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0.4.2 • Public • Published


Travis (.org) NPM npm (scoped) Quality Gate Status

APIX is a fastest way to create simple Rest API by defining database models and their relations. APIX is built on AdonisJs, and it's awesome ORM library, Lucid. But this library is still under development.

Getting Started

You can create a new APIX project structure by using following commands;

$ yarn global add @adonisjs/cli
$ adonis new my-api
$ cd ./my-api
$ yarn add @ozziest/apix mysql

Add ApiXProvider to your app.js under start folder;

const providers = [
  // ...
  // ...
  // ...

Update your namedMiddleware object under start/kernel.js;

const namedMiddleware = {
  idFilter: 'APIX/Middleware/IdFilter'

Then you can edit your .env file for database connection like this;


Now, we are ready to create a new migration file to create a table on database;

$ adonis make:migration Users

Under the folder database/migration, you should update the migration file like this;

'use strict'

const Schema = use('Schema')

class UsersSchema extends Schema {
  up () {
    this.create('users', (table) => {
      table.string('email', 100).notNullable().unique()
      table.string('name', 50).notNullable()
      table.string('surname', 50).notNullable()

  down () {

module.exports = UsersSchema

When we execute adonis migration:run, we will have a users table on database. In means that we can create a basic Lucid Model for your users table under app/Models folder;

'use strict'

const XModel = use('APIX/Models/XModel')

class Users extends XModel {
  static get table () {
    return 'users'

  static get fillable () {
    return ['email', 'name', 'surname', 'age']

module.exports = Users

Create a new controller under App/Controllers/Http/MainController.js;

'use strict'

const XController = use('APIX/Controllers/XController')

class MainController extends XController {

module.exports = MainController

After then, we can execute the application with following command;

$ yarn run start

yarn run v1.22.4
$ node server.js
info: serving app on

Tata! 🎉 With http://localhost:3333/dev/routes/list request, you can see all possible routes which you can use. Our API is ready to use now! Come on, test it with your client applications like Postman.


This is an example request to create a new record on database;



The aim of the APIX is very simple, creating a simple API server as quick as we can. In order to this, we created a distributed Service Provider for AdonisJs. APIX is the name of this distributed Service Provider.

This service provider (APIX) scans your Lucid models, analyzes all relationships between them, create all REST API routes by best practices, and finally, handles all requests and creates responses automatically.

In the end of the day, with this way, you will not have to write all Rest API codes over and over.

The important point in here, is APIX is designed for simple Rest APIs. But again, it helps to implement you to write your own business logics by giving you some triggers for all key actions. For example, you can create a trigger to be triggerred before for every new insert on a table. In there, you can do whatever you want in it.


1. Directory Structure

The project's directory structure is almost same with AdonisJs;

├── app/
  ├── ...
├── config/
  ├── app.js
  ├── database.js
  └── ...
├── database/
  ├── migrations/
  ├── seeds/
├── start/
  ├── app.js
  ├── kernel.js
  └── routes.js
  └── triggers.js
├── test/
├── ace
├── server.js
└── package.json

You would see some differences after you started to use it although it is almost same with AdonisJs.

2. Models

2.1. Basic Structure

Model definitions should be almost like Lucid Model. You can use all features of Lucid Models. But to get more, you should extend your model from APIX/Models/XModel;

const XModel = use('APIX/Models/XModel')

class Users extends XModel {
  static get table () {
    return 'users'

module.exports = Users

2.2. Fillable Fields

In order to allow create and update methods, you should define which columns should be editable by users.

const XModel = use('APIX/Models/XModel')

class Users extends XModel {
  static get table () {
    return 'users'

  static get fillable () {
    return ['email', 'name', 'surname', 'age']

module.exports = Users

In this example, email, name, surname and age columns can be editable by users in create and update methods. If you have a field like my_secret and you don't want to make it fillable by users, you shouldn't add it to this array. Then it will be safe and only editable by yourself.

