composer_producer global, scoped-es5
sp_header_footer all


Though you can test the individual rules from this project, due to eslint-plugin system design, you can't test usage of the plugin from here. To test the plugin you need to be outside of this project and load this plugin. Since this module's 'snLint.js' loads this plugin, it also can't be tested from here. This is the reason for existence of peer module @admc.com/eslintplugin-sn-test.

Provided Rules

Rules in the @admc.com/sn/ namespace. Rules can be reconfigured to apply where you say. The table shows by default what scopes they are applied to and at what level. Note that scriptlet scope of "server" does not include MID scriptlets.

Rule Level Sciptlet Scope Description/justification
controller-fn10 error all ServiceNow and MCE Editor have very idiosyncratic requirements for wp_widget.client_script, including w
here can use comments and extra whitespace
immediate-iife error all IIFEs must execute immediately
invalid-table-alt error Unsupported Invalid table/alt combination
legacy-use-this error all Same as OOTB ESLint rule class-methods-use-this but for pre-ES6
log-global-2-args error server global ServiceNow global logging statements should specify source with 2nd parameter
log-scoped-varargs error server scoped* ServiceNow scoped logging statements should only have more than one param if using varargs
no-arrow-fn error sys_ux_data_broker* Arrow functons not supported in NE data broker scripts regardless of ES level
no-backticks error sys_ux_data_broker_scriptlet Backticks not supported in these scripts (SN defect IMO)
no-backtick-curlyref10 error sys_ui_script, sp_widget scripts Templating not supported in backtick strings, to support sys_ui_message substitution[^
no-boilerplate error all ServiceNow-provided boilerplate comments should be removed when scripts are implemented
no-br-current-update error sys_script current.update should usually not be executed in BR scripts
no-client-gr warn client Other tactics should be favored as more efficient than client-side GlideRecord
no-console-info error client Level-specific console logging statements are better because console.info default filtering is inconsistent
no-cur-walk-to-sysid11 error server Don't dot-walk to non-initial .sys_id
no-gr-count-iterate11 warn server Prefer GlideRecord for counting unless will iterate on the instance
no-gs-now error client gs.now() function is unsupported since London release
no-init-emptystring warn all For rare cases where the value is to really be used as a string (not just tested) this is ok. Normally the system default of undefined works great.
no-log-global error server scoped* Scoped app scripts should use the scoped logging API
no-log-scoped error server global Global scope scripts should use the global logging API
no-sysid error, warn12 server, client In almost all cases it is easy and efficient to use an informative value rather than inscrutible codes that can't be visually reviewed for correctness. This actually matches for all 32 character hex strings, so you will need to disable for valid non-sysid strings such as MD5 checksums.
no-uiscript-curlref warn sys_ui_script Deprecated (never fails), replaced by no-backtick-curlref13
no-useless-rtrn error all Assigning to 'rtrn' has no effect other than polluting the namespace, and is misleading
onchange-isloading-check11 error client on-change Just return during loading of onChange callbacks
prefer-array-iterator warn all Native JavaScript iterators avoid tricky pre-ES6 variable scoping issues
single-fn14 error client (NE) Next Experience client scriptlets must implement only a single function declaration (at top level)
sn-workaround-iife error some server15 Due to poor ServiceNow design, several script types require IIFE wrapping if the script body assigns to any variables without an intervening function
use-ang-inj-vars11 error sp_widget client-sides Use provided $x Angular-injected variables in preference to W3C DOM variables
validate-gliderecord-calls error, warn12 server, client GlideRecord functions insert, update, get, next, deleteRecord all provide return values that you should check
  1. The listed altscope constants are for major version 3. For versions 2.. use scoped instead of scoped-es5; and use these variants in place of the sys_ui_action *_* constants: iso_globalaction, noniso_globalaction, iso_scopedaction, noniso_scopedaction. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

  2. Alt scopes scoped-es12 were added with minor version 3.1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

  3. sp_widget.link table added with minor version 3.8.

  4. .condition fields were added with minor version 3.3. 2 3 4

  5. sys_ui_action (supporting only 'script' field) was split into .script and .client_script_v2 with minor version 3.2.

  6. sys_ui_context_menu table for action_script field added with minor version 3.9.

  7. sys_ux_client_script table added with minor version 3.4.

  8. sys_ux_client_script_include table added with minor version 3.5.

  9. sys_ux_broker_* tables added with minor version 3.7. 2

  10. Rule 'controller-fn' added with minor version 3.8. 2

  11. Rule 'controller-fn' added with patch version 3.9.5 2 3 4

  12. no-sysid and validate-gliderecord-calls rules default to error level for server-side scriptlets and warn level for client-side scriptlets 2

  13. Rule 'no-uiscript-curlref superseded by 'no-backtick-with minor version 3.8.

  14. Rule 'single-fn' introduced with minor version 3.3.

  15. The sn-workaround-iife rule is applied to some specific server tables'

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