
1.3.0 • Public • Published

Custom Elements Polyfill

This module provides the Custom Elements V1 API as defined by standards, including the ability to extend builtin elements, all in ~2K minified and gzipped / brotlied.


The polyfill gracefully enhances the following minimum versions of at least these browsers, up to their latest version:

  • Chrome 38
  • Firefox 14
  • Opera 25
  • Internet Explorer 11 and Edge 12
  • Safari 8 and WebKit based
  • Samsung Internet 3

How To

Either install this module via npm i @ungap/custom-elements, and include it in your project, or use a CDN such as unpkg.com to obtain the minified version of this module.

<!-- this should be on top of your HTML <head> scripts -->
<script src="//unpkg.com/@ungap/custom-elements"></script>

If targeted browsers are ES2015 compatible, the es.js file would provide the same polyfill, just lighter, as no transpilation is used.

<script src="//unpkg.com/@ungap/custom-elements/es.js"></script>

If installed as module, please remember to include it on top of your main JS file.

// ESM
import '@ungap/custom-elements';

// CJS

The module will incrementally patch the global window/self reference, adding a customElements object that is compatible with the API.

Source Code

This module simply provides @webreflection/custom-elements module under the ungap umbrella.

Package Sidebar


npm i @ungap/custom-elements

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Unpacked Size

35.8 kB

Total Files


Last publish


  • webreflection