2.3. Form Validations

Everybody needs form validation in their API. APIX uses Indicative like AdonisJs. The thing you should to define validations, you should add a validations method to your model;

const XModel = use('APIX/Models/XModel')

class Users extends XModel {
  static get table () {
    return 'users'

  static get validations () {
    return {
      email: 'required|email',
      name: 'required|max:50',
      surname: 'required|max:50',
      age: 'max:100'
module.exports = Users

2.4. Allowed Methods

Sometimes, you will need to deny some HTTP request for some models. In order to define it, you can add following method to your model. As defaults, all methods are allowed.

const XModel = use('APIX/Models/XModel')

class Users extends XModel {
  static get table () {
    return 'users'

  static get actions () {
    return ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE']
module.exports = Users

2.4. Custom Middlewares

To add your logics to some routes for some models, you may use following statements in model structure;

const XModel = use('APIX/Models/XModel')

class Users extends XModel {
  static get table () {
    return 'users'

  static get middlewares () {
    return [
      { method: 'GET', middleware: 'App/Middleware/CallOnGETMiddleware' }
      { method: 'POST', middleware: 'App/Middleware/CallOnPOSTMiddleware' }
module.exports = Users

With this, you can add an AdonisJs Middleware for your model routes.

2.5. Recursive Resources

Creating a recursive model is very simple with APIX. Just add following relationship structure and it is done! You can use a recursive resource with this way.

const XModel = use('APIX/Models/XModel')

class Category extends XModel {
  static get table () {
    return 'categories'

  static get fillable () {
    return ['title']

  categories () {
    return this.hasMany('App/Models/Category')

  category () {
    return this.hasOne('App/Models/Category')

module.exports = Category

When you define a recursive resource like this, you will have following routes to access the resource;

  • api/categories [GET]
  • api/categories/:id [GET]
  • api/categories [POST]
  • api/categories/:id [PUT]
  • api/categories/:id [DELETE]
  • api/categories/:categoryId/children [GET]
  • api/categories/:categoryId/children/:id [GET]
  • api/categories/:categoryId/children [POST]
  • api/categories/:categoryId/children/:id [PUT]
  • api/categories/:categoryId/children/:id [DELETE]

3. Triggers & Events

You may use Triggers and Events in order to add your business logic. To use them, you should use triggers.js or events.js under start folder. Events are actually AdonisJS' features and you can read its documentation in here. But also, we added Triggers to our structure to have more control over database actions such as get, create, update and delete.

The main difference between triggers and events is; events are asynchronous. It means that if you are using trigger and handle an the action, HTTP request cycle waits for your responses. But in events, when you handle an action, HTTP requests cycle keeps working and return a responses. So that, if you want to send an e-mail to the user, you should use events. On the other hand, if you want to be involved to the query or any business logics in HTTP request cycle, you should use triggers.

3.1. Trigger

const Trigger = use('Trigger')

Trigger.on('onBeforeCreateUser', 'UserTrigger.onBeforeCreate')

To define a trigger for a model, you should use this structure. In this structure, there are two argument which you can use;

  • when: When your method will be triggerred.
  • method: Which method will be triggered.

In this example, methods will be triggers in UserTrigger file for before create a new record on User model.

This is how UserTrigger.js looks under app folder;

class UserTrigger {
  async onBeforeCreate ({ request, params, data }) {
    // Implement you business logic in here...

module.exports = UserTrigger

In this structure, you can handle almost every query actions on models. You should look at following tables;

Triggername{Model} Variables
onBeforeCreate{User} request, params, data
onBeforeUpdate{User} request, params, item
onBeforeDelete{User} request, params, query
onBeforePaginate{User} query
onBeforeShow{User} query
onAfterCreate{User} request, params, data, item
onAfterUpdate{User} request, params, item
onAfterDelete{User} item
onAfterPaginate{User} result
onAfterShow{User} item

3.2. Events

Events have same structure with triggers. In events.js, you can define your event like this;

const Event = use('Event')

Event.on('onAfterCreateUser', 'UserEvent.onAfterCreate')

Then you should crete a file which is called as UserEvent under the app/Events folder. Catching an event is simple like this;

class UserEvent {
  onAfterCreate ({ request, params, data, item }) {
    // Implement you business logic in here...

module.exports = UserEvent
Eventname{Model} Variables
onBeforeCreate{User} request, params, data
onBeforeUpdate{User} request, params, item
onBeforeDelete{User} request, params, query
onBeforePaginate{User} query
onBeforeShow{User} query
onAfterCreate{User} request, params, data, item
onAfterUpdate{User} request, params, item
onAfterDelete{User} item
onAfterPaginate{User} result
onAfterShow{User} item

4. Queries

While you are fetching any data from api server (Paginate and Show), you can add more query options to get best result about what you want.

4.1. Fields

In order to get only specefic fields, you may use a query like following statement;


This request is equal on SQL;

SELECT `id`, `name`, `surname`

4.2. Sorting

You may sorting your results by your selections for multiple columns;


This request is equal on SQL;

ORDER BY `surname` ASC, `name` DESC

4.3. Limits

While you are fetching data with pagination, you may send page and per_page variables like this;


4.4. Where Conditions

APIX has several where conditions to use.

4.4.1. Simple Query Expression
/api/users?q={ "id": 1 }
WHERE `id` = 1
4.4.2. Multiple Conditions
/api/users?q=[ {"name": "John"}, {"surname": "Locke" } ]
WHERE `name` = 'John' AND `surname` = 'Locke'
4.4.3. OR Expression On Multiple Conditions
/api/users?q=[ {"name": "John"}, {"$or.surname": "Locke" } ]
WHERE `name` = 'John' OR `surname` = 'Locke'
4.4.4. Recursive Conditions
/api/users?q=[ [{"name": "John"}, {"$or.surname": "Locke" }], [{"$or.age": 18}, {"$": 666 }] ]
    `name` = 'John' OR `surname` = 'Locke'
  OR (
    `age` = 18 OR `id` = 666
4.4.5. Operators

You may use following operators in all of your queries by adding the operator to the end of your field name.

Operator Request /api/users?q= SQL (MySQL)
$not {"id.$not": 10} id <> 10
$gt {"id.$gt": 10} id > 10
$gte {"id.$gte": 10} id >= 10
$lt {"id.$lt": 10} id < 10
$lte {"id.$lte": 10} id <= 10
$like {"name.$like": "Foo%"} name LIKE 'Foo%'
$notLike {"name.$notLike": "Foo%"} name NOT LIKE 'Foo%'
$in {"id.$in": [1,2]} id IN (1, 2)
$notIn {"id.$notIn": [1,2]} id NOT IN (1,2 )
$between {"id.$between": [1, 10]} id BETWEEN (1, 10)
$notBetween {"id.$notBetween": [1, 10]} id NOT BETWEEN (1, 10)
$null {"id.$null": null} id IS NULL
$notNull {"id.$notNull": null} id IS NOT NULL

4.5. Relationships

In order to get related models in pagination or show methods, you may use following statements;

4.5.1. Multiple Relations
  "id": 1,
  "username": "my-username",
  "posts": [
      "id": 1,
      "user_id": 1
  "tokens": [
      "id": 1,
      "user_id": 1
4.5.2. Only Dedicated Fields
  "id": 1,
  "username": "my-username",
  "posts": [
      "id": 1,
      "user_id": 1,
      "title": "Awesome post title"
4.5.3. Recursive Relationships
  "id": 1,
  "username": "my-username",
  "posts": [
      "id": 1,
      "user_id": 1,
      "title": "Awesome post title",
      "comments": [
          "id": 1,
          "post_id": 1,
          "content": "Awesome comment on the post"



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